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Rodney J. Taylor, MD, MPH

Bruce and Isobel Cleland Chair of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

Administrative Title:

Chair, Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery


JTFB 500

Education and Training

Dr. Taylor graduated cum laude from Harvard College in 1991 where he was Senior Class President, Varsity Football player and received the Francis Burr Award for character, leadership, and athletic ability. He then graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1995 receiving his MD and was selected as graduation class speaker.  During medical school he also served as academic advisor and counselor for Harvard College pre-med students.

Following medical school, Dr. Taylor spent 6 years at the University of Michigan completing his residency in Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery. While at the University of Michigan, he spent a year developing novel techniques in head and neck cancer surgery, as well as developed and studied Quality of Life instruments among head and neck cancer patients. Dr. Taylor also received his Master from the University of Michigan School of Public Health in 1999.


Rodney J Taylor MD, MSPH became Chair of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) in September, 2019.  He previously served as the Director of General Otorhinolaryngology at UMSOM and the Chief of Otolaryngology at the Veteran’s Administration Medical Center at Baltimore. He joined the faculty of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology in 2001. His clinical practice includes comprehensive management of patients with head and neck cancer as well as skull base and sinus disease.  Additionally, he has expertise in endocrine surgery, sleep apnea, and robotic surgery.  Dr. Taylor has been recognized by national, regional and local organizations as one of 'America’s Top Otolaryngologists.'

Research/Clinical Keywords

Head and Neck Surgical Oncology, Rhinology and Sinus disease, Endocrine Surgery (thyroid and parathyroid), Sleep apnea, Robotic Surgery

Highlighted Publications

Meltzer WA, Portney BA, Arad M, Silipino L, Kowalski ES, Angster KH, Goicochea LB, Akkerman M, Papadimitriou JC Taylor RJ and Zalzman M. Human ZSCAN4 facilitates chromatin remodeling and promotes the cancer stem cell phenotype and gene activation. Oncogene, 2020; 39: 4970-4982.

Khatri R, Arad M, Ortlip T, Portney BA, Meltzer WA, Diaconu S, Silipino LE, Wang Y, Kaetzel DM, Taylor RJ and Zalzman MHarvesting multipotent progenitor cells from a small sample of tonsillar biopsy for clinical applications.   Stem Cell Res Ther.  2017;8(1):174.

Gallagher KK, Sacco AG, Lee JS, Taylor RJ, Chanowski EJ, Bradford CR, Prince ME, Moyer JS, Wolf GT, Worden FP, Eisbruch A, Chepeha DB. Association between multimodality neck treatment and work and leisure impairment: A disease-specific measure to assess both impairment and rehabilitation after neck dissection. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.  2015 Oct;141(10):888-893.

Taylor RJ, Saloura V, Jain A, Goloubeva O, Wong R, Krongsberg S, Silpino L, de Souza J, Madhavi N, Seiwert T, Vokes E, Villaflor V, Strome SE, Cohen, EW. Phase II study of cetuximab and lenalidomide in recurrent/metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Clin Can Res 2015.

Taylor RJ, Chan SL, Wood A, Voskens C, Wolf JS, Lin W, Chapoval A, Schulze D, Strome SE, Fc¿RIIIa Polymorphisms and Cetuximab Induced Cytotoxicity in Squamous Carcinoma of the Head and Neck, Cancer Immunol Immunothre, 2008.

Additional Publication Citations

Ambro B, Goodstein L, Morales R, Taylor R.  Evaluation of superficial musculoaponeurotic system flap and fat graft outcomes for benign and malignant disease, OHNS,  June 2013.

Yovino S, Taylor R, Wolf J, Cullen K, Zimrin A, Strome S, Regine W, Suntharalingam M.  Primary tumor volume is an important predictor of clinical outcomes among patients with locally advanced squamous cell cancer of the head and neck treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy.  Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol.  Phys., 2011.

Settle K, Taylor RJ, Wolf J, Young K, Cullen KJ, Carter K, Ord R, Zimrin A, Strome SE, Suntharalingam M.  Race impacts outcome insStage III/IV squamous cell carcinomas of the head & neck following concurrent chemoradiation therapy.  Cancer, April 15, 2009.

Masayesva BG,  Mambo E,  Taylor RJ, Goloubeva OG, Zhou S, Cohen Y, Minhas K, Koch W, Sciubba J, Alberg AJ, Sidransky D, Califano J, Mitochondrial DNA content increase in response to cigarette smoking, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers and Prev 15(1)19-24, 2006.

Taylor RJ, Chiu AG, Palmer JN, MD; Schofield K, O’Malley BW Jr., Wolf J. Informed consent in sinus surgery: Link between demographics and patient desires, Laryngoscop.115: 826-831, 2005.

Taylor RJ, Chepeha J, Teknos TN, Bradford CR, Sharma PK, Terrell JE, Wolf GT, Chepeha DB. Functional shoulder assessment after modified radical and selective neck dissection. Head Neck. 2002 May; 24(5):432-6.

Taylor RJ, Chepeha J, Teknos TN, Bradford CR, Sharma PK, Terrell JE, Hogikyan ND, Wolf GT, Chepeha DB. Development and validation of the neck dissection impairment Index (NDII) - a quality of life measure. Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2002 Jan;128:44-49.

Taylor RJ, Wahl R, Sharma PK, Bradford CR, Terrell JE, Teknos TN, Wolf GT, Chepeha DB. Sentinel node localization for oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Archives of Otolaryngology -- Head & Neck Surgery. 127(8):970-4, 2001 Aug.

Research Interests

As Chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Dr. Taylor oversees more than 20-full time personnel in the research laboratory that garners national and international recognition for its research endeavors. The laboratory is funded by numerous grants, including NIH, DOD, and non-federal grants. Philanthropic contributions from generous donors and groups have been integral to our success.

His research goals are aligned with his clinical objectives: to improve the survival of patients with head and neck cancer. His lab has focused on factors impacting immune-cytotoxicity and immune-tolerance. His lab has extensive experience working with squamous cell cancer of the head and neck (SCCHN) cell lines and murine xenograft tumor models. Based upon findings from his laboratory, he initiated and completed a multi-institutional clinical trial evaluating the impact of NK FcγRIIIa polymorphisms on antibody-based therapy for SCCHN. This work has provided insight into which patients best benefit from antibody-based therapy for SCCHN. His lab currently has forged a collaboration with Dr. Zalzman’s lab and he has successfully established murine models to study head and neck cancer stem cell immortality mechanisms using xenografts. Additionally, the two labs have combined to harvest adult mesenchymal stem cells to both improve their long-term survival in culture while preserving their differentiation potential ultimately facilitating advancements for regenerative medicine .

Dr. Taylor is eternally grateful to the generosity of the Orokawa Foundation and the Weitzman family for their generous support over the years.
