The previous (V1) API is still active for legacy purposes but it is recommended users migrate to the new V2 API version - though it still remains technically in BETA status the V2 API is considered stable.
If required, documentation for the old (V1) API is available here.
This page provides basic documentation on using the CoinSpot API.
To use this API you need to generate an API key. You can generate an API key from the API page after logging in to your account at: Please note that you must be a registered customer to use the API except for the Public API - registering is free and only takes a minute, you can register here.
Important things to note
All requests and responses will be JSON format
All response date and time values will be in UTC format e.g. 2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z
All requests will be made with the GET method for the Public API and POST method for all other API requests.
All requests will return a 200 http status code if successful, any other status code received indicates request failure and a message value in the response will describe the issue encountered.
Requests are limited to 1000 requests per minute.
The endpoint for the Public API is
The endpoint for the API is
Read Only API
There is also a Read Only API available, you can read the documentation for the read only API here.
The endpoint for the Read Only API is
All errors returned will contain an error status and a message that describes the issue encountered
{ "status":"error", "message":"Coin not found" }
The API is secured by using a shared secret key to create a HMAC with the SHA512 cryptographic hash function. Hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) is a mechanism for calculating a message authentication code involving a hash function in combination with a secret key. This can be used to verify the integrity and authenticity of a a message.
All requests to the POST API requests will need to include the following security data.
We currently have a node.js SDK, if you are interested in getting an SDK in another language please contact us
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "prices":{ "btc":{ "bid":11111, "ask":222222, "last":1111.11 }, "btc_usdt":{ "bid":11111, "ask":222222, "last":1111.11 }, "ltc":{ "bid":1.11111, "ask":111, "last":111 }, "doge":{ "bid":1.111111, "ask":1.111111, "last":1.11111 } } }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "prices":{ "bid":11111, "ask":222222, "last":1111.11 } }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "prices":{ "bid":11111, "ask":222222, "last":1111.11 } }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "rate":11111, "market": "BTC/AUD" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "rate":11111, "market": "BTC/USDT" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "rate":11111, "market": "BTC/AUD" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "rate":11111, "market": "BTC/USDT" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "amount":0.1, "rate":111111, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "market":"BTC/AUD", }, { "amount":0.1, "rate":1111112, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "market":"BTC/AUD" }, ], "sellorders":[ { "amount":0.0001, "rate":1111111, "total":1.111, "coin":"BTC", "market":"BTC/AUD" }, { "amount":0.0002, "rate":111111, "total":2.1111, "coin":"BTC", "market":"BTC/AUD" } ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "amount":0.1, "rate":111111, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "market":"BTC/USDT", }, { "amount":0.1, "rate":1111112, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "market":"BTC/USDT", }, ], "sellorders":[ { "amount":0.0001, "rate":1111111, "total":1.111, "coin":"BTC", "market":"BTC/USDT", }, { "amount":0.0002, "rate":111111, "total":2.1111, "coin":"BTC", "market":"BTC/USDT", } ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "amount":0.1, "rate":111111, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/AUD", }, { "amount":0.1, "rate":1111112, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/AUD", }, ], "sellorders":[ { "amount":0.0001, "rate":1111111, "total":1.111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/AUD", }, { "amount":0.0002, "rate":111111, "total":2.1111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/AUD", } ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "amount":0.1, "rate":111111, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/USDT", }, { "amount":0.1, "rate":1111112, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/USDT", }, ], "sellorders":[ { "amount":0.0001, "rate":1111111, "total":1.111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/USDT", }, { "amount":0.0002, "rate":111111, "total":2.1111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/USDT", } ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "orders":[ { "amount":0.1, "rate":111111, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/AUD", }, ], }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "orders":[ { "amount":0.1, "rate":111111, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/USDT", }, { "amount":0.1, "rate":1111112, "total":111111, "coin":"BTC", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "market":"BTC/USDT", }, ], }
{ "status":"ok" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "networks": [ {"name": "BEP2", "network": "BNB", "address": "bnbabcdef123456abcdef123456", "memo": "123456"}, {"name": "ERC20", "network": "ETH", "address": "0xabcdef123456abcdef123456", "memo": ""} ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "rate":1111 }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "rate":11111 }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "rate":11111 }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/AUD", "amount":1.234 "rate":123.344 "id":"12345678901234567890" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "id":"12345678901234567890" "coin":"BTC", "rate": "1234556", "newrate": "1234556", "amount":1.234, "total": 1234, "updated": true }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "coin":"BTC", "amount":1.234, "market":"BTC/AUD", "total": 10.234 }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/AUD", "amount":1.234, "rate":123.344, "id":"12345678901234567890" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "id":"12345678901234567890", "coin":"BTC", "rate": "1234556", "newrate": "1234556", "amount": 1234, "total":1.234, "updated": true }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "coin":"BTC", "amount":1.234, "rate":3.234, "market":"BTC/AUD", "total": 10.234 }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "coin":"BTC", "amount":1.234, "rate":3.234, "market":"BTC/ETH", "total": 10.234 }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "networks": [ { "network": "BNB", "paymentid": "no", "fee": 0.001, "minsend": 0.00001, default: false}, { "network": "BSC", "paymentid": "optional", "fee": 0.002, "minsend": 0.00001, default: false}, { "network": "ETH", "paymentid": "no", "fee":0.003, "minsend": 0.00001, default: true}, ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok" }
We have a Read Only API available.
To use this API, you need to generate a Read Only API key from the settings page.
Important things to note about the read only API
All requests and responses will be JSON.
All requests will be made with the POST method.
