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- Green Energy & Chemicals Business Sector
- Specialty Chemicals Business Sector
- Research & Development Division
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- A~D
- AGELESS™(Generic Name:Oxygen absorber)
- AGELESS EYE™(Generic Name:Oxygen Indicators)
- AGELESS OMAC™(Generic Name:Oxygen-absorbing films)
- AGELESS™ZM(Generic Name:Oxygen absorbers for solid formulation)
- ALTESTER T-Ester(Generic Name:New polyester)
- Acrylic resin(Product Name:Optimas)
- Allyl methacrylate (AMA)
- Ammonia
- Anaerobic cultivation sets(Product Name:AnaeroPack™)
- Aqueous ammonia
- BT materials(Generic Name:Laminated materials for printed circuit boards)
- Benzyl methacrylate (BZMA)
- BioPQQ™(Generic Name:Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ))
- Biobased Polyamide Resins(Product Name:LEXTER™)
- Catalyzer
- Chemical polishing agent(Product Name:Clean Etch series)
- Chemicals for electronics industry(Product Name:ELM clean)
- Cuminaldehyde (CUMAL)
- Cyanate Ester Monomer(Product Name:CYTESTER™)
- Cyclohexane-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic acid-1,2,4,5-dianhydride(Product Name:H-PMDA)
- Cyclohexane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid-1,2-anhydride(Product Name:H-TMAn/H-TMAn-S)
- Cyclohexyl methacrylate (CHMA)
- Diethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DEAEMA)(Product Name:Diethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DEAEMA))
- Dimethyl ether
- Dimethylacetamide
- Dimethylamine
- Dimethylaminoethanol
- Dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DAM)
- Dimethylformamide
- Dioxane glycol
- E~H
- ELM clean(Generic Name:Chemicals for electronics industry)
- Epoxy resin curing agent(Product Name:Gaskamine 240)
- Epoxy resin curing agent(Product Name:Gaskamine 328)
- Fermeast™ SP(Generic Name:Spermidine containing yeast)
- Formaldehyde (Formalin)
- Formalol (M, NB, IB)
- Formamide (FD)
- Gas-barrier adhesive resin(Product Name:MAXIVE™)
- Glycidyl methacrylate (GMA)
- H-PMDA(Generic Name:Cyclohexane-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic acid-1,2,4,5-dianhydride)
- H-TMAn/H-TMAn-S(Generic Name:Cyclohexane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid-1,2-anhydride)
- High Performance Polyamide Resin(Product Name:Reny)
- High-Purity Hydrogen Gas Production Equipment
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Esterglycol (Hydroxypivalyl hydroxypivalate)
- I~L
- Isophthalonitrile
- Iupiace(Generic Name:Modified polyphenylene ether resin)
- Iupilon(Generic Name:Polycarbonate resin)
- Iupital(Generic Name:Polyacetal resin)
- Iupizeta EP(Generic Name:Optical resin polymer)
- Iupizeta™, Solvent-soluble special polycarbonate polymer
- Japanese Sake Yeast GSP6
- LE SHEET(Generic Name:Subsidiary material for the drilling of printed circuit boards)
- LEXTER™(Generic Name:Biobased Polyamide Resins)
- Laminated materials for printed circuit boards(Product Name:BT materials)
- Lauryl methacrylate (LMA)
- i-Butyl methacrylate (I-BMA)
- M~P
- MAXIVE™(Generic Name:Gas-barrier adhesive resin)
- Meta-xylene
- Meta-xylenediamine
- Methacrylate blend
- Methacrylic acid (MAA)
- Methanol
- Methyl formate
- Methyl methacrylate (MMA)
- Methylamine
- Modified polyphenylene ether resin(Product Name:Iupiace)
- Monomethylamine
- N-Methyl formamide
- Neopentylglycol
- Neopulim™(Generic Name:Transparent polyimide varnish)
- New medicine container(Product Name:OXYCAPT™)
- New polyester(Product Name:ALTESTER T-Ester)
- Nylon-MXD6(Product Name:MX-Nylon)
- Optical resin polymer(Product Name:Iupizeta EP)
- Optimas(Generic Name:Acrylic resin)
- Organic titanates
- Ortho-xylene
- Oxygen Indicators(Product Name:AGELESS EYE™)
- Oxygen absorber(Product Name:AGELESS™)
- Oxygen absorbers for solid formulation(Product Name:AGELESS™ZM)
- Oxygen absorbing desiccant(Product Name:PharmaKeep™)
- Oxygen and moisture free packaging for industrial products(Product Name:RP System)
- Oxygen-absorbing films(Product Name:AGELESS OMAC™)
- Para-xylene
- Peracetic acid
- Persulfates
- Plastic lens monomers
- Polyacetal resin(Product Name:Iupital)
- Polycarbonate resin(Product Name:Iupilon)
- Polycarbonate sheet/film
- Polyfunctional liquid epoxy resin(Product Name:TETRAD-C)
- Polyfunctional liquid epoxy resin(Product Name:TETRAD-X)
- Purified isophthalic acid(PIA)
- Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)(Product Name:BioPQQ™)
- n-Butyl methacrylate (N-BMA)
- para-Ethylbenzaldehyde (EBAL)
- para-Isobutylbenzaldehyde (IBBAL)
- para-Phenylbenzaldehyde (4-BPAL)
- para-Tolualdehyde (PTAL)
- Q~T
- RP System(Generic Name:Oxygen and moisture free packaging for industrial products)
- Reny(Generic Name:High Performance Polyamide Resin)
- Spermidine containing yeast(Product Name:Fermeast™ SP)
- Spiroglycol
- Stearyl methacrylate (SMA)
- Subsidiary material for the drilling of printed circuit boards(Product Name:LE SHEET)
- Super-pure ammonium hydroxide
- Super-pure hydrogen peroxide
- TETRAD-C(Generic Name:Polyfunctional liquid epoxy resin)
- TETRAD-X(Generic Name:Polyfunctional liquid epoxy resin)
- Thermoplastic polyimide resin(Product Name:Therplim™ TO65)
- Transparent polyimide varnish(Product Name:Neopulim™)
- Trimethylamine
- s-Lauryl methacrylate (SLMA)
- U~Z
Green Energy & Chemicals Business Sector
With “natural gas” and our original technology, we provide stable supply of products that is essential to society.
Specialty Chemicals Business Sector
Developing cutting-edge products that respond to market needs