Jungle Jumble

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This article is about a work that used to be available to the public, but is now partially or entirely inaccessible. Details: The game has not been archived.
Our documentation of the subject is inadequate. Only remove this notice if the complete work is recovered and made available publicly.

Jungle Jumble
Publisher LunchMakers
Platform(s) Adobe Flash
Release date 2004[?]
Rating(s) N/A
Format HTML
Input Mouse

Jungle Jumble is an Adobe Flash game that was published on the official LunchMakers website.

Known elements[edit]

The game was created as part of a 2004 cross-promotion with Nintendo involving Donkey Kong, alongside Banana Barrage. The games being promoted were Donkey Konga and Donkey Kong Country 2, though it is not clear which browser game was made to promote which. The game likely involved the player solving something that had been mixed up.

External links[edit]