Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Water Heating Systems inTurkey
<p>Components of solar water heating system.</p> ">
<p>Map of energy requirement (kWh year<sup>-1</sup>) for heating water to the desired temperature of 55°C over Turkey based on universal kriging with a grid resolution of 500 m × 500 m.</p> ">
<p>Map of coverage rate (%) of energy requirement for water-heating by selective absorber plates over Turkey based on universal kriging with a grid resolution of 500 m × 500 m.</p> ">
<p>Map of coverage rate (%) of energy requirement for water-heating by copper absorber plates over Turkey based on universal kriging with a grid resolution of 500 m × 500 m.</p> ">
<p>Map of coverage rate (%) of energy requirement for water-heating by galvanized absorber plates over Turkey based on universal kriging with a grid resolution of 500 m × 500 m.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Design of Solar Water Heaters
3. Determination of Solar Collector Performance
4. Mapping Spatial Variability in Energy Requirements and Coverage Rates
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusions
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Energy requirement for water-heating (kWh year-1) | Coverage rate by selective absorber plate %) | Coverage rate by copper absorber plate (%) | Coverage rate by galvanized absorber plate (%) | |
Range (a) | 5.42 | 6.51 | 5.09 | 4.26 |
Minor range | 3.05 | 2.14 | 1.26 | 0.71 |
Partial sill (c) | 8477.6 | 8.52 | 15.98 | 21.67 |
Nugget effect (c0) | 2214.2 | 21.45 | 37.15 | 32.06 |
Lag size | 0.51 | 0.55 | 0.43 | 0.36 |
Number of lags | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Neighbors to include (at least) | 9(5) | 9(5) | 9(5) | 9(5) |
Cross-validation R2 (%) | 67.03 | 49.86 | 46.29 | 45.12 |
Latitude (decimal degree) | Longitude (decimal degree) | Altitude (m) | Tilt angle (degree) | PBP for electricity (year) | NPV for electricity (USD) | PBP for LPG (year) | NPV for LPG (USD) | |
ADANA | 39.99 | 35.34 | 50 | 29 | 5.91 | 1677.40 | 3.76 | 2412.06 |
ADIYAMAN | 37.75 | 38.28 | 620 | 30 | 6.30 | 1598.38 | 3.97 | 2302.59 |
AFYON | 38.75 | 30.52 | 1253 | 29 | 5.24 | 1840.34 | 3.38 | 2637.75 |
AKCAKOCA | 41.07 | 31.17 | 71 | 31 | 8.00 | 1346.63 | 4.86 | 1953.89 |
AKHISAR | 38.93 | 27.84 | 100 | 28 | 5.34 | 1813.68 | 3.44 | 2600.82 |
AKSARAY | 38.63 | 33.99 | 1320 | 29 | 5.35 | 1810.45 | 3.45 | 2596.36 |
AKSEHIR | 38.35 | 31.42 | 1042 | 29 | 5.18 | 1855.46 | 3.35 | 2658.70 |
ANAMUR | 36.08 | 32.83 | 83 | 27 | 5.85 | 1689.29 | 3.73 | 2428.52 |
ANKARA | 39.95 | 32.88 | 900 | 30 | 6.08 | 1640.88 | 3.85 | 2361.47 |
ANTAKYA | 36.20 | 36.17 | 158 | 28 | 6.98 | 1481.48 | 4.34 | 2140.67 |
ANTALYA | 36.90 | 30.73 | 63 | 27 | 5.71 | 1720.41 | 3.65 | 2471.63 |
ARTVIN | 41.18 | 41.82 | 624 | 32 | 5.20 | 1851.70 | 3.36 | 2653.49 |
AYDIN | 37.85 | 27.85 | 72 | 29 | 5.78 | 1704.05 | 3.69 | 2448.97 |
AYVALIK | 39.30 | 26.70 | 25 | 29 | 6.37 | 1585.19 | 4.01 | 2284.33 |
BALIKESIR | 39.63 | 27.91 | 118 | 30 | 7.10 | 1464.43 | 4.40 | 2117.06 |
BASKALE | 38.05 | 44.02 | 2296 | 25 | 4.09 | 2247.09 | 2.71 | 3201.16 |
BERGAMA | 39.13 | 27.18 | 100 | 28 | 5.67 | 1729.67 | 3.63 | 2484.46 |
BILECIK | 40.15 | 29.97 | 569 | 31 | 5.76 | 1710.68 | 3.67 | 2458.16 |
BINGOL | 38.87 | 40.50 | 1148 | 29 | 5.49 | 1773.16 | 3.53 | 2544.70 |
BIRECIK | 37.03 | 37.98 | 400 | 27 | 6.07 | 1642.90 | 3.85 | 2364.27 |
BITLIS | 38.37 | 42.10 | 1500 | 28 | 5.50 | 1770.72 | 3.53 | 2541.32 |
BODRUM | 37.04 | 27.43 | 50 | 28 | 5.82 | 1697.16 | 3.71 | 2439.43 |
BORNOVA | 38.47 | 27.22 | 50 | 31 | 6.45 | 1570.23 | 4.05 | 2263.61 |
BOZKURT | 41.95 | 34.02 | 104 | 32 | 7.29 | 1436.37 | 4.50 | 2078.18 |
BOZUYUK | 39.92 | 30.03 | 800 | 30 | 5.28 | 1829.66 | 3.40 | 2622.96 |
BURDUR | 37.67 | 30.33 | 1263 | 27 | 5.01 | 1907.53 | 3.25 | 2730.83 |
