最終更新:2017-05-25 (木) 16:24:31 (2790d)
Top / Mono
Mono provides the necessary software to develop and run .NET client and server applications on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows, and Unix.
- Runs on Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, Windows, Solaris, Wii, PS3, iPhone, including x86, x86_64, IA-64, ARM, s390?, SPARC, Alpha?, PowerPC and much more
- Develop in C♯ (including LINQ and dynamic), VB 8?, Java, Python, Ruby, Eiffel, F♯, Oxygene?, and more
Binary Compatible
- Built on an implementation of the ECMA's Common Language Infrastructure and C♯
Microsoft Compatible API
- Run ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Silverlight and Windows.Forms? applications without recompilation
Open Source, Free Software
- Mono's runtime, compilers, and libraries are distributed under OSI approved licenses and are available for dual-licensing
Comprehensive Technology Coverage
- Bindings and managed implementations of many popular libraries and protocols
- Mono - .NET Framework(CLR)のオープンソース実装
- MonoDevelop - 統合開発環境
- Moonlight - Silverlightのオープンソース実装
- Gtk♯ - .NET binding for the GTK+ toolkit.
- MonoMac - 旧CocoaSharp
- WinForms - Windows Forms
- Managed.Windows.Forms? (MWF) - Mono's version of System.Windows.Forms (SWF)
- Gendarme?
- Gcc4cil?
- Mono.WebBrowser?
- http://www.mono-project.com/Languages
- C♯
- F♯
- Java - with IKVM the Java VM implementation that runs on top of .NET and Mono.
- Scala - Scala.NET?
- Boo
- Nemerle
- Python - PythonNet? and IronPython
- JavaScript - IronJS?
- Oberon? - Oberon for .NET?
- PHP - PHP4Mono
- Object Pascal? - Delphi Prism
- Lua - Lua2Il?
- Cobra?
.NET Framework 4.0
- C♯ 4.0
- ASP.NET 4.0?
- ASP.NET MVC 1 and MVC 2
- System.Numerics?
- Managed Extensibility Framework - Shared with .NET via MS-PL license
- Dynamic Language Runtime - Shared with .NET via MS-PL license
- Client side OData - Shared with .NET via MS-PL license
- Parallel Framework and PLINQ?
- CodeContracts? - API complete, partial tooling
- EntityFramework? - Available since Mono 2.11.4.
Server-side OData - Depends on Entity Framework.
.NET Framework 3.5
- C♯ 3.0
- System.Core?
- ASP.NET 3.5?
- LINQ to SQL - Mostly done, but a few features missing
.NET Framework 3.0
- WCF - Silverlight 2.0 subset completed
WPF - no plans to implementWF - Will implement WF 4 instead on future versions of Mono.
.NET Framework 2.0
- C♯ 2.0 (generics)
- Core Libraries 2.0: mscorlib?, System, System.Xml?
- ASP.NET 2.0? - except WebParts?
- ADO.NET 2.0?
- Windows Forms/System.Drawing 2.0 - does not support right-to-left
.NET Framework 1.1
- C♯ 1.0
- Core Libraries 1.1: mscorlib?, System, System.Xml?
- ASP.NET 1.1?
- ADO.NET 1.1?
- Windows Forms/System.Drawing 1.1
- System.Transactions?
System.Management - does not map to LinuxSystem.EnterpriseServices? - deprecated
Microsoft-compatible stack
- ASP.NET Designer?
- Windows Forms
- Windows Forms Designer?
- EnterpriseServices?
- SystemMessaging?
- Transactions?
- WSE?
- Olive? - Beyond 2.0
- Microsoft.Build?
- System.Query?
- Silverlight
Mac OS X
- MonoMac - (旧CocoaSharp) bindings.
- ObjC# bridge for Objective-C