Extended Data Fig. 5: Sensitivity analysis of temporal changes in forest resilience (climate spaces).
From: Emerging signals of declining forest resilience under climate change
(a–b) Differences in \({TAC}\) computed for two independent temporal windows (2011-2020 and 2000-2010), separately shown for different quality flags (QF), binned as a function of climatological temperature and precipitation. Black dots indicate bins with average values that are statistically different from zero (two-sided Student’s t-test; P-value ≤ 0.05). (c–d), (e–f), (g–i), (j–l) and (m–o) as (a–b) but computed for different gap filling analyses (GF), inclusion/exclusion of areas affected by abrupt declines (AD), percentages of missing data (PMD), percentages of forest cover (PFC) and spatial resolution (PSR), respectively.