We are seeking professionals to join our Editorial Board. If you are interested in becoming an Editor, please send your CV and a one-page summary of your specific expertise and interests to the following email address. We will review your information and if appropriate, we will place you on our list of Editorial Board. Please send your application to: editor@jocm.us
Website | Email Interest: small data approach, ensemble methods, interpretable AI, meta-learning, non-iterative training algorithms, cascades, neural-like structures, machine learning, neural Networks, artificial intelligence Dr. Dinh-Thuan Do University of Colorado Denver, USA Website | Email Interest: cooperative communication, cognitive radio, MIMO, physical layer security, satellite system, UAV networks.
Prof. Pascal Lorenz University of Haute Alsace, France Website | Email Interest: QoS, wireless networks and high-speed networks.
Dr. Francesco Benedetto University of ROMA TRE, Italy Website | Email Interest: Financial signal processing, signal processing for communications, synchronization, wireless communicaitions.
Assoc. Prof. Manoj Kumar University of Wollongong, Dubai, UAE Website | Email Interest: Data security, forensics, computer networks, image processing, computer vision, machine learning and IOT.
Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia Website | Email Interest: cutting-edge information-centric networks, computer networks, data communication and security, mobile network and privacy protection, cyber-physical systems, the Industrial IoT, transparent AI, Smart grid networks and applications, and electric vehicle networks.
Prof. Zheng Yan Xidian University, China Website | Email Interest: Information security and privacy; Trust modeling and management trusted computing; Cloud computing security, trust and privacy; 5G/6G security, trust and privacy; Security related data analytics; AI trust; Blockchain and its applications; Trustworthy software.
Assoc. Prof. Joongheon Kim Korea University, Republic of Korea Website | Email Interest: IoT, cyber physical systems, WSN, EH-WSN, connected and autonomous vehicles, UAVs, and use cases of AI and deep learning.
Assoc. Prof. Sharief Abdel-Razeq Yarmouk University, Jordan Website | Email Interest: Mobility, Quantum, Machine Learning, Quantum, Deep Learning, Quantum AI.
Dr. Prof. Vugar Abdullayev Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan Website | Email Interest: Big data, cloud computing, social network analysis, cyber phisycal, cyber-physical systems, wireless technology mobility, quantum, machine learning, quantum, deep learning, quantum AI.
Assoc. Prof. Chao Ren University of Science and Technology Beijing,China Website | Email Interest: communication & signal processing information and communication technology, signal processing for communication, telecommunications engineering energy efficiency, QoS, telecommunications, radio communication, cellular communication