BURSA | 40.19 | 29.07 | 200 | 31 | 6.63 | 1539.05 | 4.15 | 2220.41 |
CANAKKALE | 40.10 | 26.39 | 8 | 30 | 6.29 | 1599.39 | 3.97 | 2304.00 |
CANKIRI | 40.60 | 33.62 | 774 | 31 | 5.97 | 1662.68 | 3.80 | 2391.67 |
CERKES | 40.82 | 32.90 | 1200 | 32 | 6.67 | 1531.41 | 4.17 | 2209.84 |
CESME | 38.30 | 26.35 | 48 | 29 | 6.38 | 1582.90 | 4.02 | 2281.16 |
CIHANBEYLI | 38.65 | 32.92 | 968 | 30 | 5.34 | 1813.67 | 3.44 | 2600.81 |
CORUM | 40.55 | 34.95 | 795 | 31 | 5.30 | 1823.19 | 3.42 | 2614.00 |
DENIZLI | 37.78 | 29.08 | 408 | 29 | 6.35 | 1588.44 | 4.00 | 2288.83 |
DEVELI | 38.38 | 35.50 | 1305 | 25 | 4.58 | 2046.84 | 3.00 | 2923.79 |
DEVREKANI | 41.58 | 33.83 | 1150 | 33 | 5.11 | 1876.88 | 3.31 | 2688.37 |
DIKILI | 39.07 | 26.89 | 46 | 30 | 6.02 | 1654.09 | 3.82 | 2379.76 |
DIYARBAKIR | 37.90 | 40.19 | 677 | 27 | 5.72 | 1718.90 | 3.65 | 2469.54 |
DORTYOL | 36.85 | 36.22 | 55 | 27 | 5.54 | 1762.81 | 3.55 | 2530.36 |
DURSUNBEY | 39.58 | 28.62 | 604 | 30 | 5.37 | 1804.29 | 3.46 | 2587.81 |
DUZCE | 40.83 | 31.17 | 200 | 31 | 6.51 | 1559.55 | 4.09 | 2248.81 |
EDIRNE | 41.67 | 26.57 | 50 | 32 | 8.37 | 1304.96 | 5.04 | 1896.16 |
EDREMIT | 39.58 | 27.02 | 43 | 28 | 5.39 | 1798.54 | 3.47 | 2579.85 |
ELAZIG | 38.65 | 39.25 | 1000 | 29 | 6.25 | 1606.84 | 3.95 | 2314.31 |
ELBISTAN | 38.20 | 37.18 | 1226 | 30 | 5.32 | 1817.17 | 3.43 | 2605.66 |
EREGLI | 37.50 | 34.05 | 1053 | 27 | 5.14 | 1867.00 | 3.33 | 2674.68 |
ERGANI | 38.28 | 39.77 | 1068 | 28 | 5.54 | 1762.35 | 3.55 | 2529.73 |
ERZINCAN | 39.75 | 39.50 | 1200 | 31 | 5.36 | 1808.66 | 3.45 | 2593.88 |
ERZURUM | 39.95 | 41.17 | 1781 | 30 | 4.84 | 1959.98 | 3.15 | 2803.48 |
ESKISEHIR | 39.78 | 30.57 | 800 | 30 | 6.57 | 1548.22 | 4.12 | 2233.12 |
ETIMESGUT | 39.95 | 32.68 | 800 | 30 | 5.73 | 1717.54 | 3.66 | 2467.66 |
FLORYA | 40.98 | 28.80 | 41 | 31 | 6.82 | 1506.65 | 4.25 | 2175.54 |
GAZIANTEP | 37.08 | 37.37 | 851 | 28 | 6.12 | 1633.07 | 3.88 | 2350.65 |
GEMEREK | 39.18 | 36.07 | 1230 | 27 | 4.72 | 1999.22 | 3.08 | 2857.83 |
GIRESUN | 40.91 | 38.38 | 86 | 33 | 6.44 | 1571.05 | 4.05 | 2264.73 |
GOKSUN | 38.03 | 36.50 | 1358 | 29 | 5.52 | 1766.53 | 3.54 | 2535.51 |
GONEN | 40.10 | 27.65 | 50 | 30 | 6.26 | 1605.12 | 3.95 | 2311.93 |
GOZTEPE | 40.97 | 29.08 | 34 | 30 | 6.51 | 1559.51 | 4.09 | 2248.76 |
GUMUSHANE | 40.47 | 39.47 | 1300 | 29 | 5.39 | 1800.76 | 3.47 | 2582.92 |
HAKKARI | 37.57 | 43.77 | 1300 | 28 | 5.03 | 1900.37 | 3.26 | 2720.91 |
HINIZ | 39.37 | 41.70 | 1700 | 28 | 4.45 | 2096.51 | 2.92 | 2992.60 |
IGDIR | 39.93 | 44.05 | 866 | 32 | 5.90 | 1679.17 | 3.75 | 2414.51 |
IPSALA | 40.93 | 26.40 | 25 | 31 | 6.06 | 1643.89 | 3.85 | 2365.64 |
ISPARTA | 37.75 | 30.55 | 1101 | 30 | 5.36 | 1806.99 | 3.45 | 2591.55 |
GUZELYALI | 38.43 | 27.17 | 19 | 28 | 5.88 | 1682.15 | 3.75 | 2418.64 |
K.MARAS | 37.60 | 36.92 | 696 | 27 | 5.81 | 1697.45 | 3.71 | 2439.83 |
KAMAN | 39.40 | 33.78 | 1007 | 27 | 4.44 | 2099.87 | 2.92 | 2997.24 |
KANGAL | 39.23 | 37.38 | 1550 | 30 | 4.96 | 1922.24 | 3.22 | 2751.19 |
KARAMAN | 37.30 | 33.33 | 1025 | 26 | 4.98 | 1916.05 | 3.23 | 2742.63 |
KARAPINAR | 37.73 | 33.55 | 1000 | 26 | 4.92 | 1935.13 | 3.20 | 2769.05 |
KARS | 40.62 | 43.10 | 1800 | 32 | 4.68 | 2013.57 | 3.06 | 2877.71 |
KASTAMONU | 41.37 | 33.78 | 900 | 33 | 6.24 | 1609.96 | 3.94 | 2318.63 |
KELES | 39.92 | 29.07 | 746 | 30 | 5.31 | 1819.53 | 3.43 | 2608.93 |
KESKIN | 39.68 | 33.62 | 1121 | 27 | 4.54 | 2062.00 | 2.98 | 2944.79 |
KILIS | 36.72 | 37.12 | 682 | 27 | 5.47 | 1779.18 | 3.51 | 2553.03 |
KIRSEHIR | 39.15 | 34.17 | 1019 | 30 | 5.15 | 1864.37 | 3.33 | 2671.03 |
KOCAELI | 40.77 | 29.93 | 94 | 32 | 7.65 | 1388.80 | 4.68 | 2012.30 |
KONYA | 37.97 | 32.55 | 1029 | 29 | 5.14 | 1868.72 | 3.32 | 2677.06 |
KOYCEGIZ | 36.97 | 28.68 | 33 | 29 | 5.92 | 1674.30 | 3.77 | 2407.76 |
