In this work, we consider a combinatorial optimization problem with direct applications in blockchain mining, namely finding the most lucrative blocks for Bitcoin miners, and propose optimal algorithmic solutions. Our experiments show that our algorithms increase the miners’ revenues by more than a million dollars per month. Modern blockchains reward their miners in two ways: (i) a base reward for each block that is mined, and (ii) the transaction fees of those transactions that are included in the mined block. The base reward is fixed by the respective blockchain’s protocol and is not under the miner’s control. Hence, for a miner who wishes to maximize earnings, the fundamental problem is to form a valid block with maximal total transaction fees and then try to mine it. Moreover, in many protocols, including Bitcoin itself, the base reward halves at predetermined intervals, hence increasing the importance of maximizing transaction fees and mining an optimal block. This problem is further complicated by the fact that transactions can be prerequisites of each other or have conflicts (in case of double-spending). In this work, we consider the problem of forming an optimal block, i.e. a valid block with maximal total transaction fees, given a set of unmined transactions. On the theoretical side, we first formally model our problem as an extension of Knapsack and then show that, unlike classical Knapsack, our problem is strongly NP-hard. We also show a hardness-of-approximation result. As such, there is no hope in solving it efficiently for general instances. However, we observe that its real-world instances are quite sparse, i.e. the transactions have very few dependencies and conflicts. Using this fact, and exploiting three well-known graph sparsity parameters, namely treedepth, treewidth and pathwidth, we present exact linear-time parameterized algorithms that are applicable to the real-world instances and obtain optimal results. On the practical side, we provide an extensive experimental evaluation demonstrating that our approach vastly outperforms the current Bitcoin miners in practice, obtaining a significant per-block average increase of 11.34 percent in transaction fee revenues which amounts to almost one million dollars per month.
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1 Introduction
In blockchain ecosystems, mining is the process of adding new blocks of transactions to the public ledger (the blockchain). This terminology is usually applied to proof-of-work blockchains such as Bitcoin Nakamoto (2008) and is sometimes even used to refer solely to the process of solving a hashcash puzzle. Blockchains that are not based on proof-of-work sometimes prefer other terms such as farming (Cohen and Pietrzak 2019) or validating (Ethereum Foundation 2021). For the purposes of this paper, we consider the widest definition of mining that is not restricted to a specific consensus protocol such as proof-of-work, and distinguish between the two natural phases of mining:
In the first phase, the miner has to gather new transactions and form a valid block.
In the second phase, the miner should perform actions that allow her to add the new block to the chain. For example, in Bitcoin she has to solve a hashcash puzzle (Nakamoto 2008), while in typical proof-of-stake protocols she has to win a specific type of lottery (Kiayias et al. 2017; King and Nadal 2012; Gilad et al. 2017).
A significant amount of research and development has been devoted to studying and optimizing the second phase. For Bitcoin alone, there are already several generations of mining hardware (Dev 2014; Taylor 2017; Bhaskar and Chuen 2015), from GPU mining, to FPGA, to dedicated ASICs and trusted hardware frameworks (Zhang et al. 2017). There mining industry is huge and consumes a significant amount of electricity in this phase. Indeed, the cost of becoming a miner is dominated by the electricity usage (Stepanova et al. 2024). Moreover, miners often collaborate in what is known as a mining pool, which has also been widely studied in the literature (Lewenberg et al. 2015; Chatterjee et al. 2018; Laszka et al. 2015; Velner et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2020; Zur et al. 2020; Eyal and Sirer 2018; McCorry et al. 2018). Another direction of research focuses on game-theoretic aspects of mining and its effects on other economic problems in the blockchain ecosystem (An et al. 2024; Mikhaylov 2023; Mutalimov et al. 2021; An et al. 2020). In contrast, we focus on the orthogonal task of performing the first phase efficiently and optimally.
