Highlighted Resources and Opportunities
Spot the Station
See the International Space Station! As the third brightest object in the sky the space station is easy to see if you know when to look up.
Frequently Asked Questions about Spot the StationCompetitive Grant Opportunity
NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II)
Next Gen STEM, a project of NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement, enables informal education institutions to bring meaningful NASA connections and mission-inspired STEM content and programs into their communities via the TEAM II competitive awards program.
More About TEAM IIResources For Students Grades K-4
Play games, do puzzles, color, and make things!
Whether you are looking for activities to do as a family, teach specific mission-related or STEM concepts to students or want to get creative and learn how to draw Artemis, there is something for everyone.
Students Grades K-4Resources For Students Grades 5-8
Build spacey things, play games and puzzles, watch videos, explore new topics, or read about NASA!
Come and let NASA take you on an adventure! NASA has all sorts of resources for students in grades 5-8. No matter where you are, there’s always something new to learn at NASA!
Students Grades 5-8NASA STEM Artemis Moon Trees
NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement partnered with U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Services to fly five species of tree seeds aboard Artemis I as part of a national STEM Engagement and conservation education initiative.
Learn More about NASA STEM Artemis Moon TreesPartnering with NASA STEM Engagement
NASA STEM Engagement fosters an array of new partnerships that connect students from across the nation with NASA’s most exciting endeavors. These efforts reach students as young as prekindergarten through university undergraduates, including students from groups and communities underrepresented in STEM. Through partnerships between industry and NASA’s experts and resources, these agreements forge connections to the Artemis missions, the Mars Perseverance landing, STEM careers, and more.
Partnering with NASA STEM EngagementMuseum and Informal Education (MIE) Alliance
The Museum and Informal Education Alliance is an active community of practice that provides informal educators with access to NASA resources.
Learn More About MIE about Museum and Informal Education (MIE) AllianceArtemis Camp Experience
This set of hands-on activities tells the story of NASA’s Artemis Program that will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon. Intended for use in K-12 informal education settings such as after school programs, summer camps, STEM nights, and weekend workshops, this education resource is sure to bring the excitement of returning to the Moon to the Artemis Generation of Explorers.
Learn More'First Woman' Graphic Novel and Camp Experience
This set of hands-on activities accompanies NASA’s “First Woman” graphic novel series, which tells the story of Callie Rodriguez, the first woman to explore the Moon. While Callie is a fictional character, the first female astronaut and person of color will soon set foot on the Moon. Intended for use in K–12 informal education settings such as after-school programs, summer camps, STEM nights, and weekend workshops, this First Woman Camp Experience Guide will bring the excitement of NASA’s science and technology.
Learn MoreVisit NASA
The NASA visitor centers invite you to share in America's triumphant adventures in space. Our family of world-class facilities wants your family to experience our unique blend of education and entertainment. It's an insider's view that only we could offer.
Learn More about Visit NASAExplore STEM Resources
NASA Express Newsletter Sign-up
Are you looking for NASA's latest STEM opportunities and resources? Subscribe to the NASA EXPRESS newsletter to get the latest NASA STEM opportunities delivered to your inbox every Thursday.
Learn More about NASA Express Newsletter Sign-upLearn More About Citizen Science
NASA’s citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries. More than 410 NASA citizen scientists have been named as co-authors on refereed scientific publications. NASA citizen science projects are open to everyone around the world, not limited to U.S. citizens or residents.
Learn More