Editorial board
E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), Stuttgart (Germany) mail@schweizerbart.de
Managing Editor
Jannick Ingrin
Unité Matériaux Et Transformations (UMET)
UMR CNRS 8207, Université de Lille, Bâtiment C6 - 211, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France;
Chief Editors
Patrick Cordier
Université Lille 1
Unité Matériaux et Transformations
UMR CNRS 8207 - Bat C6, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France;
Reto Gieré
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
240 S. 33rd Street, Hayden Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6316, USA;
Sergey V. Krivovichev
Department of Crystallography
St. Petersburg State University
University Emb. 7/9, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia;
Elisabetta Rampone
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e della Vita
Università degli Studi di Genova
Corso Europa 26, 16132 Genova, Italy;
Carlos Rodriguez-Navarro
Dept. Mineralogy and Petrology
University of Granada
Fuentenueva s/n, 18002 Granada, Spain;
Advisory Editor
Christian Chopin
Laboratoire de Géologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure
24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France;
Associate Editors and their specialty fields
Rossella Arletti (Torino, Italy)
Zeolites, non ambient conditions, X ray powder diffraction, ancient glass, archaeometry
Etienne Balan (Paris, France)
First-principles modelling of mineral, modelling of isotopic fractionation processes, spectroscopic methods (specific interest in FTIR and Raman spectroscopy), OH defects in nominally anhydrous minerals, specific interest in the following minerals : zircon, kaolinite and serpentine group minerals, biogenic apatite and francolite
Elena Belluso (Torino, Italy)
TEM and SEM applied to characterization of inorganic materials dealing with environment pollution, remediation, health; biosphere-minerals and inorganics interaction; asbestos and other inorganic fibres (natural and synthetic) in different environments
Cristian Biagioni (Pisa, Italy)
Crystal chemistry, data collection and processing, mineral classification, new minerals, structure determination, sulfosalt mineralogy, systematic mineralogy
Luca Bindi (Firenze, Italy)
Aperiodic crystals, coordination chemistry, crystal chemistry, data
collection and processing, incommensurate faces, inorganic compounds,
modulated mineral structures, phase transitions, sulphides, sulfosalts,
structural chemistry, determination of structure, symmetry, twinning,
x-ray diffraction
Martine Buatier (Besançon, France)
Marine sediments, diagenesis, hydrothermal processes, fluid-sediment
interaction, clay minerals and oxyhydroxides, clays in fault zones,
transmission electron microscopy and related techniques (SAED, AEM),
Razvan Caracas (Lyon, France)
Computational mineralogy at extreme conditions, fist-principle methods, deep Earth (lower and upper mantle, core-mantle boundary, core and core formation), planetary ices (molecular solids, low-Z materials, ice-salts systems), theoretical spectroscopy, new smart materials
Andrew G. Christy (Brisbane, Australia)
Crystallography, TEM, phase transitions, systematic mineralogy, crystal chemistry, order-disorder, metamorphism, high temperature, high pressure, TEM.
