58 reviews
Each season is so dramatically different from the other, its as if you're watching 3 separate shows.
The first season: It's immediately clear this show was created by youtubers. It's funny, irreverent, yet lacking the capability to deal with real substance.
The second season: It contains all the humor and quirk that made the first season enjoyable to watch, yet there are issues delicately woven in. Relationships, parents, and friendship are explored, without the show feeling contrived or fake. Personally, this is my favorite season.
The third season: I never would have thought in a million years that a show titled Video Game High School could ever carry so much emotional weight. It's character-driven story line is poignantly realistic, yet I feel remorse over what the show use to be. I watched the first and second seasons because they were fun. They were funny, but not How-I- Met-Your-Mother funny, with one liners and punchlines. It was the kind of fun everyone has experienced, the casual yet incomparable fun with friends that makes one forget life exists outside of that moment. However this feeling is absent in the third season. The fate of the characters doesn't seem so concrete and certain. Maybe things don't turn out alright. Maybe they never will. The characters fall prey to real- world issues. And while these issues are explored fantastically, I still find myself missing when I could sit down, turn on the TV, and know I was in for a barrel of laughs.
The first season: It's immediately clear this show was created by youtubers. It's funny, irreverent, yet lacking the capability to deal with real substance.
The second season: It contains all the humor and quirk that made the first season enjoyable to watch, yet there are issues delicately woven in. Relationships, parents, and friendship are explored, without the show feeling contrived or fake. Personally, this is my favorite season.
The third season: I never would have thought in a million years that a show titled Video Game High School could ever carry so much emotional weight. It's character-driven story line is poignantly realistic, yet I feel remorse over what the show use to be. I watched the first and second seasons because they were fun. They were funny, but not How-I- Met-Your-Mother funny, with one liners and punchlines. It was the kind of fun everyone has experienced, the casual yet incomparable fun with friends that makes one forget life exists outside of that moment. However this feeling is absent in the third season. The fate of the characters doesn't seem so concrete and certain. Maybe things don't turn out alright. Maybe they never will. The characters fall prey to real- world issues. And while these issues are explored fantastically, I still find myself missing when I could sit down, turn on the TV, and know I was in for a barrel of laughs.
- aspammer-96946
- Apr 24, 2015
- Permalink
I am 34 and have been gaming for around 25 years now. I am also big into online gaming, and my son is also getting into it. We watched this together and both loved it. My daughter loved it too.
I found this series, hilarious, imaginative, and just really cool, despite being a little unpolished. I can see it becoming super popular for teenagers. I wish more people knew about Video game high school, I had never heard of it until last night. I would really like to see this succeed in a big way.
My only complaint is that sometimes, it starts to feel like a YTV show. At times it feels like the target audience all of a sudden drops in age by like 10 years. At 34 years of age, most of the series I thought was very watchable, but some moments were just too YTV-ish. My son liked the entire thing. However, I think Video Game High school would appeal to more people without the "YTV" moments.
Video game High school is kind of like Harry Potter, but with video games as the theme instead of magic.
I found this series, hilarious, imaginative, and just really cool, despite being a little unpolished. I can see it becoming super popular for teenagers. I wish more people knew about Video game high school, I had never heard of it until last night. I would really like to see this succeed in a big way.
My only complaint is that sometimes, it starts to feel like a YTV show. At times it feels like the target audience all of a sudden drops in age by like 10 years. At 34 years of age, most of the series I thought was very watchable, but some moments were just too YTV-ish. My son liked the entire thing. However, I think Video Game High school would appeal to more people without the "YTV" moments.
Video game High school is kind of like Harry Potter, but with video games as the theme instead of magic.
- corpse_man
- Dec 30, 2012
- Permalink
VGHS is a love letter to video games and those who love them.
The basic construction is reminiscent of paint by numbers. All the necessary plot points are there and more or less exactly where they need to be, enough so anyway that the story is complete if simple. You won't find much by way of nuance or depth, but that's okay, the movie is fun.
It's clear everyone involved in the project earnestly loved what they were doing. There's an honest innocence to it. This is a film for 11-15 year-olds and there's nothing wrong with that.
