I created an account just to leave a review. This is easily and without a shred of doubt the worst movie I've ever watched in my 34 years on gods green earth. My wife and I both tried but neither of us could think of a single movie we've seen that was this bad.
The only thing decent about this film was the premise in the description and even that was just ok...... it feels like I should be given a prize for sitting through it and as I'm writing this I have a migraines, feel dizzy, and am nauseous. This is a bikini bottom tier movie that i regret having wasted moments of my life on. I'd rather watch paint dry at the bottom of the ocean with a magnifying glass and a flashlight than to ever see this again. I know it's generally subjective but anyone that says this was a good movie is bold faced LYING!
Please remove this from theaters and never allow it to go on any streaming service. Thank you.