Activity from Jeffy
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Hip Hop Yoda
Served, you have been....
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 1:38 PM on October 28, 2005

A film about Klaus Nomi, who dressed like an alien and sang like an angel
I saw "The Nomi Song" and it has some cool stuff about The Bowie SNL performance in there. They do Boys, TVC15 and another song I think.

Ayn Marx: The Too Tight Skirt is actually a duplicate of some outfit from an old movie but it had no opening at the bottom. It was pretty much a rubber piece he got into with a head and arm holes so he had to be carried up to the Mic. That was part of the performance.

Also, during the TVC15 clip,… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 3:52 PM on February 3, 2005

R.I.P. Will Eisner
Ok, I'll admit to my misspelling of canon, but I think it applies.

And Pallas Athena, I like your explanation of how it works as originally spelled.

Also, yes, perhaps there is a bit of hyperbole here, but isn't a man's eulogy as good a place as any for exaggeration? Yes, his contributions were mostly for the English speaking art world, and more specifically the American comics system, but that doesn't diminish what he accomplished of his… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 9:07 AM on January 4, 2005

2004 Captured in Song
This is so weird. I heard it in a record store in Bend Oregon about a month ago and then I heard the "DJ" spin it in the Virgin Megastore here in Chicago last week.

For once I was ahead of a pop-culture meme and it involved Greg Giraldo. Disturbing
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 9:41 AM on November 18, 2004

Reconstructing Sam Fuller's "The Big Red One"
I saw it at the Chicago Film Festival about a month ago.

This is one of the first war movies I remember seeing with my dad (who was a Viet Nam Vet) and it struck me as a movie and also how much it moved him. It is still burned into my memory pretty crisply. Seeing this extended version really does add something to it.
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 12:14 PM on November 12, 2004

The history of the Linux's Penguin logo.
The fish represent the souls of the code monkeys it has devoured....

Or something like that.
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 6:54 AM on February 9, 2004

World's First HCI Rap
That's the wittiest thing I've seen all month.
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 6:50 AM on February 9, 2004

I get sent to NYC on business 1-2 times a year and last year I finally got some free time to myself that I didn't have to fill with dinner and drinks with some sales guy from the Toledo office or some such crap.

I finally took the train out to CBGBs for some rainforest benefit show, but mostly to soak up the atmosphere. I had a good time just sort of looking around and seeing what was up.

The next day I was telling someone else about my trip out… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 9:14 AM on January 28, 2004

Best. Coffee. Table. Ever.
I think the table is pretty neat.
I'd like to see one with some sort of upward projection instead of the little porthole, but that might ruin the subtlety of the device.

I also like the mood keytable. I have lots of notions for "mood" devices around the home. I've always thought of having devices that sense mood and then either reinforcing or attempting to alter it with music, lighting, temperature, aroma...etc. The Mood warning is a funny twist on it as well.
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 8:59 AM on January 28, 2004

Classic British graffiti
Best I've ever seen was in a rock club in Des Moines, IA...

"I Fucked your mom!"

Followed by, in another hand:

"Go home Dad! You're Drunk!"
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 6:36 AM on December 3, 2003

(Don't) Steal This Album! It's now cheaper.
That's all nice and good for people who already have contracts. The next round of new bands to sign will either have to be big enough of a threat to walk (like when White Stripes signed their unheard of contract) or they will get screwed. The record companies need to pass that loss of profit onto someone else and who better than the artists (in their opinion, not mine)
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 10:36 AM on September 4, 2003

Mary Hansen (1966-2002)
I'm glad I got to see them when I did then.

That is a pretty big downer.
I guess I know what'll be on my playlist for the rest of the day.
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 11:35 AM on December 11, 2002

"We Will Never Forget 9/11/01"
Especially since the graphic on the side says Stacy's _Delightful_ Gifts and costs $30 without shipping
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 1:04 PM on October 28, 2002

Michigan: Land of Alternative energy?
Living in Chicago, I hear a lot of radio commercials from certain PR boards in Michigan, trying to draw hi-tech, green and biomedical types to their state. They seem to be pouring a lot of money into re-forming the state into a experimental living model for the future.

I think about moving myself there from time to time, but I can't help but think of Michigan as a cultural wasteland, despite their desire to draw a crowd I identify with and whose goals I would like to further.
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 8:44 AM on September 24, 2002

A humorously lowbrow Friday cocktail: mix equal...
The worst part is that the place they bowl at is right by my house.
I am so intrigued.
I hope I can stay away.
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 8:51 AM on August 30, 2002

Bill & Melinda Gates' $24 Billion Charity
I'll admit, it is admirable what the foundation is doing, but I'm not going to put Bill on a pedastal because of it. At some point of wealth you have to realize that you owe something to the world.

He has to know that his wealth comes about as part of the social contract to which we are all committed. You cannot take so much out without putting something back in.

I don't want to say that Bill or MS owes ME anything, but they do owe!
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 11:41 AM on January 31, 2002

This is the single best
Yeah, that was pretty lame.

I prefer more inventive Blogs.
Like the Skallas mobile ATM
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 1:32 PM on January 25, 2002

"The President" Urges You to Speak Out Against Drilling in the Arctic Refuge
would this be any different if the guy behind the Bozo Make-up were to endorse a conservationist view?

Is it strange to judge a celebrity's standing based on the type of character they portray?

This is just one person using their noteriety to advance a cause they have no real control over. It's an attempt to sway the opinion of a particular public.

Not unlike when the real president making public speeches in order… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 12:00 PM on January 16, 2002

That wasn't really that funny, but it was one hell of self-link.
Don't peolpe usually have to pay for advertising on Metafilter?
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 1:27 PM on January 15, 2002

Make Free Diploma and other good stuff
Wouldn't it be nice to get these in a PDF output. That's for real forgery!
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 2:26 PM on December 11, 2001

It's Raining Food (and Bombs)
Apparently there are quite a few land mine fields left over from the Soviet and Civil wars. Some of the aid workers fear that people will be risking their lives in the fervor to retrieve these rations if they have fallen into these mine fields.

There was also some concern about hoarding and profiteering since each of the rations are valued at about $4US.
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 8:03 AM on October 10, 2001

The Terrorists Did NOT Use Encryption.
Even if the terrorists were using some sort of encryption, should that give anyone a right to ban it? Is anyone considering a ban on pig latin?

People have told me in the past few days that I shouldn't worry about my rights to encryption if I don't have anything to hide, but that's not even remotely the point. The fact that I have to utilize encryption just to retain a modicum of "privacy" is. In the age we live in it has become practically impossible to lead a… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 3:00 PM on October 1, 2001

student sues school over poor results
Her father, Robert, said Kate was a very bright girl who had worked very hard and had been predicted a grade A in Latin.

"They didn't study the syllabus - it was a new teacher and he didn't seem to know what he was doing," said Mr Norfolk.

"They were told they would be sitting two exams, but then one of them happened to see a note stuck on a noticeboard saying there would be a third exam on Friday.

"But they
… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Jeffy at 1:09 PM on October 1, 2001

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