Top Artists
875,255 listeners
338,280 listeners
322,395 listeners
356,542 listeners
24,553 listeners
152,538 listeners
52,461 listeners
70,902 listeners
66,016 listeners
42,087 listeners
Top Tracks
Rank | Play | Loved | Track name | Artist name | Buy | Options |
1 | Play track | LUNCH | Billie Eilish |
2 | Play track | Elephant | Tame Impala |
3 | Play track | Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time) | Elton John |
4 | Play track | Mrs Magic | Strawberry Guy |
5 | Play track | Map of the Problematique | Muse |
6 | Play track | Inside Out | Duster |
7 | Play track | Bliss | Muse |
8 | Play track | Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 | Pink Floyd |
9 | Play track | Breathe (In the Air) | Pink Floyd |
10 | Play track | Welcome to the Machine | Pink Floyd |
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Top Albums
Wish You Were Here (Remastered Version)
Pink Floyd 217,133 listeners
The Division Bell (2011 Remastered Version)
Pink Floyd 168,311 listeners
Meddle (2011 Remastered Version)
Pink Floyd 216,585 listeners
Chris Christodoulou 78,764 listeners
beabadoobee 148,003 listeners