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zitongzi asked:

i am always surprised WoD doesnt get more love on tumblr. Its got literally everything tumblr wants. Gay vampire and where wolf, queer metaphors, and the whole setting is about playing as the outcasts and monsters. Not to mention the punk influence of the franchise. Like yeah WoD has its misses and issues but so does DnD and that didnt stop tumblr from treating DnD as the best and most progressive thing ever

thydungeongal answered:

Yeah, like I’m endlessly nostalgic for late 90s and early 2000s WoD even though it has aged very poorly in most places! And the cool thing about WoD is that it actually does, as a game line, support multiple different themes and vibes, as opposed to D&D which is quite singular in its focus: you have Vampire for basically playing undead mafiosi, you have Werewolf for actually fighting the power and raging against the machine (to an extent), you have Mage for the philosophy major, Changeling if you want to deal with themes of the loss of innocence and the power of stories, and Wraith if you’re depressed!

And as said, WoD isn’t perfect, but neither is D&D, and WoD is actually like perfectly unhinged for that side of Tumblr that loves posting about absolutely bonkers lore. Like, so many characters from WoD are perfectly blorboable! I want to see really stupid Tumblr discourse about the Brujah’s noble Carthaginian experiment!!!

Anyway yeah. WoD rules but it’s also really stupid and it’s also pretty dang gay. You’d think it’d have more reach here.


Chronicles of Darkness is also great!

Changeling: the Lost is just core tumblr material, Hunter: the Vigil going "But who are the real monsters here?" and doing it well enough that Hunter: the Reckoning just went "Yeah, let's just be Vigil instead"

And then there's my personal favorite in Deviant: the Renegades which is basically "You got fucked up, now you have superpowers, kill nazis!" the game.

called tf out with the mage one but yeah

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"Oh!" said Charles Rambert, "have you finished talking about Fantômas? It was so amusing!"

"For my part," the president answered dryly, "I do not find stories about criminals 'amusing.' "

But the lad did not detect the shade of reproach in the words.

"But still it is very odd, very extraordinary that such mysterious characters as Fantômas can exist nowardays. Is it really posssible that one man can commit so many crimes, and that any human being could escape discover, as they say Fantômas can, and be able to foil the cleverest devices of the police? I think it is—"

The president's manner grew steadily more chilly as the boy's curiosity waxed more enthusiastic, and he interrupted curtly.

"I fail to understand your attitude, young man. You appear to by hypnotized, fascinated. You speak of Fantômas as if he were something alluring. It is out of place, to put it mildly," and he turned to the Abbé Sicot. "There, sir, that is the result of a modern education and the state of mind produced in the younger generation by the newspapers and even by literature. Criminals are given halos and proclaimed from the housetops. It is astounding!"

But Charles Rambert was not the least impressed.

"But it is life, sir; it is history, it is the real thing!" he insisted. "Why, you yourself, in just a few words, have romanticized this Fantômas to an extent that makes him absolutely fascinating! I would give anything to have known Vidocq and Cartouche and Rocambole, and to have seen them closeup. Those were men!"

President Bonnet contemplated the young man in astonishment; his eyes flashed lightning at him and he burst out:

"You are mad, boy, absolutely mad! Vidocq—Rocambole! You mix up legend and history, lump together murderers with detectives, and make no distinction between right and wrong! You would not hesitate to put the heroes of crime and the heroes of law and order on one and the same pedestal!"

"You have said the word, sir," Charles Rambert exclaimed; they all are heroes. But, better still Fantômas—"

The lad's outburst was so vehement and spontaneous and sincere that it provoked unanimous indignation among his listeners.

