Maryland Equitable Justice CollaborativeThe Maryland Equitable Justice Collaborative (MEJC) is a joint initiative led by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and the Maryland Office of the Public Defender (MOPD) in partnership with the Judge Alexander Williams Center for Education, Justice & Ethics at the University of Maryland, College Park, and the Bowie State University Institute for Restorative Justice (USM).
Maryland Access to Justice Commission OAG Representative: Carolyn Quattrocki, Deputy Attorney General,
Maryland Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy OAG Representative: Alex Huggins, Chief of Fraud & Corruption, Criminal Division, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Correctional Training Commission OAG Representative: Zenita Hurley, Chief, Office of Equity, Policy, & Engagement, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Criminal Justice Information Advisory Board OAG Representative: Stu Nathan, Counsel, Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Financial Education and Capability Commission OAG Representative: Bill Gruhn, Chief, Consumer Protection Division, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Center for School Safety Subcabinet OAG Representative: Karl Pothier, Principal Counsel, Department of Juvenile Services, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Commission on Correctional Standards OAG Representative: Beverly Hughes, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Cybersecurity Council OAG Representative: Howard Barr, Principal Counsel, Department of Information Technology, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force OAG Representative: Katie Dorian, Chief, Criminal Division, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Policy and Funding Committee
OAG Representative: Rhea Harris, Deputy Chief, Legislative Affairs,
Maryland State Child Fatality Review Team OAG Representative: Karen Anderson Scott, Assistant Attorney General, Maryland Department of Education, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland State Employees Surety Bond Committee OAG Representative: Rachel Cohen, Principal Counsel, Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission OAG Representative: Ira Schwartz, General Counsel, MD Technology Development Corporation, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Project SAFE CoalitionOAG Representative: Rajni Sekhri, AAG, MD Department of Aging, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland State Advisory Council on Administrative Hearings OAG Representative: Michele McDonald, Assistant Attorney General, Maryland Department of Health, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland State Advisory Council on Serious Illness Care
OAG Representative: Sabrina Chase, Assistant Attorney General, Maryland Department of Health, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland State Prosecutor Selection and Disability Commission OAG Representative: Attorney General Anthony G. Brown
Maryland Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board OAG Representative: Candace McLaren Lanham, Chief Deputy Attorney General,
Maryland Juvenile Services Education Board OAG Representative: Sharon Merriweather, Principal Counsel, Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, Office of the Attorney General,
Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board OAG Representative/Designee: Gerald F. Anderson, Ph.D., Professor of International Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Hospital Finance and Management.
Maryland Workgroup on Low-Income Utility Assistance OAG Representative: Robert Durocher, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Human Services, Office of the Attorney General,
Commission on Hate Crimes Response and Prevention OAG Representative: Peter Berns, General Counsel
Maryland Access to Counsel in Evictions Task Force OAG Representative: Rebecca Salsbury, AAG, Higher Education Division,
Maryland Procurement Improvement Council OAG Representative: Laurie McGuire, Counsel, General Services OR Doug Carey Beaver, Counsel, Contract Litigation
Governor’s Family Violence Council OAG Representative: Katie Dorian, Chief, Criminal Division, Office of the Attorney General,
Protected Health Care Commission OAG Representative: Kim Cammarata, Director, Education, Health & Advocacy Unit
Task Force to Study Crime Classification OAG Representative: Tiffany Dayemo, AAG, Office of Equity, Policy, & Engagement,