If you can accept what it is, you'll find it's a nice little gem.
The basic construction is reminiscent of paint by numbers. All the necessary plot points are there and more or less exactly where they need to be, enough so anyway that the story is complete if simple. You won't find much by way of nuance or depth, but that's okay, the movie is fun.
It's clear everyone involved in the project earnestly loved what they were doing. There's an honest innocence to it. This is a film for 11-15 year-olds and there's nothing wrong with that.
If you can accept what it is, you'll find it's a nice little gem.
- jake-r-kramer
- Jan 24, 2013
- Permalink
This is the best entertaining show I've seen in a while! It might not have the heavy star studded cast, production or anything.. But these guys who have spent time in to making this are the real stars! No gimmicks! This show captures the essence of fun! Its other worldly! And as unique as Harry Potter was when it first came out, this concept has also never been taken seriously enough! And yet they portrait this in a great scale! The acting is fine! This script is fine. But above all the graphics are outstanding! And this is really a trend in the making! I really hope these guys make many more seasons! And I hope they benefit from all this at the end! And Freddie and Mat and all the others who thought of this amazing concept,, please don't allow the middle men to screw your ideas! I know this is not serious or even scientific! But this is certainly what you want to see to have a good laugh! And all those who have not scene this, watch this at rocketjump. Its really worth your time than watching *****'s got talent! Cause if you want to see real talent, its all in this Show!
- skcolombage
- Jun 5, 2012
- Permalink
I get where some people are coming from, but I don't agree. The point of this show is to entertain, not to have an intricate plot and great humor. I know myself that the puns are terrible. But that's what makes them great. I know some of you agree... Freddie made this series for the fans. That's what it's about. Not swindling money, or getting popular and into theaters. It's all about the fans. And please don't give me hate for this, I am just trying to support a cause. This series did not take our money, we gave it. If you have ever wanted something then you know too. When you want something badly, you'll go for it. As much as it takes, you'll do it. And that's what it's about.
I wish I could watch this series again through the eyes of someone else. Someone who hasn't been watching freddiew videos for over a year, and wasn't refreshing the VGHS Kickstarter page to watch the donations accumulate, and wasn't subscribed to bfirenzi and EpicMealTime and feastoffiction ...
My first-timer friends fit all of those qualifications. To my delight, they were all just as engrossed and entertained as I was. It was as if I had helped create the episodes and was yearning for their approval.
The series is not flawless. The character development felt a bit rushed and a critical eye can spot minor inconsistencies. But who cares? What makes this series special is that it wasn't polished by the Hollywoodlanders. It's organic. And in the end, I was able to share a common experience with my non-youtuber friends: we loved it.
(Shout out to Brian "The Law" Firenzi--you stole the show, fantastic acting)
My first-timer friends fit all of those qualifications. To my delight, they were all just as engrossed and entertained as I was. It was as if I had helped create the episodes and was yearning for their approval.
The series is not flawless. The character development felt a bit rushed and a critical eye can spot minor inconsistencies. But who cares? What makes this series special is that it wasn't polished by the Hollywoodlanders. It's organic. And in the end, I was able to share a common experience with my non-youtuber friends: we loved it.
(Shout out to Brian "The Law" Firenzi--you stole the show, fantastic acting)
Brings back the memories of the good old high school movie styles along with some mind blowing action scenes.This short movie series is one of the best among all out there.Here the plot and the cinematography is so well done, that one wouldn't move his eyes from the screen for a moment.The computer Graphics done through out the movie for generating special effects is flawless and fantastic.I congratulate Matthew Arnold, Brandon Laatsch and Freddie Wong for making a superb short movie series.Not to forget...the writers also did a fantastic job for writing a strong plot.Hope they decide to do another sequel.....At last I would definitely recommend everyone to watch this.Its a complete entertainer.
