Behind the Numbers
We include the following consumer categories in our definition of retail ecommerce sales:
Retail ecommerce sales include the sale of products and related services ordered using the internet, regardless of fulfillment method.
Motor vehicle and parts dealer sales; furniture sales; electronics and appliance sales; building material and garden equipment sales; food and beverage sales; health and personal care sales; gasoline sales; clothing and clothing accessories sales; sporting goods, hobby, book and physical music sales; general merchandise sales; miscellaneous sales; nonstore sales (i.e., pure play ecommerce platform sales, mail order sales, etc.); digital download sales (movies, music, content, etc.); consumer-to-consumer (C2C) platform sales (eBay, auction sites, etc.).
We exclude the following consumer categories from our definition of retail ecommerce sales:
Food services and drinking place sales (i.e., restaurant sales, restaurant delivery ordered online); travel sales; event ticket sales; payments, such as bill pay, taxes or money transfers; gambling and other vice good sales.