Mining Rewards In order to incentivize miners to take part in mining, especially performing the often costly proof-of-work in the second phase, blockchain protocols reward them in two ways:
Base reward: The miner is rewarded a predetermined amount for each block that she successfully adds to the blockchain. This reward is not under the miner’s control and is instead fixed by the underlying protocol. In Bitcoin, it is currently 3.125 BTC and halves at predetermined intervals (Nakamoto 2008). This is also how new units of currency are created. Some cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum, have a more complex method in which miners who solve the second phase puzzle but whose block does not eventually get added to the chain are also rewarded (Antonopoulos and Wood 2018).
Transaction fees: Each transaction has a specific fee that is paid to the miner who includes this transaction in her block and adds it to the chain (Nakamoto 2008). The transaction fees are set by the user who creates the transaction. A miner can decide which transactions to include in her block based on their fees. Indeed, it is well-known that transactions with small fees are often added to the chain with considerable delay or not at all.
Focus In this work, we consider a miner’s point-of-view, and focus on the problem of creating a block of transactions in the first phase of mining such that the total amount of gathered transaction fees is maximized. The task of forming an optimal block is complicated by several factors, as explained below.
Block Size Limit Every transaction has a known size and blockchain protocols enforce an upper-bound on the size of mined blocks. In Bitcoin, the bound is 1,000,000 bytes (Lombrozo et al. 2015).Footnote 1 The maximum block size has a direct impact on the scalability of a cryptocurrency, and has been at the heart of the debate that led to forks such as Bitcoin Cash, which increased the block size limit to 8MB and then to 32MB (Javarone and Wright 2018; Kwon et al. 2019). There are also cryptocurrencies that advocate for larger blocks, and even a total abandonment of block size limits, such as Bitcoin SV (Bazán-Palomino 2020). Block size limits complicate the task of forming an optimal block by forcing the miner to choose which transactions to include and which to ignore.
Dependencies Transactions have dependencies among themselves. For example, in Bitcoin, if a transaction \(\textit{Tx}_2\) uses an output of a transaction \(\textit{Tx}_1\) as one of its inputs, i.e. if \(\textit{Tx}_2\) spends funds that were obtained in \(\textit{Tx}_1\) as shown in Fig. 1, then \(\textit{Tx}_1\) must appear in the chain before \(\textit{Tx}_2.\) This can be achieved either by putting \(\textit{Tx}_1\) in an earlier block, or in the same block as \(\textit{Tx}_2\) but in an earlier position. Such a dependency will not create any additional constraints for the miner if \(\textit{Tx}_1\) is already on the chain. However, if both \(\textit{Tx}_1\) and \(\textit{Tx}_2\) are new transactions that are not already put on the chain, then the miner cannot include \(\textit{Tx}_2\) in her block while leaving \(\textit{Tx}_1\) out.
Conflicts It is possible for a pair of otherwise-valid transactions to be in conflict with each other. For example, in Bitcoin, one can create two transactions that double-spend the same output coin, as in Fig. 2, leading to a situation where only one of them can be added to the consensus chain. In such cases, if one of the transactions is already on the blockchain, then the other transaction would be ignored. If none of the transactions are already mined, then the miner has to choose which transaction to put in her block, but she cannot choose both.
Inefficiency of Heuristics It is easy to see that in the presence of the requirements above, many of the common heuristics used by miners can become infinitely bad on adversarial instances. For example, a miner that ignores all transactions that are involved in a double-spending risks not only losing their transaction fees but also the fees of transactions depending on them. Similarly, a miner that ignores low-fee transactions risks losing potentially high-fee transactions that depend on them. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the default Bitcoin implementation does not address the problem of forming an optimal block, and chooses transactions based on a “priority” formula that is meant to ensure that every transaction is eventually put into a block, instead of aiming at maximizing the miner’s revenue (Miner fees 2020). As such, this approach has been largely abandoned by the miners (Miner fees 2020).