- sarthakcroy
- Jul 15, 2012
- Permalink
Poe's law, named after its author Nathan Poe, is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that without a clear indication of the author's intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between sincere extremism and an exaggerated parody of extremism.(Wikipedia)
Much the same way, I had trouble telling if this movie is extremely tongue in cheek or atrociously bad. Every teen movie cliché is there. from the "Hey kids, this is your culture AMIRITE?" that this entire piece screams at me, to the formulaic plot.
You'll have no trouble following the plot.
I had a terribly good time, groaning at every obvious line, every absurd piece of jargon and every obvious turn. If you don't go into this movie with your mind set on zero you might enjoy it less.
Much the same way, I had trouble telling if this movie is extremely tongue in cheek or atrociously bad. Every teen movie cliché is there. from the "Hey kids, this is your culture AMIRITE?" that this entire piece screams at me, to the formulaic plot.
You'll have no trouble following the plot.
I had a terribly good time, groaning at every obvious line, every absurd piece of jargon and every obvious turn. If you don't go into this movie with your mind set on zero you might enjoy it less.
As I said in the title, this show is extremely well made for a free, non- YouTubeRed series. The show's plots aren't great, and the script often feels poorly written, but we can't really complain, after all, it is free to watch! The animation and VFX of this show are brilliant, the guys at Rocket Jump really outdid themselves in that respect.
- pocketgopher
- Oct 20, 2017
- Permalink
This show is what happens when you let people write, act and direct about something they love. It's all fun factor and none of the commercialized compromise. A show for gamers by gamers, that really puts you in touch with your inner child.
So we have Brian D who is the main star of the show, and as it turns out as he's playing just another run in a mil game and goes AFK the top gamer in the world gets on and demolishes his team. As he comes back he doesn't realize who he's playing against and sees a grenade on his head which he cleverly kicks back at the gamer and detonates winning his team the match, and humiliating Law(the top gamer). The show then goes on through a series of things that happen as Brian D gets invite into VGHS the school where you learn about every aspect of gaming, and without spoiling too much it just gets crazy from there. Bottom line this is exactly the kind of show that needed to be made, to prove once and for all it's not about name brands and regurgitated actors. It's about passion and commitment to making series about doing what you love, and let's face it every gamer at one point or another thought about what it would be like to destroy the worlds best on national TV. 10/10 please don't change a thing and keep it coming!
So we have Brian D who is the main star of the show, and as it turns out as he's playing just another run in a mil game and goes AFK the top gamer in the world gets on and demolishes his team. As he comes back he doesn't realize who he's playing against and sees a grenade on his head which he cleverly kicks back at the gamer and detonates winning his team the match, and humiliating Law(the top gamer). The show then goes on through a series of things that happen as Brian D gets invite into VGHS the school where you learn about every aspect of gaming, and without spoiling too much it just gets crazy from there. Bottom line this is exactly the kind of show that needed to be made, to prove once and for all it's not about name brands and regurgitated actors. It's about passion and commitment to making series about doing what you love, and let's face it every gamer at one point or another thought about what it would be like to destroy the worlds best on national TV. 10/10 please don't change a thing and keep it coming!
The only reason I truly had to dock this show any points is because of the cheesy one liners that often left you cringing. However, I must say that the overall flow of the show was quite nice, and provided a unique spin on gaming. Now it's obvious the character development could use some work as well, however, you must consider the fact that none of the writers/producers/directors had ever previously worked on an episodic series like VGHS. I believe that as a first time attempt at a series centrally about gaming, it was an effort not in vain. Although certain aspects of the show could use some work, I have to say that the show left me with a sweet taste in my mouth for more VGHS. This show allowed me to experience my teenage dream through someone else's eyes; And this is why I must give it the credit it is due. This is a series you should definitely give a chance. If you aren't pleased with season one, then I suggest you give the upcoming season Two a chance. They have taken many suggestions from the community, as well as from professional editors/writers, which should allow the story to develop further. VGHS is most definitely a series to watch for.
- darkwingsoul-music
- Jan 7, 2013
- Permalink
Loved seasons 1 and 2. They were very entertaining and there is nothing that I've found that quite resembles VGHS. Season 3 was horrible. The writers deviated from the formula too much and seemed to just give up. I would recommend making a 4th season if and only if it mimics the creative and fun construct of seasons 1 and 2.