Fantômas, by Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre, William Morrow and Company Translation


In his own room, with the lights out and the curtains closed, Charles lay wide awake, a victim of nervous excitement. He turned and tossed in his bed. In vain did he try to banish from his mind the words spoken during the evening by President Bonnet. In his imagination Charles saw all sorts of sinister and dramatic scenes, crimes and murders. Hugely interested, intensely curious, craving for knowledge, he generally was given to concocting plots and trying to unravel mysteries. If for an instant he dozed off, the image of Fantômas took shape in his mind, but never twice the same way. Sometimes he saw a colossal figure with bestial face and muscular shoulders; sometimes a wan, thin creature, with strange and piercing eyes; sometimes a vague form, a phantom—Fantômas!

Charles slept, and woke, and dozed again. In the silence of the night he thought he heard creakings and heavy sounds. Suddenly he felt a breat pass over his face—and then nothing! And suddenly again strange sounds were buzzing in his ears.

Bathed in cold sweat Carles started and sat upright in bed, every muscle tense, listening with all his concentration. Was he dreaming, or had he really awakened? He did not know. And still, still he was conscious of Fantômas—of mystery—of Fantômas!


Also why is it always "D&D was always for the freaks and outsiders" and never Rolemaster (a game whose contributors included a gay man), or Cyberpunk (a game created by a pioneering black game designer) or Vampire: the Masquerade (made from the outset as open for non cishet guys) or Fudge (published and promoted by a company founded by a woman whose contributions made it as popular as it is) or Monsterhearts (gay gay homosexual gay) or Nobilis (women)? Why do we have to keep trying to revise a history where D&D was always woke when there are almost five decades' worth of roleplaying games actually made by marginalized people and for other marginalized people?


Rhetorical question of course: it's because many people who flaunt this idea are D&D players to the exclusion of other games and acknowledging that games outside of D&D have been openly inclusive when D&D was still regressive runs counter to the narrative.


And like I get being happy about the fact that D&D culture is better these days. But I often feel that both the takes coming from within the D&D community and the stories about this phenomenon in the media are a bit too quick to treat this as somehow D&D's doing and not something where D&D is late to a party the rest of the hobby has been having for years? Like, "good news D&D players! After thirty years of calling Vampire: the Masquerade 'gay' and 'for girls' and 'for stupid gay goth girls,' we have finally decided to make Vecna and Kas bitter gay exes."


Everyone in the notes who's reacting with excitement to any of the games mentioned, reacting with excitement to just the very fact that games other than D&D are being mentioned, or mentioning other games (because my list was in no way exhaustive and in fact barely scratching the surface) is actually now one of my besties okay I don't make the rules


Anonymous asked:

hello...what is this "eidolon playtest". i thought it was perhaps some kind of MTG since you like that and "playtest" but then i keep seeing like.....random character art. is this a tabletop thing. is it mtg and i just dont understand mtg. i know i can probably google this but jt seems like something you wnjoy and id like to hear you talk about it :^)

txttletale answered:

eidolon playtest is an actual play series in which the creators of the ttrpg ‘eidolon: become your best self’ and their friends – as the name implies – playtest aforementioned TTRPG. it has a pretty interesting format in which the same GM runs two separate campaigns for two different parties which slowly become more and more intertwined until they start crossing over directly. so far they have two pairs of campaigns finished, eidolon POP and ROCK (seasons 1 & 2) and eidolon SKA and DISCO (seasons 3 & 4), and season 5 (eidolon VGM and EDM) currently ongoing. they also have a couple of short mini-campaigns of 3-4 sessions each, which i’m not going to list all of because there’s a lot.

eidolon playtest is really good for so many reasons i can’t possibly provide a comprehensive account but here’s some:

