"Little Demon" (S01, 1/2 hr, 10 eps, FX) is the naughtiest little animated that's aired on a mainstream cable channel (I think). No swear word is off limits, and there's full frontal female nudity in ep 1 so yeh, there's that. I've watched the first two eps so far and the point of the show is 13yo daughter rebelling against feuding divorced mom and dad - Satan who resides in the Metaphysical Realm , not Hell per se, but yeh, it's Hell. He's trying to get full custody since she's coming of age as the Antichrist, but she just wants to be a normal teen girl. The denizens of Hell are goofy albeit nightmarish creatures except for Satan who appears as a cardigan wearing 50 year old safe-dad ala Mr Rogers, but he's voiced by Danny Devito who at nearly 80 you'd think would be retired with Rhea on an island they own. But no, he along with two of his kids are EPs of this show, so that's a thing now, the actor-EP, because getting paid gazillions as an actor just isn't enough these days with inflation and all, you gotta get the show's distribution money stream, too, to make ends meet, sheesh. So far, the show leans heavy on instant possession as a story device, ugh. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the show's not for me because I'm not a teen girl of divorced parents feuding over me, trying to prove they love me more than the other, but there are plenty who will identify with this, so have at it.