Annual Muséum Pass
For one year, 13 Museum sites will be opening their doors to you. From animals in 4 zoos to exhibitions in 5 museums and galleries and extraordinary botanical collections, you'll be able to enjoy an exceptional encounter with the wonders of life.
One pass, 13 unlimited sites
The museums
- Grande Galerie de l’Évolution (Gallery of Evolution)* (Paris 5th)
- Galerie de Géologie et de Minéralogie (Geology and Mineralogy Gallery)* (Paris 5th)
- Galerie de Paléontologie et d’Anatomie comparée (Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy Gallery)* (Paris 5th)
- Musée de l’Homme (Museum of mankind) (Paris 16th)
- Abri Pataud, prehistoric site (Pataud shelter) – Dordogne
The zoos
- Parc zoologique de Paris (Paris Zoological Park) (Paris 12th)
- Ménagerie, le zoo du Jardin des Plantes (Ménagerie, the Jardin des Plantes zoo)* (Paris 5th)
- Réserve zoologique de la Haute-Touche (Haute-Touche Animal Reserve) – Indre
- Marinarium de Concarneau (Marinarium of Concerneau) – Finistère
The gardens
- Grandes serres du Jardin des Plantes (Greenhouses)* (Paris 5th)
- Versailles-Chèvreloup arboretum (Arboretum at Versailles-Chèvreloup) - Yvelines
- Jardin botanique Val Rahmeh - Menton (Val Rahmeh-Menton botanical garden) – Alpes-Maritimes
- Harmas Jean-Henri Fabre (Fabre museum) – Vaucluse
*Jardin des Plantes sites (Paris 5th)
Enjoy special access and exclusive benefits!
- A 10% discount at the catering outlets;
- A 10% discount on your purchases in the sites shops (excluding bookshops);
- Reduced rates on site activities and events;
- A monthly newsletter with news from the sites;
- Offers from our partners;
- Dedicated follow-up by email at passmuseum [@]
Prices and packages
Annual pass
Young people between 3 and 12 years old on presentation of a valid document
Tribe Pass
On presentation of supporting documents or photo ID
Have you visited one of the Museum's sites and would like to come back for an unlimited visit?
Benefit from a 20% discount on the purchase of your pass*. On presentation of your admission ticket during the 7 days following your visit.
*Excluding Tribe Pass
The pass is valid for 1 year and 15 days from the date of purchase.
Free admission
Children under 3 years of age on presentation of photo ID or family record book.
How to subscribe?
Purchase at one of the ticket offices of the Parc zoologique de Paris, the sites of the Jardin des Plantes, the Musée de l'Homme or the Arboretum of Versailles-Chèvreloup.
The following methods of payment are accepted: cash, bank cards and cheques, paper holiday vouchers (on site only).