Filing Your Form 498

Beginning July 1, 2016, E-rate applicants who have opted to use the BEAR reimbursement process (in lieu of discounted bills) will receive their BEAR reimbursement payments directly from USAC instead of being passed through the service provider. The payments will be electronically transferred from USAC to the applicant's bank account. In order for USAC to know where to transfer the funds, all BEAR-users must complete the Form 498 in order to provide USAC with their bank account and bank routing information.

To complete the Form 498, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Name of General Financial Contact (must be an EPC user and must be a school or library official)
  • Name of Remittance Contact (can be anyone, regardless of whether they're in EPC)
  • Name of Bank
  • School or Library’s Federal EIN Number
  • DUN and Bradstreet Number (DUNS)
  • Financial Institution Account Number for ACH
  • ACH Financial Institution Transit Number

A downloadable filing guide can be found here (PDF, 703 KB).


Maine E-rate for Public Libraries

Resources for public libraries on CIPA compliance

Due to the recent audit findings of the MSLN consortium, the Maine State Library and Networkmaine are providing guidance for the necessary CIPA compliance.

Link to the CIPA Compliance meeting archive: NOTE: You most likely will have to install Microsoft Silverlight.  Once installed,  close your browser and restart in order for it to work. Feedback from people today indicate that Firefox and Internet Explorer work best.  Some issues with Chrome. 

CIPA Requirements for Libraries (PDF, 65 Kb)
E-rate Central CIPA Policy Primer (PDF, 52 Kb)
CIPA-Compliant Policy Sample (Word, 18 Kb)
Example Public Notice for Meeting (Word, 14 Kb)
Example Public Minutes for Meeting (Word, 14 Kb)
MSLN OpenDNS Support
Certification of CIPA-compliance (Form 479) (PDF, 30 Kb)


Important: Find e-rate information for Schools!

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E-rate News

Contact Information ONLY for Libraries

  • Jared Leadbetter, E-rate Coordinator
  • Email:
  • Tel: 287-5620, TTY: 207-287-5622
  • Fax: 207-287-5624
  • Address: 64 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0064

For Schools Only

  • Maine Department of Education School Library Technology Planning Coordinator K-12, School State E-rate Coordinator
  • Use the Department of Education Contact Us form
  • Tel: (207) 624-6600
  • Address: 23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0023

Also Schools Only

  • Anne Perloff;Technology Coordinator for Distance Learning,Networkmaine
  • Email:
  • Tel: (207) 561-3584
  • Fax: (207) 561-3531
  • Address: Networkmaine, 5752 Neville Hall Rm 244, University of Maine, Orono, ME  04469
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