KUMKOY | 41.24 | 29.03 | 37 | 31 | 6.61 | 1541.35 | 4.14 | 2223.60 |
KUSADASI | 37.87 | 27.28 | 181 | 29 | 5.63 | 1739.59 | 3.60 | 2498.19 |
KUTAHYA | 39.42 | 29.97 | 1000 | 29 | 5.51 | 1769.95 | 3.53 | 2540.26 |
MALATYA | 38.35 | 38.32 | 959 | 28 | 5.91 | 1675.51 | 3.76 | 2409.44 |
MALAZGIRT | 39.15 | 42.53 | 1500 | 28 | 4.69 | 2009.90 | 3.06 | 2872.62 |
MARMARIS | 36.86 | 28.27 | 37 | 28 | 6.09 | 1638.32 | 3.86 | 2357.92 |
MERSIN | 36.80 | 34.63 | 9 | 27 | 5.68 | 1727.20 | 3.63 | 2481.03 |
MILAS | 37.32 | 27.78 | 93 | 29 | 6.38 | 1583.39 | 4.02 | 2281.83 |
MUGLA | 37.22 | 28.37 | 733 | 29 | 5.80 | 1701.57 | 3.70 | 2445.53 |
MURADIYE | 38.98 | 43.77 | 1700 | 29 | 4.65 | 2024.01 | 3.04 | 2892.16 |
MUS | 38.73 | 41.52 | 1330 | 28 | 5.79 | 1703.41 | 3.69 | 2448.07 |
NAZILLI | 37.92 | 28.33 | 91 | 28 | 5.29 | 1826.91 | 3.41 | 2619.14 |
NEVSEHIR | 38.62 | 34.70 | 1225 | 29 | 5.49 | 1772.98 | 3.53 | 2544.45 |
NIGDE | 37.97 | 34.68 | 1250 | 25 | 4.54 | 2061.43 | 2.98 | 2944.00 |
ORDU | 40.98 | 37.90 | 13 | 33 | 6.18 | 1621.03 | 3.91 | 2333.97 |
OZALP | 38.67 | 43.98 | 2245 | 30 | 4.91 | 1937.83 | 3.19 | 2772.80 |
POLATLI | 39.58 | 32.15 | 850 | 28 | 5.08 | 1886.40 | 3.29 | 2701.56 |
RIZE | 41.02 | 40.51 | 47 | 35 | 6.10 | 1637.79 | 3.86 | 2357.18 |
SAKARYA | 40.78 | 30.42 | 71 | 32 | 6.08 | 1640.91 | 3.85 | 2361.51 |
SAMSUN | 41.28 | 36.30 | 100 | 33 | 6.16 | 1625.34 | 3.90 | 2339.94 |
SANLIURFA | 37.13 | 38.77 | 633 | 27 | 6.24 | 1608.69 | 3.94 | 2316.88 |
SELCUK | 37.95 | 27.36 | 50 | 28 | 5.87 | 1685.77 | 3.74 | 2423.64 |
SENIRKENT | 38.10 | 30.55 | 1170 | 27 | 5.18 | 1855.18 | 3.35 | 2658.31 |
SEYDISEHIR | 37.42 | 31.83 | 1150 | 29 | 5.85 | 1689.90 | 3.73 | 2429.37 |
SIIRT | 37.92 | 41.95 | 998 | 28 | 5.55 | 1760.19 | 3.56 | 2526.73 |
SILIFKE | 36.38 | 33.93 | 50 | 28 | 5.61 | 1743.78 | 3.60 | 2504.00 |
SINOP | 42.03 | 35.17 | 176 | 32 | 6.94 | 1488.68 | 4.31 | 2150.65 |
SIVAS | 39.75 | 37.02 | 1300 | 30 | 6.52 | 1557.71 | 4.09 | 2246.26 |
SIVEREK | 37.77 | 39.32 | 800 | 27 | 5.78 | 1704.86 | 3.69 | 2450.09 |
SIVRIHISAR | 39.45 | 31.53 | 1100 | 31 | 6.90 | 1493.89 | 4.30 | 2157.86 |
SOLHAN | 38.97 | 41.07 | 1439 | 30 | 4.92 | 1932.28 | 3.20 | 2765.10 |
SILE | 41.18 | 29.62 | 8 | 31 | 7.17 | 1453.67 | 4.44 | 2102.14 |
TATVAN | 38.48 | 42.30 | 1686 | 28 | 6.82 | 1507.53 | 4.25 | 2176.76 |
TEFENNI | 37.32 | 29.77 | 1176 | 26 | 5.09 | 1881.07 | 3.30 | 2694.17 |
TEKIRDAG | 40.98 | 27.55 | 62 | 31 | 6.84 | 1504.33 | 4.26 | 2172.32 |
TERCAN | 39.78 | 40.38 | 1500 | 30 | 4.95 | 1924.39 | 3.22 | 2754.17 |
TOKAT | 40.30 | 36.57 | 1000 | 31 | 5.52 | 1767.78 | 3.54 | 2537.25 |
TORTUM | 40.30 | 41.55 | 1601 | 32 | 4.82 | 1964.57 | 3.14 | 2809.84 |
TRABZON | 41.00 | 39.72 | 97 | 34 | 5.99 | 1660.34 | 3.80 | 2388.42 |
TUNCELI | 39.12 | 39.53 | 1000 | 28 | 5.61 | 1745.66 | 3.59 | 2506.60 |
USAK | 38.68 | 29.40 | 911 | 31 | 5.94 | 1670.22 | 3.78 | 2402.11 |
UZUNKOPRU | 41.27 | 26.68 | 25 | 31 | 7.09 | 1465.46 | 4.39 | 2118.48 |
VAN | 38.47 | 43.35 | 1667 | 27 | 4.65 | 2023.25 | 3.04 | 2891.11 |
YALOVA | 40.68 | 29.37 | 37 | 30 | 6.94 | 1487.76 | 4.32 | 2149.37 |
YALVAC | 38.30 | 31.18 | 1106 | 28 | 4.84 | 1959.35 | 3.15 | 2802.60 |
YATAGAN | 37.35 | 28.13 | 400 | 26 | 5.06 | 1890.20 | 3.28 | 2706.81 |
YENISEHIR | 40.25 | 29.55 | 239 | 32 | 8.29 | 1314.25 | 5.00 | 1909.03 |
YOZGAT | 39.82 | 34.80 | 1300 | 30 | 5.23 | 1841.79 | 3.38 | 2639.76 |
YUNAK | 38.82 | 31.73 | 1131 | 27 | 4.73 | 1995.71 | 3.09 | 2852.96 |
ZONGULDAK | 41.45 | 31.80 | 100 | 31 | 6.49 | 1563.18 | 4.08 | 2253.84 |
Latitude (decimal degree) | Longitude (decimal degree) | Altitude (m) | Tilt angle (degree) | PBP for electricity (year) | NPV for electricity (USD) | PBP for LPG (year) | NPV for LPG (USD) | |
ADANA | 39.99 | 35.34 | 50 | 27 | 5.87 | 1401.52 | 3.74 | 2014.98 |
