A Review of Counter-UAS Technologies for Cooperative Defensive Teams of Drones
<p>NATO’s UAS classification system [<a href="#B4-drones-06-00065" class="html-bibr">4</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>SWADAR concept for assessing swarming metrics (<b>a</b>) and for multi-UAV cooperative tracking (<b>b</b>) [<a href="#B27-drones-06-00065" class="html-bibr">27</a>]. The left part shows some examples of useful metrics to measure the swarm behavior of intruder drones. Some of these metrics are: the cohesion, the segregation, the presence of hierarchical structures and clusters and the f-divergence (i.e., the temporal variation of the spatial distributions of the swarm).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Functional architecture of the planning logic for the C2 system. Such logic is divided into team logic and vehicle logic. The former contributes to the planning of the actions of the overall team. Starting from the team plan, the latter performs the planning and the execution for the single vehicle.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Sensing system;
- Mitigation system;
- Command and control (C2) system.
2. Definitions and Basic Concepts for Cooperative Drone-Based Counter-UAS Systems
2.1. Drones
- Airframe, which is the mechanical part of the vehicle, including the propulsion system;
- Navigation and motion sensors that collect the information about the drone position and its flight trajectory;
- Flight control system (FCS), which controls the propulsion system and the servos in order to apply a flight trajectory;
- Payload, which is the specific equipment to accomplish a given mission;
- Ground control station (GCS), which is a computer system or a network of computer systems on the ground, which monitor and control UAS operation;
- Communication infrastructure, which is the set of data links and related equipment for the communication between the vehicle and the GCS (or other external elements).
2.2. Multi-Drone Missions
- Isolated individual—in this case, a drone independently acts. It may be piloted, or it may exhibit a given degree of autonomy for the execution of its mission on its own.
- Group—a group of drones comprised of several isolated individuals, each with their own mission without coordination, i.e., collaboration is not present.
- Team—a team of drones is a networked set of drones with a common mission, in which all members are assigned specialized and different tasks to accomplish the global mission.
- Swarm—a swarm of drones is a uniform mass of undifferentiated drones. Thus, a swarm is typically composed of a large number of homogeneous drones, which perform a single task.
- Multiple simultaneous interventions—the system may simultaneously collect data from multiple locations.
- Efficiency—the system may split up in order to efficiently cover a large area, optimizing available resources.
- Complementarity—the system may perform different tasks with growing accuracy. Clearly, this feature holds for drone teams.
- Reliability—the system assures fault-tolerant missions by providing redundancy and capability of reconfiguration in the case of a failure of individual vehicles.
- Safety—the team or swarm may usually apply the smallest vehicles for a mission with respect to the equivalent single-drone mission. For a permit to fly, the usage of smaller drones is safer than a single great and heavy drone.
- Cost efficiency—a single vehicle to execute some tasks may be an expensive solution when compared with several low-cost vehicles.
2.3. Counter-UAS Systems
2.4. Cooperative Drone-Based Counter-UAS Systems
3. Sensing System
- Detection: The finding of one or more object within the airspace to be monitored. In this first phase, the system is not yet able to distinguish whether the detected object is actually a drone. This phase can be characterized through the two indicators “Detection Rate” and “False Alarm Rate”, which express the probability, respectively, of correct detection and false alarm.
- Classification: Once the detection event has occurred, it is necessary to verify that the detected object is actually present and that it is a drone. It could happen, for example, that the target detected in the previous phase is a bird, which has electromagnetic characteristics that can be similar to those of a drone (the radar cross section or the size and geometric shape that is possible recognize visually). This verification is also called “recognition” or “identification”. Subsequently, the system extrapolates some salient attributes (features) of the drone, such as the type (size, type of propulsion, number of rotors, model), the possible location of a remote pilot, the presence of a payload and its typology. This phase may be found in the literature under the term “identification”.
- Localization/Tracking: The target is located by estimating its position in terms of angle and distance. Triangulation techniques can be used to increase accuracy. Once the target has been locked in, it must be tracked throughout its flight. Flight trajectory could also be predicted.
3.1. Sensing Technologies
3.1.1. Acoustic Sensors
3.1.2. Radio Frequency Sensors
3.1.3. Optical Sensors
- Single-shot multi-box detectors (SSD)
- Faster R-CNN
3.1.4. LiDAR Sensors
3.1.5. Radar Sensors
3.2. Sensing Technologies Comparison
4. Neutralization Systems
- Electronic neutralizers, based on the use of electromagnetic waves capable of interrupting (operations), disabling or even destroying (at least partially) a drone;
- Kinetic-mechanical neutralizers, based on the use of mechanical means, which involve contact between the neutralizer (or a part of it) and the malicious drone.
4.1. Electronic Neutralizers
4.1.1. Radio Frequency Jamming
4.1.2. GNSS Jamming
4.1.3. Spoofing
4.1.4. Neutralizers Exploiting Protocol-Based Attacks and Replay Attacks
4.1.5. High-Power Electromagnetics and Lasers
4.2. Kinetic-Mechanical Neutralizers
4.2.1. Neutralizers Based on Projectiles
4.2.2. Collision UAVs
4.2.3. Nets
4.3. Neutralizers Using Mini Drones
4.4. Comparison of the Neutralizers
5. Command and Control Systems
- Providing a classification of the attack scenario to assess its threat level, based on the feedbacks coming from the sensing system;
- Granting permission to fly over a specific protected area (for non-malicious drones);
- Selecting the proper mitigation techniques to be used based on the attack scenario and its threat level;
- Planning CUS operations and monitoring their execution.
