List of Subject Handled (EPL-I)
Functions of the Divisions
- Monthly press note on India’s foreign trade.
- Annual Monitoring and review of export performance against export targets.
- Preparation and issue of Monthly Summary to Cabinet.
- Commissioning special research studies on international trade and its impact on the economy.
- Matters relating to the SDDs data base of the IMF.
- Analysis of overall trends in India’s Foreign Trade.
- Studies of trade in specification commodities /group commodities (as and when required).
- Studies of trend in trade with specific countries / regions (with or without a specific commodity group focus) (as and when required).
- Background note on India’s foreign trade for Consultative Committee/Standing Parliamentary Committee, Press Conference, Economic Editors Conferences etc.
- Material for Finance Minister’s Budget speech.
- Providing inputs for President’s address to both the House of Parliament.
- Coordination and supply of updated information for inclusion in the economic survey brought out by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance.
- Providing inputs for speeches/messages of the Commerce Minister for general functions on matters pertaining to foreign trade.
- Supply of updated information for inclusion in “Reference India” Publication of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
- Examination of study reports/task force/committees on general economic factors relating to trade.
- Preparation of chapter on ‘Trends in India’s Foreign Trade” of the Annual Report of Department of Commerce.
- Technical Advice to other Divisions on economic aspects of various proposals Concept paper / Note on specific issues needed for enhancing export performance.
- Monthly D.O. to Cabinet Secretary and Monthly Report to Cabinet Secretariat.
- Matters relating to Parliament Questions
- Identification of products for import substitution.
- Monitoring and analysis of monthly commodity wise and country wise data on import and reporting observed surges.
- Raise alerts to the concerned territorial division, department/Ministries including the Ministry of Finance, DGFT, Department of Revenue/CBIC, DGTR and Export Promotion Councils, regarding this.
- Initiate appropriate modalities for taking remedial measures to check surge in imports.
- Formulate an action plan to reduce import.
- To constantly flag the surge in imports issues to DPIIT for enhancing domestic capacity.
- Study the overall import basket through an annual Position Paper.