ADIYAMAN | 37.75 | 38.28 | 620 | 27 | 7.12 | 1214.39 | 4.41 | 1755.78 |
AFYON | 38.75 | 30.52 | 1253 | 26 | 5.57 | 1459.18 | 3.57 | 2094.85 |
AKCAKOCA | 41.07 | 31.17 | 71 | 27 | 10.51 | 937.99 | 6.03 | 1372.91 |
AKHISAR | 38.93 | 27.84 | 100 | 27 | 5.16 | 1548.99 | 3.34 | 2219.25 |
AKSARAY | 38.63 | 33.99 | 1320 | 28 | 5.70 | 1432.26 | 3.65 | 2057.56 |
AKSEHIR | 38.35 | 31.42 | 1042 | 28 | 5.33 | 1508.66 | 3.44 | 2163.39 |
ANAMUR | 36.08 | 32.83 | 83 | 26 | 5.59 | 1455.02 | 3.58 | 2089.10 |
ANKARA | 39.95 | 32.88 | 900 | 26 | 7.28 | 1196.07 | 4.49 | 1730.40 |
ANTAKYA | 36.2 | 36.17 | 158 | 24 | 7.78 | 1140.96 | 4.75 | 1654.06 |
ANTALYA | 36.9 | 30.73 | 63 | 26 | 5.56 | 1460.38 | 3.57 | 2096.52 |
ARTVIN | 41.18 | 41.82 | 624 | 30 | 5.60 | 1451.97 | 3.59 | 2084.87 |
AYDIN | 37.85 | 27.85 | 72 | 28 | 5.71 | 1431.07 | 3.65 | 2055.92 |
AYVALIK | 39.3 | 26.7 | 25 | 26 | 6.86 | 1248.02 | 4.27 | 1802.36 |
BALIKESIR | 39.63 | 27.91 | 118 | 26 | 8.80 | 1049.98 | 5.25 | 1528.05 |
BASKALE | 38.05 | 44.02 | 2296 | 24 | 3.92 | 1936.95 | 2.60 | 2756.65 |
BERGAMA | 39.13 | 27.18 | 100 | 27 | 5.92 | 1392.75 | 3.76 | 2002.84 |
BILECIK | 40.15 | 29.97 | 569 | 27 | 7.15 | 1210.66 | 4.43 | 1750.61 |
BINGOL | 38.87 | 40.5 | 1148 | 27 | 5.92 | 1392.09 | 3.77 | 2001.92 |
BIRECIK | 37.03 | 37.98 | 400 | 27 | 6.02 | 1374.13 | 3.82 | 1977.04 |
BITLIS | 38.37 | 42.1 | 1500 | 24 | 6.51 | 1295.97 | 4.09 | 1868.79 |
BODRUM | 37.04 | 27.43 | 50 | 27 | 5.55 | 1462.26 | 3.56 | 2099.12 |
BORNOVA | 38.47 | 27.22 | 50 | 29 | 7.62 | 1157.94 | 4.67 | 1677.58 |
BOZKURT | 41.95 | 34.02 | 104 | 27 | 9.93 | 971.68 | 5.77 | 1419.59 |
BOZUYUK | 39.92 | 30.03 | 800 | 28 | 5.73 | 1426.77 | 3.66 | 2049.96 |
BURDUR | 37.67 | 30.33 | 1263 | 26 | 5.07 | 1570.32 | 3.29 | 2248.80 |
BURSA | 40.19 | 29.07 | 200 | 28 | 8.45 | 1078.47 | 5.08 | 1567.51 |
CANAKKALE | 40.1 | 26.39 | 8 | 26 | 7.66 | 1153.52 | 4.69 | 1671.46 |
CANKIRI | 40.6 | 33.62 | 774 | 28 | 6.54 | 1291.53 | 4.11 | 1862.63 |
CERKES | 40.82 | 32.9 | 1200 | 28 | 10.77 | 924.45 | 6.14 | 1354.16 |
CESME | 38.3 | 26.35 | 48 | 27 | 7.09 | 1218.59 | 4.39 | 1761.60 |
CIHANBEYLI | 38.65 | 32.92 | 968 | 28 | 6.59 | 1285.58 | 4.13 | 1854.39 |
CORUM | 40.55 | 34.95 | 795 | 29 | 5.84 | 1405.74 | 3.72 | 2020.82 |
DENIZLI | 37.78 | 29.08 | 408 | 27 | 7.03 | 1226.08 | 4.36 | 1771.97 |
DEVELI | 38.38 | 35.5 | 1305 | 25 | 4.38 | 1765.57 | 2.88 | 2519.25 |
DEVREKANI | 41.58 | 33.83 | 1150 | 32 | 6.27 | 1333.59 | 3.96 | 1920.89 |
DIKILI | 39.07 | 26.89 | 46 | 29 | 6.40 | 1312.99 | 4.03 | 1892.35 |
DIYARBAKIR | 37.9 | 40.19 | 677 | 27 | 5.84 | 1406.34 | 3.72 | 2021.66 |
DORTYOL | 36.85 | 36.22 | 55 | 27 | 5.05 | 1575.69 | 3.27 | 2256.23 |
DURSUNBEY | 39.58 | 28.62 | 604 | 29 | 5.70 | 1433.90 | 3.64 | 2059.83 |
DUZCE | 40.83 | 31.17 | 200 | 28 | 7.57 | 1163.22 | 4.64 | 1684.90 |
EDIRNE | 41.67 | 26.57 | 50 | 27 | 10.79 | 923.66 | 6.15 | 1353.07 |
EDREMIT | 39.58 | 27.02 | 43 | 28 | 5.33 | 1510.39 | 3.43 | 2165.78 |
ELAZIG | 38.65 | 39.25 | 1000 | 25 | 6.89 | 1243.72 | 4.29 | 1796.40 |
ELBISTAN | 38.2 | 37.18 | 1226 | 26 | 5.94 | 1388.82 | 3.78 | 1997.40 |
EREGLI | 37.5 | 34.05 | 1053 | 26 | 5.19 | 1540.12 | 3.36 | 2206.97 |
ERGANI | 38.28 | 39.77 | 1068 | 27 | 5.75 | 1423.35 | 3.67 | 2045.22 |
ERZINCAN | 39.75 | 39.5 | 1200 | 28 | 6.20 | 1343.93 | 3.92 | 1935.22 |
ERZURUM | 39.95 | 41.17 | 1781 | 28 | 6.18 | 1348.07 | 3.91 | 1940.95 |
ESKISEHIR | 39.78 | 30.57 | 800 | 27 | 8.55 | 1070.19 | 5.13 | 1556.04 |
ETIMESGUT | 39.95 | 32.68 | 800 | 27 | 6.33 | 1323.96 | 3.99 | 1907.56 |
FLORYA | 40.98 | 28.8 | 41 | 28 | 8.70 | 1057.84 | 5.20 | 1538.93 |
GAZIANTEP | 37.08 | 37.37 | 851 | 27 | 6.60 | 1282.83 | 4.14 | 1850.58 |
GEMEREK | 39.18 | 36.07 | 1230 | 26 | 4.82 | 1633.50 | 3.14 | 2336.32 |
GIRESUN | 40.91 | 38.38 | 86 | 31 | 8.34 | 1088.21 | 5.03 | 1581.00 |
