Using ASTER Imagery in Land Use/cover Classification of Eastern Mediterranean Landscapes According to CORINE Land Cover Project
<p>The location of the study area on the topographic map of Turkey and on the ASTER image.</p> ">
<p>The flowchart indicating image processing stages.</p> ">
<p>Land use/cover classes after supervised classification of the study area.</p> ">
<p>Mean pixel value of the ten classes generated by supervised classification.</p> ">
<p>The land use/cover map of the study area according to CORINE Land Cover Project.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1 Study Area
2.2. Image Processing
2.2.1. Preprocessing
2.2.2. Converting ASTER Radiance Values to Reflectance
2.2.3. Land use/cover classification
2.2.4. Expert Classification
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Converting ASTER Radiance Values to Reflectance
3.2. Land use/cover classification
3.3. Expert Classification
4. Conclusions
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Band | Coefficient (W/m2*sr*um)/DN) | *ESUNi | ||
High Gain | Normal | Low Gain 1 | ||
1 | 0.676 | 1.688 | 2.25 | 1847 |
2 | 0.708 | 1.415 | 1.89 | 1553 |
3N | 0.423 | 0.862 | 1.15 | 1118 |
3B | 0.423 | 0.862 | 1.15 |
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
1. Artificial surfaces | 1.1. Urban Fabric | 1.1.2. Discontinuous urban fabric |
1.2. Industrial, commercial, and transport units | 1.2.2. Road and rail networks and associated land | |
2. Agricultural areas | 2.1. Arable land | 2.1.1.Non-irrigated arable land |
2.1.2.Permanently irrigated land | ||
3. Forests and semi-natural areas | 3.1. Forests | 3.1.2. Coniferous forest |
3.2. Shrub and/or herbaceous vegetation association | 3.2.1. Natural grassland | |
3.2.4. Transitional woodland/shrub | ||
3.3. Open spaces with little or no vegetation | 3.3.2. Bare rock | |
4. Wetlands | 4.1. inland wetlands | 4.1. 1. Inland marshes |
5. Water bodies | 5.1. Inland waters | 5.1.1. Water courses |
Classified Land Covers | Reference Land Covers | CORINE Land Covers | |||
Class Values | Class Names | Class Values | Class Names | Class Values | CORINE Nomenclature |
1 | Irrigated Crops | 1 | Resident | 1 | Permanently irrigated land |
2 | Fallow | 2 | Irrigated | 2 | Natural grassland |
3 | Stubble | 3 | Water Course | 3 | Transitional woodland/shrub |
4 | Rangeland | 4 | Non-irrigated | 4 | Coniferous forest |
5 | Sparse forest | 5 | Bare rock | ||
6 | Forest | 6 | Discontinuous urban fabric | ||
7 | Bare land | 7 | Inland marshes | ||
8 | Residential | 8 | Water Courses | ||
9 | Wetland | 9 | Non-irrigated arable land | ||
10 | Water Courses | 10 | Road and rail networks and associated land | ||
Statement Used in ERDAS Spatial Modeler: | |||||
CONDITIONAL {(Reference = = 1) 6, (Reference = = 3) 8, (Classified = = 1) 1, (Classified = = 4) 2, (Classified = = 5) 3, (Classified = = 6) 4, (Classified = = 7) 5, (Classified = = 8) 6, (Classified = = 9) 7, (Classified = = 10) 8, (Classified = = 2 AND Reference = = 1) 6, (Classified = = 2 AND Reference = = 2) 1, (Classified = = 2 AND Reference = = 3) 8, (Classified = = 2 AND Reference = = 4) 9, (Classified = = 3 AND Reference = = 1) 6, (Classified = = 3 AND Reference = = 2) 1, (Classified = = 3 AND Reference = = 3) 8, (Classified = = 3 AND Reference = = 4) 9} |
Statistics | Radiance | Reflectance |
Min | -0.500 | -0.365 |
Max | 0.400 | 0.501 |
Mean | -0.255 | -0.100 |
Median | 0.342 | -0.019 |
Mode | -0.402 | -0.257 |
Std. Dev. | 0.187 | 0.188 |
Class Name | Class Names | Reference Total | Classified Totals | Number Correct | Producers Accuracy | Users Accuracy | |
1 | Irrigated Crops | 59 | 63 | 57 | 96.61% | 90.48% | |
2 | Fallow | 26 | 16 | 15 | 57.69% | 93.75% | |
3 | Stubble | 41 | 39 | 37 | 90.24% | 94.87% | |
4 | Rangeland | 71 | 70 | 62 | 87.32% | 88.57% | |
5 | Sparse forest | 33 | 30 | 20 | 60.61% | 66.67% | |
6 | Forest | 12 | 13 | 11 | 91.67% | 84.62% | |
7 | Bare land | 7 | 17 | 6 | 85.71% | 35.29% | |
8 | Residential | 6 | 7 | 4 | 66.67% | 57.14% | |
9 | Wetland | 0 | 0 | 0 | -- | -- | |
10 | Water Courses | 1 | 1 | 1 | 100.0% | 100.0% | |
Totals | 256 | 256 | 213 |
Class Values | CORINE Nomenclature | Percentage | Area (ha) |
1 | Permanently irrigated land | 0.33 | 7206.17 |
2 | Natural grassland | 0.28 | 6107.20 |
3 | Transitional woodland/shrub | 0.11 | 2504.16 |
4 | Coniferous forest | 0.06 | 1385.10 |
5 | Bare rock | 0.05 | 1199.20 |
6 | Discontinuous urban fabric | 0.04 | 778.21 |
7 | Inland marshes | 0.00 | 36.45 |
8 | Water Courses | 0.02 | 473.85 |
9 | Non-irrigated arable land | 0.10 | 2121.39 |
10 | *Road and rail networks and associated land | -- | -- |
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Share and Cite
Yüksel, A.; Akay, A.E.; Gundogan, R. Using ASTER Imagery in Land Use/cover Classification of Eastern Mediterranean Landscapes According to CORINE Land Cover Project. Sensors 2008, 8, 1237-1251.
Yüksel A, Akay AE, Gundogan R. Using ASTER Imagery in Land Use/cover Classification of Eastern Mediterranean Landscapes According to CORINE Land Cover Project. Sensors. 2008; 8(2):1237-1251.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYüksel, Alaaddin, Abdullah E. Akay, and Recep Gundogan. 2008. "Using ASTER Imagery in Land Use/cover Classification of Eastern Mediterranean Landscapes According to CORINE Land Cover Project" Sensors 8, no. 2: 1237-1251.
APA StyleYüksel, A., Akay, A. E., & Gundogan, R. (2008). Using ASTER Imagery in Land Use/cover Classification of Eastern Mediterranean Landscapes According to CORINE Land Cover Project. Sensors, 8(2), 1237-1251.