Supplementary Figure 10: Phenotypes resulting from gene titration. | Nature Biotechnology

Supplementary Figure 10: Phenotypes resulting from gene titration.

From: Titrating gene expression using libraries of systematically attenuated CRISPR guide RNAs

Supplementary Figure 10

(a) Distributions of total UMI counts in cells with the perfectly matched sgRNA against the indicated genes. Cell numbers for each perturbation are listed in Supplementary Table 14. Box plots inside violin plots denote quartile ranges (box), median (center mark), and 1.5 × interquartile range (whiskers). (b) Left: Comparison of median UMI count per cell and relative growth phenotype in cells with sgRNAs targeting BCR, GATA1, or POLR2H or control cells. Right: Comparison of median UMI count per cell and target gene expression. (c) Cell cycle scores (Methods) for populations of cells with individual sgRNAs. (d) Fraction of cells in indicated cell cycle phase for populations with a negative control sgRNA or sgRNAs targeting CAD. (e) Magnitudes of gene expression change of populations with perfectly matched sgRNAs targeting indicated genes. Magnitude of gene expression change is calculated as sum of z-scores of genes differentially expressed in the series (FDR-corrected p < 0.05 with any sgRNA in the series, two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Methods), with z-scores of each gene in individual cells signed by the average direction of change in the population. Cell numbers and violin plots are as in a. (f) Comparison of magnitude of gene expression change to growth phenotype (γ) for all perfectly matched sgRNAs in the experiment. (g) Comparison of relative growth phenotype and magnitude of gene expression change for all individual sgRNAs, as in Fig. 6f but without increased transparency for individual series. (h) Comparison of magnitude of gene expression and target gene knockdown, as in Fig. 6g but without increased transparency for individual series. (i) Comparison of relative growth phenotype and target gene expression, as in Fig. 6f. (j) Comparison of measured growth phenotype (γ, not normalized to strongest sgRNA) and target gene expression, as in Fig. 6f.

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