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AWS SDK for JavaScript
Node.js rate limiter by key and protection from DDoS and Brute-Force attacks in process Memory, Redis, MongoDb, Memcached, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cluster or PM
- ratelimter
- authorization
- security
- rate
- limit
- bruteforce
- throttle
- redis
- mongodb
- dynamodb
- mysql
- postgres
- prisma
- koa
- View more
A library to more easily create and interact with multiple entities and heretical relationships in dynamodb
A data marshaller that converts JavaScript types into Amazon DynamoDB AttributeValues
An implementation of Amazon's DynamoDB built on LevelDB
Lightweight and type-safe query builder for DynamoDB and TypeScript.
Composable expression objects for Amazon DynamoDB
Run your tests using Jest & Dynalite
Abstraction for DynamoDB queries and scans that handles pagination and parallel worker coordination
A schema-based data marshaller for Amazon DynamoDB
Serverless dynamodb local plugin
- serverless framework plugin
- serverless applications
- serverless plugins
- api gateway
- lambda
- dynamodb
- dynamodb local
- aws
- aws lambda
- aws dynamodb
- amazon
- amazon web services
Dynamodb local plugin for devops
A schema-based data mapper for Amazon DynamoDB
Run your tests using Jest & DynamoDB local
Annotations providing easy integration between TypeScript domain objects and the @aws/dynamodb-data-mapper library
Abstraction for DynamoDB batch reads and writes for that handles batch splitting and partial retries with exponential backoff
DynamoDB access library for single-table designs
Run DynamoDB local for development and testing
- aws
- dynamodb
- dynamo
- dynamodb-local
- dynamodb-localhost
- local-dynamodb
- aws-dynamodb-local
- testing
- development
- tool
- local
- localhost
AWS DynamoDB Document Client initialized with X-Ray
Serverless plugin to run DynamoDB local
- serverless framework plugin
- serverless applications
- serverless plugins
- api gateway
- lambda
- dynamodb
- dynamodb local
- aws
- aws lambda
- aws dynamodb
- amazon
- amazon web services