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This is the cancer killing the music industry [8]
Industry can't be killed. Industry is the cancer killing music. Music is not a fucking industry, it's an art, guys.
Little Mix is actually good. I'll be honest there.
Oh please, if you really think a stupid TV show is ruining music it's because you don't bother to look up different bands or genres other than what music magazines cover. Grow up, children.
This is the cancer killing the music industry [7]
Harry :$$$
one direction é o melhor claro neh!
This is the cancer killing the music industry [6]
Lwona Lewis <3
This is the cancer killing the music industry [4]
l lov 1d
The X factor tag must mean shit music
This is the cancer killing the music industry [3]
1D ♥
This is the cancer killing the music industry [2]
Vote Up´http://www.lastfm.com.br/music/Leona+Lewis/+images/77305814
here today gone tomorrow . worst genre ever
huh . . . and there I thought it was P2P that was the problem
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