GOKSUN | 38.03 | 36.5 | 1358 | 26 | 6.96 | 1234.81 | 4.33 | 1784.06 |
GONEN | 40.1 | 27.65 | 50 | 27 | 7.14 | 1212.64 | 4.42 | 1753.36 |
GOZTEPE | 40.97 | 29.08 | 34 | 26 | 7.62 | 1157.30 | 4.67 | 1676.71 |
GUMUSHANE | 40.47 | 39.47 | 1300 | 25 | 5.39 | 1496.59 | 3.47 | 2146.68 |
HAKKARI | 37.57 | 43.77 | 1300 | 27 | 5.32 | 1511.27 | 3.43 | 2167.00 |
HINIZ | 39.37 | 41.7 | 1700 | 27 | 4.60 | 1697.25 | 3.01 | 2424.62 |
IGDIR | 39.93 | 44.05 | 866 | 28 | 6.62 | 1280.74 | 4.15 | 1847.69 |
IPSALA | 40.93 | 26.4 | 25 | 27 | 7.21 | 1203.90 | 4.46 | 1741.24 |
ISPARTA | 37.75 | 30.55 | 1101 | 28 | 6.19 | 1346.28 | 3.91 | 1938.46 |
GUZELYALI | 38.43 | 27.17 | 19 | 27 | 6.04 | 1371.16 | 3.83 | 1972.94 |
K.MARAS | 37.6 | 36.92 | 696 | 26 | 5.92 | 1392.03 | 3.77 | 2001.84 |
KAMAN | 39.4 | 33.78 | 1007 | 26 | 4.26 | 1805.26 | 2.81 | 2574.23 |
KANGAL | 39.23 | 37.38 | 1550 | 27 | 6.24 | 1338.46 | 3.94 | 1927.63 |
KARAMAN | 37.3 | 33.33 | 1025 | 25 | 5.11 | 1560.26 | 3.31 | 2234.87 |
KARAPINAR | 37.73 | 33.55 | 1000 | 26 | 5.06 | 1572.15 | 3.28 | 2251.34 |
KARS | 40.62 | 43.1 | 1800 | 30 | 5.93 | 1390.47 | 3.77 | 1999.67 |
KASTAMONU | 41.37 | 33.78 | 900 | 31 | 8.12 | 1107.67 | 4.92 | 1607.96 |
KELES | 39.92 | 29.07 | 746 | 27 | 6.45 | 1305.64 | 4.05 | 1882.18 |
KESKIN | 39.68 | 33.62 | 1121 | 26 | 4.37 | 1768.04 | 2.88 | 2522.68 |
KILIS | 36.72 | 37.12 | 682 | 25 | 5.33 | 1508.95 | 3.44 | 2163.79 |
KIRSEHIR | 39.15 | 34.17 | 1019 | 29 | 5.36 | 1503.22 | 3.45 | 2155.86 |
KOCAELI | 40.77 | 29.93 | 94 | 28 | 10.49 | 939.40 | 6.02 | 1374.88 |
KONYA | 37.97 | 32.55 | 1029 | 28 | 5.32 | 1511.40 | 3.43 | 2167.18 |
KOYCEGIZ | 36.97 | 28.68 | 33 | 29 | 5.66 | 1439.76 | 3.62 | 2067.95 |
KUMKOY | 41.24 | 29.03 | 37 | 25 | 8.78 | 1051.03 | 5.24 | 1529.50 |
KUSADASI | 37.87 | 27.28 | 181 | 28 | 5.70 | 1433.23 | 3.64 | 2058.90 |
KUTAHYA | 39.42 | 29.97 | 1000 | 26 | 6.07 | 1366.47 | 3.85 | 1966.43 |
MALATYA | 38.35 | 38.32 | 959 | 27 | 6.19 | 1346.35 | 3.91 | 1938.56 |
MALAZGIRT | 39.15 | 42.53 | 1500 | 24 | 5.39 | 1496.43 | 3.47 | 2146.45 |
MARMARIS | 36.86 | 28.27 | 37 | 27 | 6.20 | 1343.70 | 3.92 | 1934.90 |
MERSIN | 36.8 | 34.63 | 9 | 27 | 5.04 | 1576.85 | 3.27 | 2257.85 |
MILAS | 37.32 | 27.78 | 93 | 28 | 6.63 | 1278.64 | 4.15 | 1844.77 |
MUGLA | 37.22 | 28.37 | 733 | 26 | 6.64 | 1278.29 | 4.15 | 1844.30 |
MURADIYE | 38.98 | 43.77 | 1700 | 28 | 4.74 | 1655.16 | 3.10 | 2366.31 |
MUS | 38.73 | 41.52 | 1330 | 25 | 6.39 | 1313.90 | 4.02 | 1893.61 |
NAZILLI | 37.92 | 28.33 | 91 | 28 | 5.08 | 1568.45 | 3.29 | 2246.21 |
NEVSEHIR | 38.62 | 34.7 | 1225 | 24 | 6.72 | 1266.66 | 4.20 | 1828.19 |
NIGDE | 37.97 | 34.68 | 1250 | 24 | 4.56 | 1710.54 | 2.99 | 2443.03 |
ORDU | 40.98 | 37.9 | 13 | 30 | 7.62 | 1157.35 | 4.67 | 1676.77 |
OZALP | 38.67 | 43.98 | 2245 | 30 | 5.90 | 1395.36 | 3.76 | 2006.46 |
POLATLI | 39.58 | 32.15 | 850 | 26 | 5.22 | 1534.93 | 3.37 | 2199.78 |
RIZE | 41.02 | 40.51 | 47 | 33 | 8.42 | 1080.78 | 5.07 | 1570.70 |
SAKARYA | 40.78 | 30.42 | 71 | 28 | 6.97 | 1233.60 | 4.33 | 1782.39 |
SAMSUN | 41.28 | 36.3 | 100 | 30 | 7.63 | 1156.36 | 4.67 | 1675.40 |
SANLIURFA | 37.13 | 38.77 | 633 | 27 | 6.43 | 1307.67 | 4.05 | 1884.99 |
SELCUK | 37.95 | 27.36 | 50 | 27 | 6.03 | 1372.80 | 3.83 | 1975.20 |
SENIRKENT | 38.1 | 30.55 | 1170 | 26 | 5.15 | 1550.23 | 3.33 | 2220.97 |
SEYDISEHIR | 37.42 | 31.83 | 1150 | 25 | 7.22 | 1202.60 | 4.46 | 1739.45 |
SIIRT | 37.92 | 41.95 | 998 | 27 | 5.72 | 1429.68 | 3.65 | 2053.99 |
SILIFKE | 36.38 | 33.93 | 50 | 26 | 5.40 | 1495.17 | 3.47 | 2144.70 |
SINOP | 42.03 | 35.17 | 176 | 28 | 9.45 | 1002.51 | 5.55 | 1462.28 |
SIVAS | 39.75 | 37.02 | 1300 | 27 | 8.60 | 1065.74 | 5.15 | 1549.88 |
SIVEREK | 37.77 | 39.32 | 800 | 26 | 6.26 | 1334.38 | 3.95 | 1921.99 |
SIVRIHISAR | 39.45 | 31.53 | 1100 | 27 | 9.87 | 974.87 | 5.75 | 1424.01 |
