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clearpath_husky: husky_bringup | husky_kinect | husky_localization | husky_teleop

Package Summary

This package provides a launch file to bring up the Husky hardware interface in a way that will be accessible and usable by the other software in husky_teleop and husky_kinect. In the future, a script will be provided to allow this to be controlled by the service command and launched on startup of your machine.

clearpath_husky: husky_bringup | husky_description | husky_interactive_markers | husky_localization | husky_navigation

Package Summary

This package provides a launch file to bring up the Husky hardware interface in a way that will be accessible and usable by the other software in husky_teleop and husky_kinect. In the future, a script will be provided to allow this to be controlled by the service command and launched on startup of your machine.

clearpath_husky: husky_bringup | husky_description | husky_interactive_markers | husky_localization | husky_navigation

Package Summary

This package provides a launch file to bring up the Husky hardware interface in a way that will be accessible and usable by the other software in husky_teleop and husky_kinect. In the future, a script will be provided to allow this to be controlled by the service command and launched on startup of your machine.

clearpath_husky: husky_bringup | husky_description | husky_interactive_markers | husky_localization | husky_navigation

Package Summary

This package provides a launch file to bring up the Husky hardware interface in a way that will be accessible and usable by the other software in husky_teleop and husky_kinect. In the future, a script will be provided to allow this to be controlled by the service command and launched on startup of your machine.

Package Summary

Installation for Husky

husky_robot: husky_base | husky_bringup

Package Summary

Clearpath Husky installation and integration package

husky_robot: husky_base | husky_bringup

Package Summary

Clearpath Husky installation and integration package

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Paul Bovbel <paul AT bovbel DOT com>, Tony Baltovski <tbaltovski AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>
  • Author: Mike Purvis <mpurvis AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>, Paul Bovbel <paul AT bovbel DOT com>, Devon Ash <dash AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>
  • License: BSD
  • Bug / feature tracker: https://github.com/husky/husky_robot/issues
  • Source: git https://github.com/husky/husky.git (branch: kinetic-devel)
husky_robot: husky_base | husky_bringup

Package Summary

Clearpath Husky installation and integration package

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Tony Baltovski <tbaltovski AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>
  • Author: Mike Purvis <mpurvis AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>, Paul Bovbel <paul AT bovbel DOT com>, Devon Ash <dash AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>
  • License: BSD
  • Bug / feature tracker: https://github.com/husky/husky_robot/issues
  • Source: git https://github.com/husky/husky.git (branch: melodic-devel)

See Robots/Husky for instructions and tutorials.


This package contains setup scripts and supporting launch files for bringing up Husky's ROS software, as well as drivers and other configuration for standard payloads.

For usage, please see the Robots/Husky page.

Launch files

The launch folder contains launch files for setting up Husky's standard payloads, including the CHRobotics UM6 (um6), Microstrain 3DM-GX3-25 (microstrain_3dmgx2_imu)), SICK LMS1XX (lms1xx), and a NMEA-compatible GPS (nmea_navsat_driver).

The launch files for communication with Husky's MCU live in the husky_base package.

Script files

The scripts folder contains the Husky install script (via robot_upstart), and compass calibration scripts.

Udev files

The udev folder contains udev decice manager configuration files for Husky's standard payloads.


This package contains setup scripts and supporting launch files for bringing up Husky's ROS software, as well as drivers and other configuration for standard payloads.

For usage, please see the Robots/Husky page.

The nodes which used to live in this package have been moved to husky_base.

Launch files

The launch files for serial comms with Husky's MCU live in the husky_base package.

The launch/imu_config directory contains launchers for use with the CHRobotics UM6 inertial measurement unit. Included is an instance of the um6 driver, as well as a static transform to its typical mounting location, and an instance of robot_pose_ekf used to fuse IMU and encoder data for an inertial pose estimate.

The launch/navsat_config directory contains additional launchers for use with the various NMEA GPS options available for Husky. Included is the basic nmea_navsat_driver, as well as the enu package's from_fix node, which converts sensor_msgs/NavSatFix messages to a planar coordinate system for use with estimators.



Produces nav_msgs/Odometry messages from encoder and IMU data on a Husky platform.

Subscribed Topics

imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
  • Actual data from an IMU (or equivalent) sensor.
husky/data/encoders (clearpath_base/Encoders)
  • Encoder information from a Husky platform.

Published Topics

imu_data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
  • Republished IMU messages. Incorporated due to the potential of correcting for IMU drift based on encoder data.
encoder (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • Dead-reckoned odometry message. Intended for use by nodes such as robot_pose_ekf.


~width (float, default: 0.5)
  • Width of the Husky
~gyro_scale_correction (float, default: 1.0)
  • Scaling factor for IMU data


Produces diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray messages from system data created by a Husky platform. Used for general debugging purposes.

Subscribed Topics

husky/data/system_status (clearpath_base/SystemStatus)
  • Uptime, voltage, motor temperature, and motor driver temperature information.
husky/data/safety_status (clearpath_base/SafetyStatus)
  • Emergency stop, timeout, and other safety system feedback.
husky/data/power_status (clearpath_base/PowerStatus)
  • Information related to the battery state of charge and capacity.

Published Topics

/diagnostics (diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray)
  • System diagnostics information.

Wiki: husky_bringup (last edited 2015-02-21 17:21:41 by PaulBovbel)