Anyone following the career of Magon knows he likes to work fast and he's super-prolific, cranking out album after album of psychedelic pop tunes and scuzzy garage rock chunks. His canvas has gotten broader and his colour palette has expanded at each turn, and his first 2023 album “Did You Hear The Kids?” finds him putting practically all of it to work.
Last summer, the Israeli singer-songwriter who made himself a name in the Paris rock scene in the last few years, packed up his studio and relocated with his wife and kids to Costa Rica where he recorded his 6th studio album in his portable studio in the Caribbean jungle. His new songs landing somewhere between a hallucinogenic re-imagination of ‘60s soft rock, oddball outsider jams, and laid- back indie fare. The tunes were somehow both tuneful and antagonistic in the subtlest of ways, and Magon easily shifted between characters of the stoned joker and sincere balladeer, playing each remarkably convincingly.
With songs touching on themes of maturation, newly found spirituality, and good old-fashioned romance, Magon has trimmed the fat both musically and conceptually on “’Did You Hear The Kids?”, turning in a streamlined picture of his musical development. With more memorable tracks and a slightly more accessible feel, the album is less distracted and more tuneful than before without losing any of the freewheeling spirit that made his songs so attractive in the first place.