Multi-label learning is more complicated than single-label learning since the semantics of the instances are usually overlapped and not identical. The effectiveness of many algorithms often fails when the correlations in the feature and label space are not fully exploited. To this end, we propose a novel non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) based modeling and training algorithm that learns from both the adjacencies of the instances and the labels of the training set. In the modeling process, a set of generators are constructed, and the associations among generators, instances, and labels are set up, with which the label prediction is conducted. In the training process, the parameters involved in the process of modeling are determined. Specifically, an NMF based algorithm is proposed to determine the associations between generators and instances, and a non-negative least square optimization algorithm is applied to determine the associations between generators and labels. The proposed algorithm fully takes the advantage of smoothness assumption, so that the labels are properly propagated. The experiments were carried out on six set of benchmarks. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.
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The authors are grateful to the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61402076, 61572104, 61103146), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (DUT17JC04), and the Project of the Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering ofMinistry of Education, Jilin University (93K172017K03).
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Liang Sun received the BE degree in computer science and technology from Xidian University, China in 2003, the MS degree and PhD degree in computer application technology from Jilin University, China in 2006 and 2012, respectively. He is currently with the College of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian university of technology, China. His main research interests lie in machine learning and deep learning.
Hongwei Ge received BS and MS degrees in mathematics from Jilin University, China, and the PhD degree in computer application technology from Jilin University, China in 2006. He is currently a professor and a vice dean in the College of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, China. His research interests are machine learning, computational intelligence, optimization and modeling, computer vision, and deep learning.
Wenjing Kang received the BS degree from Northeast University, China in 2016. She is currently pursuing a master degree in the College of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, China. Her main research interests are deep learning, machine learning applications such as computer vision.
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Sun, L., Ge, H. & Kang, W. Non-negative matrix factorization based modeling and training algorithm for multi-label learning. Front. Comput. Sci. 13, 1243–1254 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11704-018-7452-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11704-018-7452-y