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Anhui Huaibei Jiecheng reed products professional custom suona, pipe, Bo grin, wicker horn,clarinet, Oboe, reed, Sax, bassoon, beep grams flute Western woodwind reed reed, origin AnhuiHuaibei,Bengbu, Huaiyuan, Wuhe area, reed harvestingin frost descending, between the snowto the heavy snow solar term, the reed growth at the junction in Huaihe or lake water, ReedGrowing straight, suitable for soft and hard, smooth, no trace, no insects, flawless marks, clear and uniform fiber silk road, through the production and repair professional, the reed vibration ofsound, sonorous voice, mellow, the suona musicians, music performances, folk reed productionartists pursue the ideal raw material, Jie Cheng reed products providing fine reed reed for you,welcome to the teacher to come to the reservation, negotiate. Telephone: /QQ:15305618221 0561-7895368 (electric)