Paola Comodi (Perugia, Italy)
High-pressure high-temperature mineral physics, crystal-chemistry (especially of hydrous minerals),
single crystal X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy
Giuseppe Cruciani (Ferrara, Italy)
Crystallography and crystal-chemistry of minerals (and synthetic
analogues), X-ray single crystal and powder diffraction, Rietveld,
synchrotron and neutron radiation facilities, zeolites and
titanosilicates, micas, melilites, ceramic pigments, nanoscale
properties of minerals
Giovanni De Giudici (Cagliari, Italy)
Environmental mineralogy (mineral speciation, bioremediation, environmental monitoring and assessment), biominerals, scanning probe microscopy, synchrotron techniques applied to environmental sciences
Lourdes Fernández Díaz (Madrid, Spain)
Crystal growth and dissolution kinetics, mineral-water interfaces, crystallization in porous media, solid solution-aqueous solution systems, biomineralization
Cristiano Ferraris (Paris, France)
Transmission electron microscopy and related techniques, phosphates, phyllosilicates, new mineral species,
mineral collections
Jane Gilotti (Iowa City, USA)
Metamorphic petrology, HP and UHP metamorphism, deformation mechanisms of minerals
Edward S. Grew (Orono, USA)
Boron isotopes, general mineralogy, geochemistry of metamorphic rocks, metamorphic petrology, mineral descriptions
Chiara Teresa Groppo (Torino, Italy)
Metamorphic petrology, phase equilibria, thermodynamic modelling, thermobarometry, P-T-t evolution of metamorphic units from both continental and oceanic settings, subduction, collision and exhumation, (U)HP metamorphism, HT metamorphism and anatexis, fibrous minerals, Western Alps, Himalayas, Central China
Sandro Jahn (Cologne, Germany)
structure and speciation in fluids and melts at high pressures (P) and temperatures (T), structure-property relations (e.g. diffusion, viscosity, electrical and thermal conductivity); phase stability, structure, vibrational and elastic properties of silicates and other crystalline phases as function of P and T; structure and diffusion in mineral grain boundaries and partially molten rocks, melting and crystallization processes; mechanisms of crystal deformation and structural phase transitions; development of predictive molecular simulation methods and their application to mineralogy and geochemistry
Monika Koch-Müller (Potsdam, Germany)
Crystal chemistry and crystal physics, especially Fe
3+ in minerals and OH in nominally anhydrous minerals; diamond-anvil cell, high-pressure experimentation, multi-anvil press, piston-cylinder apparatus, thermodynamics of solid solutions, vibrational spectroscopies (UV-VIS, FTIR, Raman, ambient conditions as well as function of P and T)
Alessio Langella (Benevento, Italy)
cultural heritage, stone materials in historical architecture, weathering, archaeometry, pottery, ceramics, mortars, bricks, microporous minerals, technological characterization and applications of zeolites (agriculture, zootechny, cement industry, oenotechnology, pharmacology), tuffs, cation exchange
Bruno Lanson (Grenoble, France)
X-ray diffraction (XRD), simulation of XRD patterns, interstratification,
structure defects, order-disorder, lamellar structures, clays, phyllosilicates,
phyllomanganates, oxyhydroxides, biomineralizations, environment, contaminated soils
(heavy metal speciation), mineral surface reactivity, waste storage
Didier Laporte (Aubière, France)
Igneous petrology, Magmatic processes and textures (partial melting; melt extraction; magma ascent; syn-eruptive processes; interfacial energies, surface tensions and capillary phenomena), Volatiles in magmas (solubility; magma degassing; bubble nucleation and growth), Mantle petrology (partial melting of peridotites and pyroxenites; basalt genesis; magma-rock interactions; melt infiltration), Experimental techniques (piston-cylinder, externally and internally heated pressure vessels)
Francisca Martinez Ruiz (Granada, Spain)
Clay mineralogy (paleoenvironments and basin analysis); sedimentary
mineralogy; marine geochemistry; sedimentary geochemistry;
biomineralization; paleooceanography
Klaus Mezger (Bern, Switzerland)
High precision geochronology (U-Pb). Early planetary and solar system evolution; Earth differentiation. Dynamics of orogenic cycles: combining geochronology, metamorphic petrology and structural geology; timing and duration of geological processes at different scales. Heavy stable isotopes and trace element ratios to study fractionation processes. Archeometry (Isotope Archeology). Development of new geochemical approaches and laboratory techniques
