Concept of annual inspection of enterprises
(1)Annual inspection of enterprises is a statutory system in which
industry and commerce administrations inspect enterprises on a
yearly basis to verify whether the enterprises are to
continue operation.
(2)Annual inspection is required for all limited liability
companies, joint-stock limited companies, non-company entities and
other business units granted the Business Licence of the PRC for an
Enterprise as a Legal Person, Business Licence of the PRC, Business
Licence for an Enterprise as a Legal Person, or Business Licence.
Enterprises newly established shall attend the annual inspection
from the year following the year of establishment.
Government Authorities Involved in the Annual
(1)Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangzhou
(2)Administration for Industry and Commerce
(3) and Technical Supervision Bureau
(4)Taxation Bureau
(5)Foreign Exchange Supervision Bureau
(6)Customs Bureau
(7)Finance Bureau
(8)Statistics Bureau
Time Period for Annual Inspection
1st March to 30th June every year.
Penalty for Failure to Perform Annual Inspection
(1)If an enterprises does not accept the annual inspection as required, the enterprise registration authorities will order the enterprise to accept the annual inspection within a specified time limit, and to pay a penalty between 10,000 Yuan and 100,000 Yuan if the enterprise is a company (limited /joint-stock/listed company), or a penalty below 30,000 Yuan if the enterprise is a branch company, a non-company entity or branch thereof, an enterprise operating in China from a foreign country/region, or other business unit granted a business licence, or a penalty below 1,000 Yuan if the enterprise is a partnership or an individual proprietorship enterprise or branch thereof.
(2)If the enterprise fails to accept the annual inspection within the specified time limit, the enterprise registration authorities will make an announcement. The enterprise’s business licence will be revoked if the enterprise still fails to accept the annual inspection within 60 days from the announcement.
(3)Every year, Chinese authorities on enterprise administration conduct annual inspection of enterprises. It is a routine formality, but still a bit complicated. Trust it with us, and you will save a lot of time and energy to engage in your business.
Revocation of business license
If a company cannot complete the annual inspection by the ordered
deadline, the business registration authority will issue a public
notice. Starting from the date of public announcement, the company
would have 60 days to complete the annual inspection, before the
business license is revoked by the authority.
For further information or assistance, please feel free to contact us