Ten lines of text in order to publish?
Seems strange.
Maybe this will work.
Guess we'll find out.
Ten lines of text in order to publish?
Seems strange.
Maybe this will work.
Guess we'll find out.
- mbacon-95459
- Jun 17, 2015
- Permalink
This film was awful. We watched this last night as my boyfriend is a huge gamer and the premise sounded cool so we gave it a go. There were a few good points about the film, the idea was pretty cool and I liked the way they tried to show them 'in the game'. That was about it. The character development was terrible and unrealistic, the jokes and humour was painful and felt forced; and the acting was bad and uncomfortable to watch. I know this was made on a small budget and done as a web series, but it was just painful to watch. It wasn't that level of bad where it's actually enjoyable, just bad. The main actor has the charisma of a blunt spoon, I know he's meant to be an awkward teenager nerd type, but there was nothing endearing about him. His relationship with feisty blonde girl was laughable and didn't make any sense. The ginger girl who I'm guessing was meant to be comedic as she is 'kooky' was annoying and I felt bad for the actress, she was obviously trying her best but I don't think she has much of a future in acting. All in all I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone. It's a shame because the idea was a cool one, they just really fell flat in many many ways.
- nualasutton
- Dec 16, 2012
- Permalink
First of all, I have to say that any work by Freddie Wong and his team is golden. I have never stuck to a youtube series like I have with his. It has been incredible to watch his works evolve into this.
I have to say...this is possibly one of the best produced series I have ever seen. The acting is just impeccable..sometime I forget that they are acting... The characters and personalities are extremely believable and the plot development is extremely engaging.
I have to admit though, watching this is very much like watching "The Hard Times of RJ Berger" but in an alternate universe where video games are everything. That's OK though because I also like that show.
In short, I seriously think that this is a golden standard of a series. You can tell freddiew put his heart into this series...and it shows.
Freddiew...whatever you're doing...DO NOT STOP...keep everything how it is.
I have to say...this is possibly one of the best produced series I have ever seen. The acting is just impeccable..sometime I forget that they are acting... The characters and personalities are extremely believable and the plot development is extremely engaging.
I have to admit though, watching this is very much like watching "The Hard Times of RJ Berger" but in an alternate universe where video games are everything. That's OK though because I also like that show.
In short, I seriously think that this is a golden standard of a series. You can tell freddiew put his heart into this series...and it shows.
Freddiew...whatever you're doing...DO NOT STOP...keep everything how it is.
- jdcproskater3
- Oct 31, 2012
- Permalink
I love video games, I've played them throughout my life. Seeing this web series was a dream come true, it was something I didn't think would ever be made in a million years but I'm proud to say someone had the guts to finally make it.
There really aren't many visual works that tackle the video game world, only ones I can think of are the underrated "The Last Starfighter" and "The Wizard". This web series is just a lot of things from a sports movie, fantasy, romance, action, drama, comedy, all of these like ingredients to a blender were all mixed in and the results were tasty. The production value was above average, despite a modest budget this didn't look or feel like a typical web series, it almost looked like it could of been a regular TV series. Special effects were on par even though this show really didn't use that much only in some details from the gun shot hits to certain games the students were playing, like in one scene a group was playing some holographic 3-D strategy video game, shame that wasn't a real game in real life. The action is well choreographed it really looked like everyone was trained and knew what they were doing. And I just simply like the concept alone, it's a cool thought having a high school based on video games as well as qualify if you win enough victories, I wish I went to that high school instead of my regular one which sucked. I like some of the dialog it has some clever verbal in jokes and even some visual humor, like one scene you see Brian runs up the stairs and jump to the flag pole, this is an easy guess for anyone that's ever owned or played a "Nintendo" system.
But what makes this web series unique is the fact that I actually found myself caring about the characters, the acting by the cast was actually good which is surprising, well OK not pitch perfect the was the occasion flat note but it's an amateur work I'm use to it. Even though the series doesn't take itself seriously there are times when it does get serious which I feel just makes the show feel a little more three dimensional.
