Emerging Trends in Eco-Logistics: A Review of Sustainable Practices in Szczecin (Poland) from the Residents’ Perspective
<p>The concept of sustainable urban development in the context of resources. Source: [<a href="#B2-sustainability-16-09721" class="html-bibr">2</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Dimensions of sustainability cities. Source: [<a href="#B6-sustainability-16-09721" class="html-bibr">6</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Knowledge of environmentally friendly practices in city logistics among Szczecin residents. Source: own elaboration.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Environmentally friendly practices in city logistics noted in the surroundings of the surveyed residents of Szczecin. Source: own elaboration.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Level of impact of pro-environmental solutions in city logistics on surveyed residents of the city of Szczecin. Source: own elaboration.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Assessment of pro-environmental solutions in city logistics according to surveyed residents of Szczecin. Source: own elaboration.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Areas of influence for environmentally friendly solutions in city logistics. Source: own elaboration.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Assessment of the rationale for introducing pro-environmental solutions in Szczecin according to respondents. Source: own elaboration.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Managing urban public transport by optimising bus and tram routes and frequencies;
- Management and scheduling of goods deliveries in urban areas considering capacity constraints;
- Urban waste management—collection, segregation, processing and disposal;
- Optimised spatial planning, taking into account the distribution of transport infrastructure, industrial zones and parking spaces;
- Information management—collection and analysis of data from urban transport systems, with the aim of optimising the movement of people and goods as well as planning and implementing intelligent transport systems.
2. Literature Review
- Collection points—the authors look at the role of parcel lockers in enhancing logistics security and reducing the risks of traditional delivery methods [22];
- Intelligent parking systems—the article presents an overview of intelligent parking systems, with a particular emphasis on their functionalities and benefits in the context of urban traffic management [23];
- Carsharing—the objective is to review carsharing research, identify key trends and challenges and propose a research agenda to advance understanding of carsharing service management [27];
- Cargo bike—the authors investigate the potential of electric cargo bikes as a sustainable mode of urban transportation, with a particular focus on their capacity to alleviate congestion and reduce emissions in urban environments [32];
3. Overview of Innovative Practices and Solutions at Eco-Logistics in the City of Szczecin
- Construction of pavements and cycle paths;
- Extending the tram network and building new tram and bus stops;
- Construction of integrated interchanges;
- Narrowing streets in favour of pavements and relaxation areas with planting;
- Establishing zones where the speed limit for cars is 30 km/h.
4. Research Analysis
4.1. Research Methodology
- Three questions are closed single-choice questions;
- Three questions are closed multiple-choice questions;
- Two questions are Likert scale;
- One is an open-ended question in which respondents typed in the answers themselves.
4.2. Characteristics of the Research Sample
5. Results
- Positive aspects:
- ○
- The solutions analysed offer great opportunities and freedom of movement within the urban area;
- ○
- Environmentally friendly solutions contribute to a perceptible improvement in the city’s air quality;
- ○
- Collective collection points significantly reduce the emissions produced by delivery trucks and reduce delivery times;
- ○
- Integrated interchanges reduce travel time and improve comfort.
- Negative aspects:
- ○
- Low culture of electric scooter users (devices abandoned in random places or inappropriate use obstructing other traffic on pavements and roads);
- ○
- The expansion of the network of cycle paths contributes to congestion on the roads narrowed in their favour, which further hinders the creation of a passage for services (ambulances, police cars, fire engines) within the so-called “Corridor of Life”;
- ○
- The scale of application of the solutions is so low that the environment is not significantly affected;
- ○
- Low-emission zones make it difficult to get around within the city.
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | Description | In Szczecin? | Scope of Use |
Electric and hybrid passenger and commercial vehicles | These are vehicles powered solely by electricity stored in batteries or combining an internal combustion engine with an electric motor and battery. | Yes | Public transport (many companies subordinate to Roads and Public Transport Authority), courier companies. |
Parcel collection points | These are designated places where consignments are stored until they are collected by recipients. | Yes | Parcel machines (InPost, Orlen Paczka, DPD Pickup) and stationary parcel collection points. |
Smart parking systems | They use sensors and communication technologies such as RFID, video cameras and ultrasonic sensors to monitor parking space availability, thus providing drivers with up-to-date information on available parking spaces. | Yes | Shopping mall car parks. |
Bike & Ride | Links the use of bicycles with public transport modes such as buses, trams or trains, allowing easy transfer from bicycle to other transport modes, such as public transport. | Yes | Urban Bike Stations (Bike_S) located in the Szczecin city area as well as in neighbouring municipalities. |
Park & Ride | It is a solution that allows drivers to leave their vehicle in a designated car park, from where they can then use public transport to continue their journey. | Yes | P+R Głębokie; P+R Hangarowa; P+R Podjuchy; P+R Turkusowa. |
Carpooling | It is a form of transport in which several people share the same vehicle to travel to the same or a similar destination. | Yes | The blablacar app and portal. |