SOLHAN | 38.97 | 41.07 | 1439 | 29 | 5.39 | 1496.05 | 3.47 | 2145.92 |
SILE | 41.18 | 29.62 | 8 | 25 | 9.52 | 997.64 | 5.59 | 1455.54 |
TATVAN | 38.48 | 42.3 | 1686 | 22 | 8.29 | 1092.61 | 5.00 | 1587.09 |
TEFENNI | 37.32 | 29.77 | 1176 | 25 | 5.29 | 1519.22 | 3.41 | 2178.02 |
TEKIRDAG | 40.98 | 27.55 | 62 | 27 | 8.52 | 1072.22 | 5.12 | 1558.84 |
TERCAN | 39.78 | 40.38 | 1500 | 28 | 5.56 | 1460.99 | 3.56 | 2097.36 |
TOKAT | 40.3 | 36.57 | 1000 | 28 | 6.10 | 1360.21 | 3.87 | 1957.76 |
TORTUM | 40.3 | 41.55 | 1601 | 31 | 5.43 | 1487.78 | 3.49 | 2134.47 |
TRABZON | 41 | 39.72 | 97 | 33 | 7.51 | 1169.93 | 4.61 | 1694.19 |
TUNCELI | 39.12 | 39.53 | 1000 | 27 | 5.97 | 1383.35 | 3.79 | 1989.82 |
USAK | 38.68 | 29.4 | 911 | 28 | 7.54 | 1166.51 | 4.63 | 1689.46 |
UZUNKOPRU | 41.27 | 26.68 | 25 | 27 | 9.45 | 1002.24 | 5.55 | 1461.92 |
VAN | 38.47 | 43.35 | 1667 | 26 | 4.77 | 1647.96 | 3.11 | 2356.34 |
YALOVA | 40.68 | 29.37 | 37 | 25 | 7.74 | 1145.09 | 4.73 | 1659.78 |
YALVAC | 38.3 | 31.18 | 1106 | 27 | 4.94 | 1601.74 | 3.21 | 2292.33 |
YATAGAN | 37.35 | 28.13 | 400 | 26 | 4.68 | 1673.50 | 3.06 | 2391.73 |
YENISEHIR | 40.25 | 29.55 | 239 | 26 | 12.28 | 857.33 | 6.76 | 1261.19 |
YOZGAT | 39.82 | 34.8 | 1300 | 27 | 6.31 | 1326.49 | 3.98 | 1911.05 |
YUNAK | 38.82 | 31.73 | 1131 | 26 | 4.66 | 1679.16 | 3.05 | 2399.56 |
ZONGULDAK | 41.45 | 31.8 | 100 | 27 | 7.51 | 1169.03 | 4.61 | 1692.95 |
Latitude (decimal degree) | Longitude (decimal degree) | Altitude (m) | Tiltangle (degree) | PBP for electricity (year) | NPV for electricity (USD) | PBP for LPG (year) | NPV for LPG (USD) | |
ADANA | 39.99 | 35.34 | 50 | 27 | 4.36 | 1412.06 | 2.87 | 2014.66 |
ADIYAMAN | 37.75 | 38.28 | 620 | 27 | 5.20 | 1227.12 | 3.36 | 1758.49 |
AFYON | 38.75 | 30.52 | 1253 | 26 | 4.16 | 1468.52 | 2.75 | 2092.86 |
AKCAKOCA | 41.07 | 31.17 | 71 | 27 | 7.29 | 952.43 | 4.50 | 1378.00 |
AKHISAR | 38.93 | 27.84 | 100 | 27 | 3.88 | 1556.01 | 2.58 | 2214.05 |
AKSARAY | 38.63 | 33.99 | 1320 | 28 | 4.26 | 1439.41 | 2.81 | 2052.55 |
AKSEHIR | 38.35 | 31.42 | 1042 | 28 | 4.01 | 1515.67 | 2.66 | 2158.17 |
ANAMUR | 36.08 | 32.83 | 83 | 26 | 4.15 | 1471.94 | 2.74 | 2097.60 |
ANKARA | 39.95 | 32.88 | 900 | 26 | 5.32 | 1205.97 | 3.43 | 1729.19 |
ANTAKYA | 36.2 | 36.17 | 158 | 24 | 5.58 | 1161.50 | 3.58 | 1667.59 |
ANTALYA | 36.9 | 30.73 | 63 | 26 | 4.13 | 1477.51 | 2.73 | 2105.32 |
ARTVIN | 41.18 | 41.82 | 624 | 30 | 4.21 | 1453.75 | 2.78 | 2072.40 |
AYDIN | 37.85 | 27.85 | 72 | 28 | 4.26 | 1441.83 | 2.81 | 2055.89 |
AYVALIK | 39.3 | 26.7 | 25 | 26 | 4.99 | 1267.91 | 3.24 | 1814.99 |
BALIKESIR | 39.63 | 27.91 | 118 | 26 | 6.23 | 1067.71 | 3.94 | 1537.67 |
BASKALE | 38.05 | 44.02 | 2296 | 24 | 2.98 | 1952.32 | 2.02 | 2763.01 |
BERGAMA | 39.13 | 27.18 | 100 | 27 | 4.38 | 1406.95 | 2.88 | 2007.58 |
BILECIK | 40.15 | 29.97 | 569 | 27 | 5.23 | 1220.75 | 3.38 | 1749.66 |
BINGOL | 38.87 | 40.5 | 1148 | 27 | 4.45 | 1390.44 | 2.92 | 1984.71 |
BIRECIK | 37.03 | 37.98 | 400 | 27 | 4.47 | 1384.91 | 2.94 | 1977.06 |
BITLIS | 38.37 | 42.1 | 1500 | 24 | 4.81 | 1305.00 | 3.14 | 1866.36 |
BODRUM | 37.04 | 27.43 | 50 | 27 | 4.15 | 1472.49 | 2.74 | 2098.36 |
BORNOVA | 38.47 | 27.22 | 50 | 29 | 5.56 | 1165.24 | 3.56 | 1672.77 |
BOZKURT | 41.95 | 34.02 | 104 | 27 | 6.96 | 984.88 | 4.32 | 1422.94 |
BOZUYUK | 39.92 | 30.03 | 800 | 28 | 4.31 | 1427.74 | 2.84 | 2036.37 |
BURDUR | 37.67 | 30.33 | 1263 | 26 | 3.81 | 1581.95 | 2.54 | 2249.98 |
BURSA | 40.19 | 29.07 | 200 | 28 | 6.04 | 1093.20 | 3.83 | 1572.99 |
CANAKKALE | 40.1 | 26.39 | 8 | 26 | 5.58 | 1161.74 | 3.57 | 1667.93 |
CANKIRI | 40.6 | 33.62 | 774 | 28 | 4.86 | 1295.25 | 3.16 | 1852.86 |
CERKES | 40.82 | 32.9 | 1200 | 28 | 7.64 | 921.14 | 4.68 | 1334.65 |
CESME | 38.3 | 26.35 | 48 | 27 | 5.13 | 1239.40 | 3.32 | 1775.50 |
