Displaying post 1 to 3 of 3
Beyond the Bathroom As part of a studio capstone for my master of urban planning program (and in partnership with the non-profit, Hollaback!), six others and I have developed a report entitled "Beyond the Bathroom: gender-inclusive planning for public spaces."
Sausage Pranks A food blog for fake-meat lovers and daring vegetarians. Filling the meat alternative niche, Sausage Pranks features super-easy, accessible vegetarian and vegan faux-meat dishes. Bittman and Isla Chandra Moskowitz are inspirations, and the blog will soon include product and restaurant reviews, asian- and spice-market field trips, and other fun outings.
New Urban Prospect It's my brand-new, agitprop-flavored blog on urban design, with a focus on sustainable city planning. Fellow MeFite adamrice suggested the name via AskMeFi. I'm a total dilettante, but I want to provide concerned citizens with a forum for discussing urban design initiatives and promote urban design as an important tool in addressing our energy and environmental issues. Also, I'd like to do an upcoming essay on Portland's urban growth boundary. If you have any personal insight, please e-mail me.