Activity from iamabot
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PTSD/Trauma Therapist in Portland
I could really use a recommendation for a therapist in Portland who has experience in helping people work through trauma/ptsd.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 9:20 AM on January 30, 2021 (2 comments)

Help me identify a tune in a youtube video.
Trying to figure out where the background music in this video came from: Starts at 12:10
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 10:47 AM on October 5, 2019 (4 comments)

3rd row car seat options?
3rd row seating/car seats in a mid-sized SUV/Wagon?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 3:46 PM on July 18, 2012 (11 comments)

Child herding?
Tiny Human Containment Strategies
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 10:52 PM on June 10, 2011 (16 comments)

Home is where I want to be, pick me up and turn me round.
Walkable cities and neighborhoods in those cities - or help us pick a place to live:
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 2:40 PM on January 31, 2011 (19 comments)

Does this dress make me look fat? How about these running shoes ?
Why were 100-200 (I think) people (mostly men) wearing red cocktail dresses chasing two people in bunny costumes laying a flour/chalk running trail through downtown Portland this past weekend?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 8:46 AM on October 14, 2009 (5 comments)

Just stuff all those woodchips right in the wall bay there Joe, no one will ever notice.
Home Remodelfilter: Why would an interior wall bay be filled with woodchips and sawdust?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 11:34 AM on July 9, 2009 (9 comments)

Travel package recommendations to NoLa
Does anyone have any experience with book it . com ? More specifically their travel packages to New Orleans?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 10:01 PM on February 15, 2009 (4 comments)

Kitchen repair dominoes.
Why is my 6-10 yr old Kenmore Dishwasher not draining?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 7:53 PM on May 19, 2008 (3 comments)

Big packs for big guys.
Recommend a backpack for a big guy...
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 12:45 AM on March 20, 2008 (16 comments)

Snow shoeing from the bay area?
Recommendations for snow shoeing trails (and gear) driveable from the bay area?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 12:28 AM on January 18, 2008 (3 comments)

Storing wine under the house ?
So here's the deal, we have an inordinate amount of wine (for us) we need to store and keep out of the recent and likely continuing heat for the next 3 weeks, on the order of 8 cases or so.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 9:15 PM on September 5, 2007 (10 comments)

Why does my fridge create a pond inside ?
Why does water constantly collect in our fridge?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 8:16 PM on August 6, 2007 (12 comments)

Where to hos the rehearsal dinner?
Wedding Rehearsal Dinner recommendations in Petaluma, CA. Read some..
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 10:29 PM on July 22, 2007 (4 comments)

Title of an old movie...
I'm looking for the title of a movie where the setting is this: A group of researchers (military?) are in a blizzard or snow storm in what I recall is Alaska or the arctic. One of them is killing the others, and it turns out to be some sort of Alien or parasite. ...
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 10:44 PM on August 10, 2006 (13 comments)

Installing a Pre-hung door.
Installing a pre hung door. Or rather filling the hole you put in your new house when you decided to replace the door.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 10:46 AM on June 25, 2006 (6 comments)

Suggestions on home security hardware please!
Moving to a new house soon(ish). It's our first home in an area that will (we hope) improve over the next 10 years. The previous owners had a large dog that we're pretty sure discouraged most folks from being too ambitions about breaking in.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 3:16 PM on June 15, 2006 (15 comments)

Verizon Health Benefits?
My current employer is being acquired by Verizon. I am what would typically be considered a "management" employee (non union). My current employer does not provide opposite sex domestic partner health benefits and there has yet to be any formal contact with Verizon's HR department to obtain the answer from there. Before extending my girlfriends current private health insurance coverage I'm interested to know if anyone has any experience with Verizon's current healthcare benefits and if the benefits package extends to domestic partners, opposite sex primarilly, but also same sex as a matter of curiosity.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamabot at 2:55 PM on January 3, 2006 (5 comments)

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