CIHANBEYLI | 38.65 | 32.92 | 968 | 28 | 4.88 | 1290.17 | 3.18 | 1845.81 |
CORUM | 40.55 | 34.95 | 795 | 29 | 4.38 | 1407.89 | 2.88 | 2008.88 |
DENIZLI | 37.78 | 29.08 | 408 | 27 | 5.17 | 1232.45 | 3.34 | 1765.86 |
DEVELI | 38.38 | 35.5 | 1305 | 25 | 3.31 | 1780.92 | 2.23 | 2525.60 |
DEVREKANI | 41.58 | 33.83 | 1150 | 32 | 4.68 | 1333.88 | 3.06 | 1906.37 |
DIKILI | 39.07 | 26.89 | 46 | 29 | 4.69 | 1331.41 | 3.07 | 1902.95 |
DIYARBAKIR | 37.9 | 40.19 | 677 | 27 | 4.33 | 1421.11 | 2.85 | 2027.20 |
DORTYOL | 36.85 | 36.22 | 55 | 27 | 4.33 | 1421.11 | 2.85 | 2027.20 |
DURSUNBEY | 39.58 | 28.62 | 604 | 29 | 4.26 | 1441.14 | 2.81 | 2054.94 |
DUZCE | 40.83 | 31.17 | 200 | 28 | 5.48 | 1177.52 | 3.52 | 1689.78 |
EDIRNE | 41.67 | 26.57 | 50 | 27 | 7.36 | 945.79 | 4.53 | 1368.79 |
EDREMIT | 39.58 | 27.02 | 43 | 28 | 3.99 | 1519.41 | 2.65 | 2163.35 |
ELAZIG | 38.65 | 39.25 | 1000 | 25 | 5.06 | 1253.73 | 3.28 | 1795.35 |
ELBISTAN | 38.2 | 37.18 | 1226 | 26 | 4.45 | 1390.94 | 2.92 | 1985.40 |
EREGLI | 37.5 | 34.05 | 1053 | 26 | 3.89 | 1553.00 | 2.59 | 2209.88 |
ERGANI | 38.28 | 39.77 | 1068 | 27 | 4.26 | 1440.30 | 2.81 | 2053.77 |
ERZINCAN | 39.75 | 39.5 | 1200 | 28 | 4.62 | 1348.52 | 3.02 | 1926.65 |
ERZURUM | 39.95 | 41.17 | 1781 | 28 | 4.64 | 1344.11 | 3.03 | 1920.53 |
ESKISEHIR | 39.78 | 30.57 | 800 | 27 | 6.16 | 1077.74 | 3.90 | 1551.56 |
ETIMESGUT | 39.95 | 32.68 | 800 | 27 | 4.70 | 1330.35 | 3.07 | 1901.48 |
FLORYA | 40.98 | 28.8 | 41 | 28 | 6.18 | 1074.38 | 3.91 | 1546.91 |
GAZIANTEP | 37.08 | 37.37 | 851 | 27 | 4.84 | 1299.79 | 3.15 | 1859.14 |
GEMEREK | 39.18 | 36.07 | 1230 | 26 | 3.63 | 1645.35 | 2.43 | 2337.80 |
GIRESUN | 40.91 | 38.38 | 86 | 31 | 6.02 | 1095.99 | 3.82 | 1576.85 |
GOKSUN | 38.03 | 36.5 | 1358 | 26 | 5.16 | 1234.27 | 3.34 | 1768.38 |
GONEN | 40.1 | 27.65 | 50 | 27 | 5.23 | 1221.73 | 3.38 | 1751.02 |
GOZTEPE | 40.97 | 29.08 | 34 | 26 | 5.53 | 1169.24 | 3.55 | 1678.31 |
GUMUSHANE | 40.47 | 39.47 | 1300 | 25 | 4.03 | 1508.78 | 2.67 | 2148.63 |
HAKKARI | 37.57 | 43.77 | 1300 | 27 | 4.01 | 1512.90 | 2.66 | 2154.34 |
HINIZ | 39.37 | 41.7 | 1700 | 27 | 3.52 | 1688.91 | 2.36 | 2398.14 |
IGDIR | 39.93 | 44.05 | 866 | 28 | 4.90 | 1285.92 | 3.19 | 1839.92 |
IPSALA | 40.93 | 26.4 | 25 | 27 | 5.28 | 1212.07 | 3.41 | 1737.64 |
ISPARTA | 37.75 | 30.55 | 1101 | 28 | 4.61 | 1350.04 | 3.02 | 1928.75 |
GUZELYALI | 38.43 | 27.17 | 19 | 28 | 4.61 | 1350.04 | 3.02 | 1928.75 |
K.MARAS | 37.6 | 36.92 | 696 | 27 | 4.49 | 1381.03 | 2.94 | 1971.68 |
KAMAN | 39.4 | 33.78 | 1007 | 26 | 3.24 | 1813.72 | 2.19 | 2571.03 |
KANGAL | 39.23 | 37.38 | 1550 | 27 | 4.67 | 1336.42 | 3.05 | 1909.89 |
KARAMAN | 37.3 | 33.33 | 1025 | 25 | 3.83 | 1574.44 | 2.55 | 2239.57 |
KARAPINAR | 37.73 | 33.55 | 1000 | 26 | 3.79 | 1586.17 | 2.53 | 2255.83 |
KARS | 40.62 | 43.1 | 1800 | 30 | 4.46 | 1387.44 | 2.93 | 1980.55 |
KASTAMONU | 41.37 | 33.78 | 900 | 31 | 5.88 | 1115.05 | 3.75 | 1603.25 |
KELES | 39.92 | 29.07 | 746 | 27 | 4.76 | 1315.72 | 3.11 | 1881.22 |
KESKIN | 39.68 | 33.62 | 1121 | 26 | 3.31 | 1781.89 | 2.23 | 2526.93 |
KILIS | 36.72 | 37.12 | 682 | 25 | 4.00 | 1516.85 | 2.65 | 2159.81 |
KIRSEHIR | 39.15 | 34.17 | 1019 | 29 | 4.06 | 1499.87 | 2.69 | 2136.29 |
KOCAELI | 40.77 | 29.93 | 94 | 28 | 7.20 | 960.70 | 4.45 | 1389.45 |
KONYA | 37.97 | 32.55 | 1029 | 28 | 3.99 | 1520.41 | 2.65 | 2164.74 |
KOYCEGIZ | 36.97 | 28.68 | 33 | 29 | 4.23 | 1447.89 | 2.79 | 2064.28 |
KUMKOY | 41.24 | 29.03 | 37 | 25 | 6.24 | 1067.01 | 3.94 | 1536.70 |
KUSADASI | 37.87 | 27.28 | 181 | 28 | 4.25 | 1444.67 | 2.80 | 2059.82 |
KUTAHYA | 39.42 | 29.97 | 1000 | 26 | 4.52 | 1371.70 | 2.97 | 1958.76 |
MALATYA | 38.35 | 38.32 | 959 | 27 | 4.54 | 1368.53 | 2.97 | 1954.36 |
MALAZGIRT | 39.15 | 42.53 | 1500 | 24 | 4.06 | 1499.88 | 2.69 | 2136.31 |
MARMARIS | 36.86 | 28.27 | 37 | 27 | 4.59 | 1355.75 | 3.01 | 1936.65 |