The endpoint for the Read Only API is
{ "status":"ok" }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "amount":0.0001, "rate":111111, "total":0.1, "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/AUD" }, { "amount":0.001, "rate":11111111, "total":0.01, "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/AUD" } ], "sellorders":[ { "amount":0.0001, "rate":111111, "total":1, "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/AUD" }, { "amount":0.0011855, "rate":11111, "total":2, "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/AUD" } ] },
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "amount":0.0001, "rate":111111, "total":0.1, "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/AUD", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst": 0.123, "audGst": 0.0123, "audtotal": 100.00 }, { "amount":0.001, "rate":11111111, "total":0.01, "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/USDT", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst": 0.123, "audGst": 0.0123, "audtotal": 100.00 } ], "sellorders":[ { "amount":0.0001, "rate":111111, "total":1, "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/AUD", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst": 0.123, "audGst": 0.0123, "audtotal": 100.00 }, { "amount":0.0001855, "rate":11111, "total":2, "coin":"BTC", "market": "BTC/USDT", "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst": 0.123, "audGst": 0.0123, "audtotal": 100.00 } ] },
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "balances":[ { "AUD":{ "balance":1000.11, "audbalance":1000.11, "rate":1 } }, { "BTC":{ "balance":1.1111111, "audbalance":2222.22, "rate":111111.11 } }, { "LTC":{ "balance":111.111111, "audbalance":22222.22, "rate":11.1111 } }] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "balance":{ "EOS":{ "balance":1.11111, "available": 0.99999, "audbalance": 222.22, "rate": 1.11111 } } }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "amount":111.1111, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "rate":45.11111, "total":444444 }, { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "market":"STRAT/USDT", "amount":111.1111, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "rate":45.11111, "total":444444 }] "sellorders":[ { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "amount":111.1111, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "rate":45.11111, "total":444444 }, { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "market":"STRAT/USDT", "amount":111.1111, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "rate":45.11111, "total":444444 }} ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin": "STRAT", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "rate": 111.111 "amount":111.1111, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "type": "buy stop" }, { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin": "STRAT", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "rate": 111.111 "amount":111.1111, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "type": "buy limit" }] "sellorders":[ { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin": "STRAT", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "rate": 111.111 "amount":111.1111, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "type": "stop loss" }, { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin": "STRAT", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "rate": 111.111 "amount":111.1111, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "type": "take profit" }} ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "type":"market", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "rate":1222.33, "amount":111.1111, "total":222.2222, "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst":45.11111, "audGst":40.11111, "audtotal":444444 }, { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "type":"instant", "otc":false, "market":"OMG/AUD", "rate":1222.33, "amount":333.33333, "total":222.2222, "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst":44.444444, "audGst":4.444444, "audtotal":5000 }] "sellorders":[ { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "type":"market", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "rate":1222.33, "amount":111.1111, "total":222.2222, "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst":45.11111, "audGst":40.11111, "audtotal":444444 }, { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "type":"instant", "otc":false, "market":"STR/AUD", "rate":1222.33, "amount":333.33333, "total":222.2222, "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst":44.444444, "audGst":4.444444, "audtotal":5000 }] ] }
Note: Default start time period is 24 hrs ago
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "buyorders":[ { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "rate":1222.33, "amount":111.1111, "total":222.2222, "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst":45.11111, "audGst":40.11111, "audtotal":444444 }, { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "market":"OMG/AUD", "rate":1222.33, "amount":333.33333, "total":222.2222, "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst":44.444444, "audGst":4.444444, "audtotal":5000 }] "sellorders":[ { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "market":"STRAT/AUD", "rate":1222.33, "amount":111.1111, "total":222.2222, "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst":45.11111, "audGst":40.11111, "audtotal":444444 }, { "id": "1f1f1f1f1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d", "coin":"STRAT", "market":"OMG/AUD", "rate":1222.33, "amount":333.33333, "total":222.2222, "solddate":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "audfeeExGst":44.444444, "audGst":4.444444, "audtotal":5000 }] ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "sendtransactions":[ { "timestamp":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "amount":1.111, "coin":"ETH", "address":"12345678901234567890", "aud": 0.123, "sendfee:0.002", }, { "timestamp":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "amount":1111.11111, "coin":"NFT|||0x12345f64363bd663abd3ef08df75dd22d853111|||1234", "address":"12345678901234567890", "aud": 0, "sendfee:0", } ], "receivetransactions":[ { "timestamp":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "amount":1.111, "coin":"ETH", "address":"12345678901234567890", "aud": 0.123, "from": "rKPEmdyitW5Lm7VhFDxDgMjEvUF7kqcEgj" }, { "timestamp":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "amount":0.11111, "coin":"BTC", "address":"12345678901234567890", "aud": 0, "from": "" } ] }
"status":"ok", "message":"ok", "deposits":[ { "amount":1111, "created":""2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "status":"completed", "type":"PayID", "reference":"12345678901234567890" }, { "amount":2000, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "status":"completed", "type":"PayID", "reference":"12345678901234567890" } ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "withdrawals":[ { "amount":10, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "status":"created" }, { "amount":20, "created":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z", "status":"created" } ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "payments":[ { "amount":111.1111, "month":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z" }, { "amount":111.1111, "month":"2020-04-21T13:22:45.000Z" } ] }
{ "status":"ok", "message":"ok", "payments":[ { "amount":111.1111, "coin":"BTC", "audamount":10, "timestamp":"2020-04-21T13:22:45.000Z" }, { "amount":222.22222, "coin":"BTC", "audamount":10, "timestamp":"2020-05-21T13:22:45.000Z" } ] }