Extended Data Fig. 6: FACS analysis and tumor growth following extracellular cGAMP depletion in untreated tumors.
a, FACS gating scheme for experiments in Fig. 5f–i, Fig. 7b, c and Extended Data Fig. 6b. b, WT or Cgas−/− E0771 cells (1x106) were orthotopically injected into WT, Cgas−/− or Sting1−/− C57BL/6 J mice on day 0. Neutralizing STING or non-binding STING was intratumorally injected on day 2. Sample sizes of n mice, from left to right (non-binding STING, neutralizing STING): n = (5, 5); (4, 5); (5, 5); (5, 4). Mean ± SD, unpaired two-tailed t test with Welch’s correction. c, Established E0771 tumors (100 ± 20 mm3) were injected with non-binding (n = 8 mice) or neutralizing STING (n = 9 mice) every other day for the duration of the experiment. Tumor volumes for individual mice are shown. P value for tumor volume determined by pairwise comparisons using post hoc tests with a Tukey adjustment and for Kaplan Meier curve determined using the Log-rank Mantel-Cox test. d, ENPP1 activity in 4T1-luc, E0771, and MDA-MB-231 cells using the 32P-cGAMP degradation assay. Data from 1 experiment, representative of 3 independent validations