Displaying comments 1 to 5 of 5
"World's Greatest Music Collection" being auctioned
Anybody who seriously thinks most music can be found somewhere on the internet has very limited tastes.
This guy's case brings up many interesting questions (and some sad questions). Not one of those questions can be answered in any meaningful way by "hey, it's all on the internet."
posted to MetaFilter by sparrows at 9:26 PM on February 20, 2008
In fact, there's a bid on it now. By a buyer with 204 feedbacks, so maybe a legit bid?
posted to MetaFilter by sparrows at 9:33 PM on February 20, 2008
The many costs of bottled water
For me the two magic words for my drinking water are Brita and Nalgene (insert your favorite alternatives if you like). I happen to live in a city w/ good tap water, but Brita is still really important for giving the tap water a great taste. Then Nalgene to carry it around with me.
(FYI, you shouldn't put hot liquids or harsh soaps in the Nalgene bottle, even to wash it -- that can leach out dangerous chemicals. With cool water and mild soap washing, it's perfect… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by sparrows at 5:08 PM on July 3, 2007
(To be clear, that chemical leaching thing is even much more true of the single-use bottles that bottled water comes in -- it's actually not a good idea to reuse them, so I hope you will consider getting a bottle like Nalgene. Or one of the metal bottles that are Nalgene-like; they are a little heavier but have no leaching problem.)
posted to MetaFilter by sparrows at 5:11 PM on July 3, 2007
Well, in a certain way it's still bigger on the inside than on the outside if it's using MAME, because that's the whole point of MAME (one box running limitless games that used to take up a box each) :)
posted to MetaFilter by sparrows at 11:33 PM on March 13, 2007