Carsharing | This is a car rental model in which people rent cars for short periods of time—by the hour, minute or distance travelled. | Yes | Panek, Traficar. |
Urban bicycle | It is a system of providing bicycles for short-term use, usually as part of an urban transport infrastructure. | Yes | Szczecin City Bicycle (Bike_S). |
Electric city scooter | Used primarily for personal transport over short distances; systems for sharing these vehicles usually operate on a shared basis. | Yes | Bolt, Lime, Tier and Quick. |
City scooter | A form of urban personal transport using small, usually two-wheeled vehicles powered by an electric or internal combustion engine, urban scooter systems often operate on a sharing model, allowing users to rent the vehicle on a short-term basis. | Not | EcoShare withdrew from Szczecin in July 2023 after four years of operation. |
Overnight delivery of goods | It is a logistical process of transporting and delivering goods overnight; this approach aims to reduce congestion and optimise delivery times. | Yes | Retail and catering outlets located in areas with high exposure to congestion. |
Freight tram | This is an innovative urban transport concept that uses trams to transport goods; it can involve transporting light parcels, courier parcels and even waste. | No | |
Freight bike | This is a two- or three-wheeled vehicle equipped with specially designed loading spaces; they are mainly used for the distribution of goods over short distances in urban areas, where traditional delivery vehicles may encounter parking and manoeuvring difficulties. | Yes | Courier companies. |
Low-emission zones | It is areas in cities where access is restricted or prohibited for high emitting vehicles that often introduce restrictions on certain types of vehicles, for example, older diesel cars. | No | |
Intelligent transport systems | These are advanced technological applications aimed at increasing the efficiency, safety and productivity of transport systems; they use information and communication technologies to optimise traffic management, monitor and control the flow of vehicles and provide better information flow between traffic participants. | Yes | Information boards at the Brama Portowa Square (outbound direction) and Struga Street (inbound direction). |
Integrated interchanges | These are transport points that connect different modes of public transport, such as trains, buses, and trams, as well as other modes of transport, including bicycles and private vehicles. | Yes | Głębokie, Dąbie, Podjuchy and Łękno Basen Górniczy. |
The Study of Szczecin | Other Studies | |
Awareness and Acceptance of Eco-Friendly Transport Solutions | In Szczecin, the implementation of solutions such as urban pick-up points, electric scooters and public bicycles was met with considerable approval, with a high percentage of residents observing a positive impact on air quality and urban mobility. | This finding is consistent with the results of other studies on tourism destinations, which indicate that pro-environmental behaviours are influenced by facilities and environmental attitudes [45]. |
Impact on Quality of Life and Urban Mobility | The residents of Szczecin expressed appreciation for the role of these sustainable logistics measures in enhancing mobility, reducing congestion and improving air quality. Eco-friendly investments, such as the expansion of tram and bike paths, have a tangible impact on urban environments. | As with the survey-based research conducted in southern Anhui, the motivations and environmental commitments of residents were found to play a facilitating role regarding the adoption of sustainable behaviours [46]. A study in Singapore on green buildings found that green infrastructure enhances residents’ satisfaction and quality of life [47]. |
City Logistics and Stakeholder Perspectives | Szczecin’s findings indicate that alignment on pro-environmental goals is crucial, yet challenging due to differing objectives. | A study in the Tricity region of Poland found that those involved in sustainable urban logistics have different priorities, which affects the acceptance of city logistics solutions [48]. |
Battery Electric Vehicles in Urban Logistics | The incorporation of electric transport in Szczecin exemplifies the viability of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in mitigating urban pollution and advancing sustainable logistics. | A Lisbon study on battery electric vehicles in urban logistics revealed a significant CO2 reduction without operational performance compromise [49]. |
Public Attitudes Toward Smart Transport | The Szczecin survey showed that residents had positive views of green solutions, highlighting the importance of public awareness in supporting urban sustainability. | In Łódź, Poland, there has been a notable increase in the level of support for sustainable transport solutions among residents, which can be attributed to an enhanced awareness of intelligent transport systems (ITS) [50]. |
Challenges of Pro-Environmental Behavioural Adoption | Feedback from Szczecin residents shows the complexity of changing behaviours for sustainable urban logistics. | A UK case study showed that residents’ perceptions of their new, energy-efficient lifestyles as sustainable did not match their actual behaviours [51]. |
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Share and Cite
Drop, N.; Chełstowska, A. Emerging Trends in Eco-Logistics: A Review of Sustainable Practices in Szczecin (Poland) from the Residents’ Perspective. Sustainability 2024, 16, 9721. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16229721
Drop N, Chełstowska A. Emerging Trends in Eco-Logistics: A Review of Sustainable Practices in Szczecin (Poland) from the Residents’ Perspective. Sustainability. 2024; 16(22):9721. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16229721
Chicago/Turabian StyleDrop, Natalia, and Aleksandra Chełstowska. 2024. "Emerging Trends in Eco-Logistics: A Review of Sustainable Practices in Szczecin (Poland) from the Residents’ Perspective" Sustainability 16, no. 22: 9721. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16229721
APA StyleDrop, N., & Chełstowska, A. (2024). Emerging Trends in Eco-Logistics: A Review of Sustainable Practices in Szczecin (Poland) from the Residents’ Perspective. Sustainability, 16(22), 9721. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16229721