Nobuyoshi Miyajima (Bayreuth, Germany)
High-pressure mineralogy, phase relations, phase transformation and crystal chemistry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron imaging and chemical analysis, rheology in the Earth's mantle, analysis of dislocation microstructures
Massimo Nespolo (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France)
Crystallography, polytypism, twinning, crystal structure of minerals
Alessandro Pavese (Milano, Italy)
Experimental: neutron and synchrotron radiation with particular care to high-low temperature and high pressure diffraction measurements, aimed at determining cation partitioning and EoS's, and re-constructing phase diagrams. Theoretical: simulation of physical properties of minerals at non ambient conditions; applications of maximum entropy to electron density
Alberto Perez-Huerta (Tuscaloosa, USA)
Biomineralization, palaeoecology, climatic and environmental proxies, fossil brachiopods, biomineral crystal structure, growth and physical properties, microscopy and analytical techniques (XANES, etc) for biomineral characterization
Stefano Poli (Milano, Italy)
Experimental petrology, metamorphic petrology, thermodynamics
Dejan Prelevic (Mainz, Germany)
Petrology and geochemistry (isotopes of Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf, Li, Os) of volcanic and mantle rocks within Alpine Himalayan belt geochemistry and geodynamic significance of ophiolites Balkan Peninsula recycling of continental crust within mantle trace elements in minerals as petrogenetic indicators
Allan Pring (Adelaide, Australia)
Formation of minerals and materials by hydrothermal methods, Materials chemistry, Solid-state chemistry
Joaquín A. Proenza (Barcelona, Spain)
ore deposits, metallogeny associated with intra-oceanic island arc system, mineralogy and geochemistry of platinum-group elements, ophiolitic chromitites, Ni-Co laterite deposits
Dmitry Pushcharovsky (Moscow, Russia)
Crystal structure of minerals, classification of minerals, structure-properties relationships, mineral transformation in deep geospheres
Thilo Rehren (Doha, Qatar)
Archaeometry; stones, mortar/plaster, pigments, ceramics, metals, glass from archaeological contexts; production and corrosion/deterioration; geochemical
prospection of archaeological sites incl. site formation; physical dating methods
Encarnación Ruiz Agudo (Granada, Spain)
Low-temperature geochemistry, crystal growth and dissolution kinetics, mineral-water interfaces, mineral replacement reactions, atomic force microscopy
Carmen Sanchez Valle (Mainz, Germany)
Fluid-rock interactions and mass transfer in subduction zones, Physics of melts and magmatic processes, Water in the Earth’s interior, Fate of subducted slabs, Planetology - icy moons
Cliff Shaw (Fredericton, Canada)
Petrology and geochemistry of mantle-derived and other high-pressure xenoliths, kinetics and geochemistry of mineral - magma reactions, experimental petrology, petrology and geochemistry of mafic, alkaline volcanic rocks, textures of igneous rocks, dynamics of magmatic systems
Roland Stalder (Innsbruck, Austria)
OH in nominally anhydrous minerals (state of the art methods such as SIMS, FTIR, Raman, TG). Experimental petrology (piston cylinder, multi anvil, cold seal pressure vessels, internal heated pressure vessels, 1 atm. — trace element partitioning, fluid phases, mineral stabilities, phase assemblages, melting relations and diffusion). Mineral spectroscopy (mostly FTIR and Raman, plus limited expertise in Mössbauer and optical spectroscopy). Mantle petrology in general (xenoliths etc.)
Riccardo Tribuzio (Pavia, Italy)
Petrology and geochemistry of gabbroic and mantle rocks, ophiolites and modern oceanic lithosphere, trace elements in rock-forming minerals
Vincent van Hinsberg (Montreal, Canada)
Metamorphic petrology, ore forming fluids, rare-metal deposits, element release in subduction zones, tourmaline, geothermobarometry, pseudosection modelling, lattice-strain theory element partitioning, thermodynamic modelling
Rucheng Wang (Nanjing, China)
crystal-chemistry and geochemistry of accessory minerals and potential indications of geological processes, granites and associated mineralization of W, Sn, REE, Nb-Ta, Li, Be in South China
Elisabeth Widom (Oxford, Ohio/USA)
Igneous petrology, Isotope geochemistry, Magma chamber processes, Magmatic timescales, U-series disequilibria