Information for researchers


Find out more about COSIC's research.

#crypto #security #privacy

More about research


COSIC organizes several seminars every month. Everybody is welcome, attendance is free and registration is not required.

Did you know that we record all seminars and share them on our YouTube channel?

Go to seminars


All COSIC publications are stored in our own central database that is accessible to all.

Go to publications


Looking for a PhD or postdoc position at COSIC?

We regularly have vacancies and we also accept spontaneous applications.

Go to jobs


COSIC has participated in 50+ European research projects (inc. 5 ERCs).

Go to running projects

Go to finished projects


The researchers at COSIC contribute to the blog regularly to keep you up-to-date on the latest developments in crypto, security and privacy.

Go to the blog

Finished theses

We keep an online overview of the finished PhD and Master theses at COSIC.

Go to theses