  • the tables are really, really good at taking something and running with it. the number of goofy, seemingly one-off jokes that get called back to and built up and end up becoming extremely serious and plot-critical has to be in the double digits by now
  • there is very much a lack of… for want of a better word 'preciousness’ to the play – like, one of the things i really don’t like about dimension 20 is that because there is an entire production staff making all these little minis and sets, right, there is an investment and a need to put the money in front of the camera, it’s basically impossible for e.g. combat encounters to be skipped or for anything to go too 'off the rails’. meanwhile in eidolon everyone will get excited when someone pulls a fucking insane plan out of nowhere that radically reshapes an encoutner, or when someone rolls/draws badly and something awful happens – i fucking love that kind of play, where everyone is excited to see cool shit happen whether it’s bad or good, and the eidolon playtest team do it really well
  • the characters are really good and bounce off each other really well. something i commented recently is that i love diska for the fact thaqt nonoe of the players are afraid to have their character just be a huge cunt sometimes. every campaign has some amount of interpersonal drama and it always seems like the players are really excited to have it, too. there are conflicts, some get resolved, some don’t, some spiral into irreconcilable differences, some pave the way for extremely close bonds.
  • eidolon, the system (especially the 2e version that’s used for diska onwards) is a great system which encourages fun and cool things to happen. every character has a jojo-style extremely specific power, which means that fights aren’t boring slogs of people rolling dice (i hate combat in actual plays that use wargames, lol, even games with well-balanced combat systems that are fun to play often make horrible audio) but instead wacky and consistently dramatic encounters where the players make clever and creative use of their powers to take on a freak-of-the-week
  • the cast is just really damn good! i mentioned how the characters on all the shows have ineresting and complex dynamics, but even apart from that there’s just so many characters on this show that i’m genuinely attached too, so many memorable and interesting pcs and npcs.
  • the show is funny as fuck!! constant laugh out loud bits throughout every campaign, often alongside the extremely heartfelt or dramatic ones. i’ve been refernecing a bit from eidolon disco so much recently it’s been driving oen of my gfs crazy (you can buy rat poison for free at the store)
  • i, yknow, go back and forth on whether to mention this when recommending it bc i’m sure that the eidolon playtest folks don’t, like, want to be pigeonholed as A Trans Podcast or whatever, but, like, when it feels like every AP podcast that advertises itself or is advertised as 'super queer’ is like, two cis gay people and maybe one transmasc if you’re lucky at an otherwise super cishet table – it is such a breath of fresh air to listen to an actual play with a legit preponderance of transfem and nonbinary players playing all kinds of trans and queer characters.

tldr: its like homestuck but good


Was anyone going to tell me that the first book of the incredibly influential 1910s crime series Fantômas had a forcefem subplot


M. Rambert hurried back to his study, shut and locked the door behind him, and almost leaped toward the unknown lady, his fists clenched, his eyes popping out of his head. "Charles!" he exclaimed. "Papa!" the girl replied, and sank upon a sofa. There was silence. Etienne Rambert seemed utterly dumbfounded. "I won't, I can't remain disguised as a woman any longer. I'm through with it. I cannot bear it!" the strange creature murmured. "You must!" said Rambert harshly, imperiously. "I insist!" The phony Mlle. Jenny slowly took off the heavy wig that concealed her real features and tore away the corsage that compressed her bosom, revealing the strong and muscular frame of a young man. "No, I will not," replied the strange individual, to whom M. Rambert had unhesitatingly given the name of Charles. "I would rather die." "You have got to pay for your actions," Etienne Rambert said with the same harshness. "The torture is unendurable," the young fellow answered. "Charles," said M. Rambert very gravely, "are you forgetting that legally you are dead?" "I would rather be dead!" the unhappy lad exclaimed. "My God!" his father murmured, speaking very fast. "I thought your mind was more unhinged than it really is. I saved your life, regardless of any risk, because I thought you were insane, and now I know your are a criminal! Oh, yes, I know things, I know your life!"ALT

Son you must pay for your horrible act of murder. Put on the maid dress


This was prompted by the story’s detective trying to force a kiss. I can only assume that this is what happens in Dorely Hall


BTW the big twist ends up being that “Etienne Rambert” is actually the killer and is only pretending to be Charles/Jeanne/Fandor’s dad. For some reason after successfully pinning the blame on Charles, he went to the trouble of convincing his “son” to fake his death rather than just killing him. The duplicitous and criminal left is manipulating our young men into wearing maid dresses.

fantômas mals says