MERSIN | 36.8 | 34.63 | 9 | 27 | 3.78 | 1590.47 | 2.52 | 2261.78 |
MILAS | 37.32 | 27.78 | 93 | 28 | 4.84 | 1297.82 | 3.16 | 1856.42 |
MUGLA | 37.22 | 28.37 | 733 | 26 | 4.91 | 1283.97 | 3.19 | 1837.22 |
MURADIYE | 38.98 | 43.77 | 1700 | 28 | 3.63 | 1644.72 | 2.43 | 2336.93 |
MUS | 38.73 | 41.52 | 1330 | 25 | 4.74 | 1320.11 | 3.10 | 1887.30 |
NAZILLI | 37.92 | 28.33 | 91 | 28 | 3.83 | 1574.26 | 2.55 | 2239.33 |
NEVSEHIR | 38.62 | 34.7 | 1225 | 24 | 4.95 | 1275.20 | 3.22 | 1825.08 |
NIGDE | 37.97 | 34.68 | 1250 | 24 | 3.46 | 1716.81 | 2.32 | 2436.78 |
ORDU | 40.98 | 37.9 | 13 | 30 | 5.52 | 1171.10 | 3.54 | 1680.89 |
OZALP | 38.67 | 43.98 | 2245 | 30 | 4.47 | 1385.94 | 2.93 | 1978.47 |
POLATLI | 39.58 | 32.15 | 850 | 26 | 3.91 | 1548.06 | 2.60 | 2203.04 |
RIZE | 41.02 | 40.51 | 47 | 33 | 6.27 | 1062.45 | 3.96 | 1530.39 |
SAKARYA | 40.78 | 30.42 | 71 | 28 | 5.12 | 1242.34 | 3.31 | 1779.56 |
SAMSUN | 41.28 | 36.3 | 100 | 30 | 5.53 | 1169.38 | 3.55 | 1678.50 |
SANLIURFA | 37.13 | 38.77 | 633 | 27 | 4.72 | 1324.46 | 3.08 | 1893.32 |
SELCUK | 37.95 | 27.36 | 50 | 27 | 4.46 | 1388.23 | 2.93 | 1981.65 |
SENIRKENT | 38.1 | 30.55 | 1170 | 26 | 3.86 | 1563.93 | 2.57 | 2225.02 |
SEYDISEHIR | 37.42 | 31.83 | 1150 | 25 | 5.30 | 1209.42 | 3.42 | 1733.97 |
SIIRT | 37.92 | 41.95 | 998 | 27 | 4.25 | 1443.61 | 2.80 | 2058.36 |
SILIFKE | 36.38 | 33.93 | 50 | 26 | 4.04 | 1504.36 | 2.68 | 2142.51 |
SINOP | 42.03 | 35.17 | 176 | 28 | 6.62 | 1021.54 | 4.14 | 1473.71 |
SIVAS | 39.75 | 37.02 | 1300 | 27 | 6.18 | 1074.57 | 3.91 | 1547.18 |
SIVEREK | 37.77 | 39.32 | 800 | 26 | 4.61 | 1350.60 | 3.02 | 1929.52 |
SIVRIHISAR | 39.45 | 31.53 | 1100 | 27 | 6.95 | 985.40 | 4.32 | 1423.66 |
SOLHAN | 38.97 | 41.07 | 1439 | 27 | 6.95 | 985.40 | 4.32 | 1423.66 |
SILE | 41.18 | 29.62 | 8 | 25 | 6.63 | 1019.65 | 4.15 | 1471.11 |
TATVAN | 38.48 | 42.3 | 1686 | 25 | 6.63 | 1019.65 | 4.15 | 1471.11 |
TEFENNI | 37.32 | 29.77 | 1176 | 25 | 3.96 | 1530.60 | 2.63 | 2178.86 |
TEKIRDAG | 40.98 | 27.55 | 62 | 27 | 6.08 | 1087.29 | 3.86 | 1564.80 |
TERCAN | 39.78 | 40.38 | 1500 | 28 | 4.20 | 1458.78 | 2.77 | 2079.37 |
TOKAT | 40.3 | 36.57 | 1000 | 28 | 4.56 | 1361.60 | 2.99 | 1944.76 |
TORTUM | 40.3 | 41.55 | 1601 | 31 | 4.12 | 1482.14 | 2.72 | 2111.73 |
TRABZON | 41 | 39.72 | 97 | 33 | 5.51 | 1172.19 | 3.54 | 1682.39 |
TUNCELI | 39.12 | 39.53 | 1000 | 27 | 4.41 | 1400.47 | 2.90 | 1998.61 |
USAK | 38.68 | 29.4 | 911 | 28 | 5.48 | 1177.64 | 3.52 | 1689.95 |
UZUNKOPRU | 41.27 | 26.68 | 25 | 27 | 6.62 | 1020.79 | 4.15 | 1472.68 |
VAN | 38.47 | 43.35 | 1667 | 26 | 3.60 | 1658.73 | 2.41 | 2356.33 |
YALOVA | 40.68 | 29.37 | 37 | 25 | 5.58 | 1161.86 | 3.57 | 1668.09 |
YALVAC | 38.3 | 31.18 | 1106 | 25 | 5.58 | 1161.86 | 3.57 | 1668.09 |
YATAGAN | 37.35 | 28.13 | 400 | 26 | 3.53 | 1687.80 | 2.36 | 2396.61 |
YENISEHIR | 40.25 | 29.55 | 239 | 26 | 8.24 | 874.58 | 4.98 | 1270.15 |
YOZGAT | 39.82 | 34.8 | 1300 | 27 | 4.68 | 1335.04 | 3.06 | 1907.97 |
YUNAK | 38.82 | 31.73 | 1131 | 26 | 3.53 | 1687.80 | 2.36 | 2396.61 |
ZONGULDAK | 41.45 | 31.8 | 100 | 27 | 5.45 | 1182.39 | 3.50 | 1696.52 |
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Share and Cite
Ertekin, C.; Kulcu, R.; Evrendilek, F. Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Water Heating Systems inTurkey. Sensors 2008, 8, 1252-1277.
Ertekin C, Kulcu R, Evrendilek F. Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Water Heating Systems inTurkey. Sensors. 2008; 8(2):1252-1277.
Chicago/Turabian StyleErtekin, Can, Recep Kulcu, and Fatih Evrendilek. 2008. "Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Water Heating Systems inTurkey" Sensors 8, no. 2: 1252-1277.
APA StyleErtekin, C., Kulcu, R., & Evrendilek, F. (2008). Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Water Heating Systems inTurkey. Sensors, 8(2), 1252-1277.