- Computing the set of tasks to be carried out to counter the identified threat;
- Processing the optimal schedule (i.e., assignment and ordering) of the tasks, e.g., the allocation and the sequencing of the target areas to be protected and of the vehicle counter activities (in terms of detection, identification, classification, tracking and neutralization) to be executed;
- Operating over the entire time horizon and space horizon of the threat resolution.
6. Technological Challenges
6.1. Team Coordination
- A single agent solves the overall problem; or
- All the agents solve the same overall problem; or
- The agents employ a wide number of communications (or a wide communication band) to plan their coordinated actions; or
- The agents exchange full plans.
6.2. Team Communication Network
- Routing—the algorithms used must be able to support a routing table capable of rapidly adapting to the continuous topological variations of the network due to the mobility of drones. A survey of routing techniques in FANETs is shown in [112].
- Reliability and security—the network must ensure availability and integrity (and, depending on the application, confidentiality) of the communication between the nodes, characteristics that can be obtained both by operating at a physical level and at some higher levels.
- Scalability—some network drones competing in the execution of a task may need to be replaced for technical reasons or due to the exhaustion of their energy resources, so it is necessary to add other drones to the team to efficiently complete the assigned task.
- Quality of service—different performances must be guaranteed according to the type of information transmitted and the level of criticality.
- Placement—the drones may need to be appropriately arranged in the 3D space in order to maximize the amount of information exchanged and minimize the time required for the exchange, so as to satisfy any energy constraints characterizing the nodes themselves. Clearly, this aspect also falls within the problem of coordination.
6.3. Team Simulation Framework
7. Discussion
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Weight (in kg) | Normal Operating Altitude (in m) | Mission Radius, Range (in km) | Typical Endurance (in h) | Payload (in kg) | Available UAV Models in Market |
Micro | <2 | <140 | 5 | <1 | <1 | DJI Spark, DJI Mavic, Parrot Bebop2 |
Mini | 2–25 | <1000 | 25 | 2–8 | <10 | DJI Matrice600, DJI Inspire2, Airborne Vanguard |
Small | 25–150 | <1700 | 50 | 4–12 | <50 | AAI Shadow 200, Scorpion 3 Hoverbike |
Sensing Technique | Pros | Cons |
Acoustic | Possibility to move close to the target and improve the identification task. | Need for proper ego-noise cancellation due to the propellers noise. |
Optical | Possibility to change the perspective and to operate close to the target with a higher resolution and better identification capabilities. | Limited computational power; need for efficient video stabilization. |
RF | Better conditions of the air-to-air channel with respect to the ground-to-air one. | |
LiDAR | Possibility to move close to the target and improve the detection phase. | Limited on-board power. |
Radar | Thanks to the proximal sensing, less power of the active sensor is required. | Limited on-board power. |
Sensing Technique | Detection Range | Classification Capability | Global Feature Characterization |
RF Scanner | Higher than 150 m | High | Low |
RF RSS | Higher than 150 m | Low | Low |
Acoustic | Higher than 150 m | Medium | Low |
Lidar | Between 50 m and 150 m | Low | Low |
Radar | Higher than 150 m | Medium | Medium |
VIS | Higher than 150 m | High | High |
IR | Lower than 150 m | Low | Low |
Sensing Technique | Localization | Multi-Tracking | Meteorological Conditions | Environmental Conditions |
RF Scanner | DoA | Possible | - | RF Spectrum congestion |
RF RSS | DoA | Possible | - | RF Spectrum congestion |
Acoustic | DoA | Yes | Wind | Noise |
Lidar | DoA/Range | Possible | Fog, rain | Direct Light |
Radar | DoA/Range/Speed | Yes | - | - |
Optical VIS | DoA | Yes | Fog, rain | Night |
Optical IR | DoA | Yes | Fog, rain | Background temperature |
Task | Main | Complementary |
Detection | Radar, Acoustic, RF | Optical |
Classification | Optical, RF, Acoustic | Radar |
Global Feature | Optical, Radar | Lidar |
Localization | Radar, Lidar | RF, Acoustic |
Tracking | Radar, Optical, Acoustic | Lidar, RF |
Neutralizers | Features | Limitations | Pros and Cons with Drones |
RF Jamming |
GNSS Jamming |
Spoofing |
Protocol-Based and Replay Attacks |
High-Power Electromagnetics |
Projectiles |
Collision UAVs |
Nets |
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Share and Cite
Castrillo, V.U.; Manco, A.; Pascarella, D.; Gigante, G. A Review of Counter-UAS Technologies for Cooperative Defensive Teams of Drones. Drones 2022, 6, 65. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones6030065
Castrillo VU, Manco A, Pascarella D, Gigante G. A Review of Counter-UAS Technologies for Cooperative Defensive Teams of Drones. Drones. 2022; 6(3):65. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones6030065
Chicago/Turabian StyleCastrillo, Vittorio Ugo, Angelo Manco, Domenico Pascarella, and Gabriella Gigante. 2022. "A Review of Counter-UAS Technologies for Cooperative Defensive Teams of Drones" Drones 6, no. 3: 65. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones6030065
APA StyleCastrillo, V. U., Manco, A., Pascarella, D., & Gigante, G. (2022). A Review of Counter-UAS Technologies for Cooperative Defensive Teams of Drones. Drones, 6(3), 65. https://doi.org/10.3390/drones6030065