Will Tawo Okojie, simply known as Tawo, is an American hip-hop artist and singer-songwriter born in the south of the United States to Nigerian parents. Tawo has been secretly crafting his sound and style while admiring the works of some of the greatest. He first took an interest in rap music at an early age, completing his first written song at the age of 13. Tawo describes his music as a merger between melodic hip-hop and what he calls "intellectual sound".
Tawo first jumped on the scene in High School where he would do school ciphers and post cover songs to Facebook. Quickly becoming a local name, he decided to take it to the next level. His musical style is in a box by itself, with a voice that is not your typical rap tone and lyrics that linger in your head long after it's been heard. Through crisp forefront vocal deliveries and unorthodox cadence.