Extended Data Fig. 5: Decomposition of changes in the Bering Strait OHT in HR. | Nature Climate Change

Extended Data Fig. 5: Decomposition of changes in the Bering Strait OHT in HR.

From: High-resolution modelling identifies the Bering Strait’s role in amplified Arctic warming

Extended Data Fig. 5

The change is defined as the difference between the mean over 2081–2100 and that over 2006–2025. MOHT: monthly-mean OHT changes computed using monthly-mean temperature and velocity output; MOHT∆T: change in MOHT due to temperature change ∆T; MOHT∆v: change in MOHT due to velocity change ∆v; MOHT∆T∆v: change in MOHT due to the nonlinear product of temperature and velocity change ∆T∆v.

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