I like the main character Brian D, this character is the typical underdog which makes him all the more relatable and sympathetic. He's shy, one of those people that don't stand out in the crowd, but he's never short of courage, charismatic, let alone is awesome in the game and out. But you feel sympathy for this character from beginning near the end because he gets crap canned left and right by most of the people of that school whom are supposedly the higher ups (what in the hell is their problem anyway) however the one person that gives him the hardest time is his rival "The Law". "The Law" is such an unlikeable villain he is just an narcissistic ego centric blow hole that thinks he's the center of the world. He's both a bad winner and loser, despite Brian defeating him fairly he has to constantly rub it in his face he's still the best. But this just all the more makes you want Brian to win, he clearly deserves it because he's never known victory much.
The supporting characters are also good Jenny Matrix whom is hot and has the persona to boot. At first her character is just a bit unlikeable because she seems like that popular girl that hangs out only with the cool kids. But that is really just an act by it's nature, she by her nature hasn't entirely found herself she feels that being on top is what defines her and who she should be. I really like the chemistry between both Brian and Jenny, Brian really gets her to open up and we see both grow closer let alone really do make a good team together.
I even like others like Dean Ernie Calhoun whom isn't in it much but he's hilarious, he can be a tough as nails boss but there is a slight oddness to him, even though you don't see it you sense it. And there is a subordinate villain named Games, he's a blow hole but a fun blow hole that wants to be on top as much as anyone. Just like Apallo Creed he is at first a rival but become a friend later on.
The show does have some good messages like the saying from the dean which is it's all about the game, which is another way of saying good sportsmen ship, it really isn't about being the best player but about how you play the game. And simply doing what makes you happy and that you do best.
The only problems I have is the first half of the season is a little slow, it's not until the second half things really get going. And yeah the development of the characters is just a bit rushed but it's a web series you can't expect much. Also this series might not be for everyone, if your a gamer then you'll enjoy this series more if not then this show might not be for you.
Overall, Video Game High School gets a big score for fun.
Rating: 4 stars
There really aren't many visual works that tackle the video game world, only ones I can think of are the underrated "The Last Starfighter" and "The Wizard". This web series is just a lot of things from a sports movie, fantasy, romance, action, drama, comedy, all of these like ingredients to a blender were all mixed in and the results were tasty. The production value was above average, despite a modest budget this didn't look or feel like a typical web series, it almost looked like it could of been a regular TV series. Special effects were on par even though this show really didn't use that much only in some details from the gun shot hits to certain games the students were playing, like in one scene a group was playing some holographic 3-D strategy video game, shame that wasn't a real game in real life. The action is well choreographed it really looked like everyone was trained and knew what they were doing. And I just simply like the concept alone, it's a cool thought having a high school based on video games as well as qualify if you win enough victories, I wish I went to that high school instead of my regular one which sucked. I like some of the dialog it has some clever verbal in jokes and even some visual humor, like one scene you see Brian runs up the stairs and jump to the flag pole, this is an easy guess for anyone that's ever owned or played a "Nintendo" system.
But what makes this web series unique is the fact that I actually found myself caring about the characters, the acting by the cast was actually good which is surprising, well OK not pitch perfect the was the occasion flat note but it's an amateur work I'm use to it. Even though the series doesn't take itself seriously there are times when it does get serious which I feel just makes the show feel a little more three dimensional.
I like the main character Brian D, this character is the typical underdog which makes him all the more relatable and sympathetic. He's shy, one of those people that don't stand out in the crowd, but he's never short of courage, charismatic, let alone is awesome in the game and out. But you feel sympathy for this character from beginning near the end because he gets crap canned left and right by most of the people of that school whom are supposedly the higher ups (what in the hell is their problem anyway) however the one person that gives him the hardest time is his rival "The Law". "The Law" is such an unlikeable villain he is just an narcissistic ego centric blow hole that thinks he's the center of the world. He's both a bad winner and loser, despite Brian defeating him fairly he has to constantly rub it in his face he's still the best. But this just all the more makes you want Brian to win, he clearly deserves it because he's never known victory much.
