Displaying post 1 to 19 of 19
A large group of friends recently lost nearly everything they owned in a devastating apartment fire last month. Since then, the building - and their lives - have sat in limbo while looters have been free to ransack the building at their leisure. What options, legal and otherwise, do my friends have to hold somebody accountable for this gross mismanagement?
Please help me plan a month long backpacking trip through Europe. I've never done this sort of this before for this long and I need even the most basic tips as regards travel of this nature.
Looking for a fun day trip to take in the Philadelphia area. I would prefer someplace with sun and cool breezes and swimming in some kind of body of water. Anyone with experience in this sort of thing have any ideas?
I am having a very unusual problem with my hard drive and CANNOT recover any data from it after trying numerous methods. Please help me with your technical expertise.
I need to write a twenty page paper about the economic and social situation of Coatesville, Pennsylvania, a dying rust-belt steel town. Is there a Coatesville expert in the room? Someone who grew up there? Someone who spent time there or did business there? I need your expertise, or at the very least access to resources that might not be readily apparent to me.
Help my soundproof the door between my room and my roommates' room.
I am looking to get into some beginner back country camping, and I need some recommendations for gear and guides.
My iPod no longer works properly with iTunes after upgrading to 7. It's frustrating. Help!
A friend and I are taking a long drive from Philadelphia to Taos, NM. Which route should we take, and what should we see along the way, particularly in terms of national parks and campsites? What sites and campgrounds are a must? And what's some good advice for two people planning to be on the road for about a week?
My friends and I are throwing a large, time-travel themed dance party. I need recommendations for funk, soul, and R&B to play during the 50s, 60s, and 70s, as I'm deeply asea in this area.
I have a not-insignificant amount of Polish zlotych. Help me figure out if and how I can exchange it...
Help me, a hardware ignoramus, upgrade my computer...
My friend is trying out for roller derby, and she needs a good nom de plume.
My friends and I are organizing weekly croquet matches in a nearby park. What would be a good title for them?
Why are "aunt" and "uncle", emplyed in a nonfamilial sense, used as terms of endearment and honorifics in so many societies?
Let's say some friends and I want to purchase an old warehouse and refurbish it into something great, like living/art/performance space; how would we go about doing that?
I have a cellphone contract with J-Phone in Tokyo that just renewed itself for another year. The problem with that is that I'm no longer in Tokyo. The English J-Phone website says I must report in person to cancel my contract. This is not a possibility. Is there another option I have for canceling this contract?
My Mom and I are looking to buy my Dad a nice, bright new flat/LCD monitor. Anyone have any recommendations? [+]
I'm being attacked by a big, vicious dog; what do I do?