Titres récents
Lecture | Album | Coup de cœur | Nom du titre | Nom de l'artiste | Acheter | Options | Horodatage |
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Muscoviet Musquito | Clan of Xymox |
Scrobbling en cours | |
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Muscoviet Musquito | Clan of Xymox |
il y a 4 minutes | |
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Autosuficiencia | Paralisis Permanente |
il y a 11 minutes | |
Carta Al Cielo | Corcobado y Los Chatarreros de Sangre y Cielo |
il y a 14 minutes | ||
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California Uber Alles | Dead Kennedys |
il y a 17 minutes |
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Rapports d'écoute
17 Jan — 23 Jan Last.week 2024 Last.yearTop artistes
Rang | Avatar | Nom de l'artiste | Options | Scrobbles |
1 | Leæther Strip |
2 | Clan of Xymox |
3 | The Cure |
4 | The Mission |
5 | :Wumpscut: |
6 | Ataraxia |
7 | The Sisters of Mercy |
8 | Kirlian Camera |
9 | yelworC |
10 | Bauhaus |
11 | In the Nursery |
12 | Funker Vogt |
13 | Endraum |
14 | Rotting Christ |
15 | Siouxsie and the Banshees |
16 | The Smiths |
17 | Front Line Assembly |
18 | Nachtmahr |
19 | Death in June |
20 | Haujobb |
21 | In Slaughter Natives |
22 | Fïx8:Sëd8 |
23 | Pink Turns Blue |
24 | Ikon |
25 | Hypocrisy |
26 | Vomito Negro |
27 | Cradle of Filth |
28 | Crematory |
29 | L'Âme Immortelle |
30 | Killing Joke |
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