Succession is a show that's not for everyone, and with how heavy and cringe it can be to watch at times it's understandable why some people can't bear it. While not having experience in the field that's shown in this series, I feel like what's being portrayed is almost too real at times. I find myself being very uncomfortable watching these scenes that just feel so obnoxious and slimy with the way these characters act and respond to situations. But in all honesty that's partially what makes this show so good. It throws you into a world with characters that at some point in the show you'll absolutely despise and hate, then in a complete 180 make you love that character and want to root for them even with how much deep rooted corruption is in their veins. But that sympathy comes from many places for many people. For me it's partially from a standpoint of the fact that in a way some characters are victims to what they were born into as children. A shiny key in the form of a corrupt corporation dangling in front of them that they feel is their destiny, yet as they grow older and become more responsible it's harder to watch as these adults act like children in a "professional" manner trying to unlock a door they don't want to open. Yet in some instances you might find yourself cheering for someone to open that door themselves, because they might've already lost their chance at a "normal" life a long time ago. What succeeding is can be subjective for anyone for their given goals, but Succession above all shows you what chasing a false dream can be, and how it can either make or break you as a person. While Succession can be a very tough watch, I think it's one of the most important watches in all of television that everyone should experience with open eyes.