The supporting characters are also good Jenny Matrix whom is hot and has the persona to boot. At first her character is just a bit unlikeable because she seems like that popular girl that hangs out only with the cool kids. But that is really just an act by it's nature, she by her nature hasn't entirely found herself she feels that being on top is what defines her and who she should be. I really like the chemistry between both Brian and Jenny, Brian really gets her to open up and we see both grow closer let alone really do make a good team together.
I even like others like Dean Ernie Calhoun whom isn't in it much but he's hilarious, he can be a tough as nails boss but there is a slight oddness to him, even though you don't see it you sense it. And there is a subordinate villain named Games, he's a blow hole but a fun blow hole that wants to be on top as much as anyone. Just like Apallo Creed he is at first a rival but become a friend later on.
The show does have some good messages like the saying from the dean which is it's all about the game, which is another way of saying good sportsmen ship, it really isn't about being the best player but about how you play the game. And simply doing what makes you happy and that you do best.
The only problems I have is the first half of the season is a little slow, it's not until the second half things really get going. And yeah the development of the characters is just a bit rushed but it's a web series you can't expect much. Also this series might not be for everyone, if your a gamer then you'll enjoy this series more if not then this show might not be for you.
Overall, Video Game High School gets a big score for fun.
Rating: 4 stars
- hellraiser7
- Aug 27, 2012
- Permalink
I never thought i'd run into an amazing teen movie as good as High School Musical or American Pie. To my shock and awe this piece of work proves me wrong and gives out a strong statement that indie movie is not lame. To add to the gravity of the challenges, this movie is going toward sci-fi zone, with no knock-out hot chicks, no nudity at all. You'll never believe how great it is until you really watch it
First off, the visual effects were cleverly used to yield effective impact. it was not built with an aim to wow you but to help build characters and a game-like environment. The effects despite being very simple come out really fluent and succeed to illustrate an exciting real time game world
Second, the lead girls are too cute, they don't need to undress for you to adore them. They were nicely casted as "first love" babes that you want to teleport back in time to see them again.
Last but not least, the movie/series host a very nice philosophy that was carefully woven into the story lines and amplify the sympathy with its characters
Overall, this is a must watch for those who want to have a quick travel to down high school memory lane
First off, the visual effects were cleverly used to yield effective impact. it was not built with an aim to wow you but to help build characters and a game-like environment. The effects despite being very simple come out really fluent and succeed to illustrate an exciting real time game world
Second, the lead girls are too cute, they don't need to undress for you to adore them. They were nicely casted as "first love" babes that you want to teleport back in time to see them again.
Last but not least, the movie/series host a very nice philosophy that was carefully woven into the story lines and amplify the sympathy with its characters
Overall, this is a must watch for those who want to have a quick travel to down high school memory lane
You need to make more episodes add more to the story it was just getting really good and its got everything any true gamer wants in a TV show PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! Main reason i say make more is because most people judged the show by the beginning and did watch at least 3 to 5 episodes because i will admit the beginning was kinda boring and slow but as it goes on it becomes a great show and makes you not want to stop watching it!
- jesseredburn
- Mar 25, 2017
- Permalink
- gordfree117
- Dec 29, 2013
- Permalink
OMG, Im a female gamer and have been for around ten years maybe 11. And I don't just mean Sim's. (I do like the Sims though) I mean CS 1.3, DoD, BFBC2, MW2,3. L4D 1,2. CS:GO. DayZ. Thats how long lol. I love games, and anyone in the know (PC wise) Will love this. The underlying words used. Bare in mind PC Gamers started the words Noob, and Lol and Roflcopter as it relates to the game. I so want to go to this high school or send my kids who are gamers Xbox but soon to cross over to Pc as its far superior. The acting is supposed to be the way it is if you understand what its trying to put across. Gamers watch it, I sent a link to my Clan to watch it as it relates so much to how you play. Give it a go till the end......
Video gaming has become a popular sport and VGHS is dedicated to teaching gaming. Brian D (Josh Blaylock) comes from a poor background. He gains public popularity by killing arrogant star The Law and is invited to VGHS. He makes friends with fellow new student Ki Swan (Ellary Porterfield) and roommate Ted Wong (Jimmy Wong). He falls for leading player Jenny Matrix (Johanna Braddy) who has a troubled relationship with her teacher/mother (Cynthia Watros).
I found this on Netflix and with the high rating, I decided to take a shot. The first two seasons left me a little concerned. The limited budget makes the production lesser quality. It has a young teen TV show value. The game playing needs a little more imagination. The four lead actors could be better and quite frankly, Blaylock is not hot enough to be the hot nerd lead. It's silly but it's not silly enough to be fun. During the third season, the show decides to take risks with some high concept episodes. It unleashes the deadpan awkward gawkiness of Porterfield. The secondary pairing actually gains parity with the leads. It finally finds its voice but it ends right after. It's too bad that it could not get there earlier.
I found this on Netflix and with the high rating, I decided to take a shot. The first two seasons left me a little concerned. The limited budget makes the production lesser quality. It has a young teen TV show value. The game playing needs a little more imagination. The four lead actors could be better and quite frankly, Blaylock is not hot enough to be the hot nerd lead. It's silly but it's not silly enough to be fun. During the third season, the show decides to take risks with some high concept episodes. It unleashes the deadpan awkward gawkiness of Porterfield. The secondary pairing actually gains parity with the leads. It finally finds its voice but it ends right after. It's too bad that it could not get there earlier.
- SnoopyStyle
- Jul 6, 2018
- Permalink
If you play video games 24/7 then this is the series for you! They have jokes about video games references and more. A whole high school that goes on tournaments from whatever genre you like. Although, the main focus is First Person Shooters but, wow the visuals are kick-ass that makes this series impressive. Their is also some scenes of drift- racing and I'm glad its actually real cars with no CGI at all. The only complaints I have is that some of the characters are ridiculously annoying and the acting is not that good at some points. Still, this gaming series is good for its fresh ideas giving us something diffident. It also has some special guest appearances from other TV shows and Youtube celebrities. Its definitely worth checking out.
VGHS certainly doesn't do anything to blow your mind, but the characters are fun and easy to get invested in, and the absurdity of it all makes the humor work. Given the meager budget, it's quite impressive the reasonably convincing visuals they put on, even if some of the explanation and execution of how it works requires a little suspension of disbelief. The premise of a high school and world centered around gaming is an entertaining one, and the script is both self-aware enough and carries a serious enough plot to be enjoyable. S3E4 was crazy and completely out of left field, but even if I think it's a bit too extreme a juxtaposition to fully work, I appreciate the darker, real emotions of grief it deals with. It's satisfying and fun, even if you know things will unravel just right in the end.
- andrewroy-04316
- May 4, 2019
- Permalink
I hate to say this, because I am a huge freddiew fan, but this is blatantly amateur filmmaking. I like that the directors tried to stray from their comfort zone (action) and add emotional depth to their characters, but they obviously don't have a lot of experience doing that. The visual effects weren't really as grand as I was hoping, really nothing much more than the occasional gunfight or explosion. I know there are always more effects than you think, and there was a lot of green-screening and work that went into it, but I was left wanting more. The Law and Games Dean were comedic highlights, and Brian Firenzi is surely a talented actor. I never once liked Brian D throughout the whole series, he was just the worst type of person. Jenni Matrix's character was also unrealistic, and her on again off again relationship with Brian D made no sense. First of all, who would ever like Brian D, and second of all their relationship was so awkward. I was literally cringing every time they were around each other. Although high school relationships are innately awkward at times, this was downright painful to watch. Also, sometimes the camera quality would drop significantly, as if they were using a RED EPIC and then a Canon 550d at random points.They pulled off the whole "VGHS" school part very well, I usually believed they weren't just on a set. Ki, Jimmy, Freddie, and the Drift King were all highlights. Bottom line, they really only successfully pulled off what they were already good at - action and comedy. The freddiew team missed the mark on this one.
- gilmanwalker
- Jul 18, 2012
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