Our Contribution In this work, we consider the problem of forming an optimal block, i.e. one that maximizes the total transaction fees while respecting the requirements above. Our contributions are as follows:
We first formally model the problem as what we call a Dependency-Conflict Knapsack (DCK) instance over an underlying graph, called the Dependency-Conflict Graph (DCG). This is a graph with one vertex per transaction and edges that model dependency and conflict relations.
Negative Results. We establish the following hardness results:
We show that, unlike classical Knapsack, DCK is strongly NP-hard, hence ruling out the existence of pseudo-polynomial algorithms, i.e. algorithms depending polynomially on the block size limit, unless P=NP.
We provide a hardness-of-approximation result, showing that there exists a constant \(\epsilon > 0\) such that it is NP-hard to approximate the reward of the optimal block within a factor of \(1 - \epsilon .\) We also show that \(\epsilon > 0.12.\)
Research Hypothesis. We hypothesize that the real-world instances of the DCK problem which arise in Bitcoin mining have sparse graphs. More specifically, we hypothesize that the dependency-conflict graphs in these instances have bounded treewidth, pathwidth and treedepth. We have experimentally verified this hypothesis (Sect. 7).
Positive Results. Based on the hypothesis above, we present the following positive results, leading to efficient algorithms:
On instances with bounded pathwidth or treedepth, the DCK problem is solvable in \(O(n \cdot k),\) whereas it is solvable in \(O(n \cdot k^2)\) for instances with bounded treewidth. Here, n is the number of new transactions (also known as mempool size) and k is the block size limit. These pseudo-polynomial algorithms output optimal blocks.
While it is well-known that treedepth is a stronger parameter than pathwidth, which is in turn a stronger parameter than treewidth, we reach a peculiar observation: the middle parameter, i.e. pathwidth, is actually the best choice for our problem. Pathwidth is preferable to the other two parameters because (i) real-world instances of the problem have relatively larger treedepth than pathwidth, and (ii) the treewidth-based algorithm has a quadratic dependence on the size of the block, whereas the dependence is linear for pathwidth/treedepth.
Finally, we provide real-world experimental results over Bitcoin, showing that the constant pathwidth assumption holds in practice and that our approach leads to significantly more profitable blocks and beats real-world miners by 11.34 percent. This translates to a revenue increase of more than one million dollars per month.
Related Works Surprisingly, the problem of forming an optimal block to mine is quite understudied. It is well-known that the problem is NP-hard. To the best of our knowledge, the earliest mention of this fact is in a blog post by Joseph Bonneau back in 2014 (Bonneau 2014). Parameterized algorithms have not been previously studied in the context of blockchain, except for Chatterjee et al. (2019) which considers treewidth as a parameter for static analysis of smart contracts.
2 Preliminaries
In this section, we provide a short overview of the notions of treedepth, treewidth and pathwidth, which we will later exploit in order to obtain efficient algorithms for optimal mining. Treewidth (Robertson and Seymour 1984) is a widely-used graph parameter. Intuitively, it models the degree to which a graph resembles a tree. Only trees and forests have a treewidth of 1. Similarly, pathwidth (Robertson and Seymour 1983) is a measure of path-likeness of a graph and treedepth measures the degree to which a graph resembles a star (Aspvall and Heggernes 1994; Nešetřil and De Mendez 2012). Many problems that are NP-hard on general graphs admit efficient solutions when restricted to instances with small treewidth, treedepth or pathwidth (Cygan et al. 2015; Goharshady and Mohammadi 2020; Goharshady 2020; Chatterjee et al. 2019). Even problems that are not NP-hard can often be solved more efficiently when parameterized by these parameters (Asadi et al. 2020; Chatterjee et al. 2020, 2019, 2016; Fomin et al. 2018). We now provide more formal definitions:
Depth Decompositions Nešetřil and De Mendez (2006) Given a connected graph \(G=(V, E)\) with vertex set V and edge set E, a depth decomposition or treedepth decomposition of G is a rooted tree \((V, E_T),\) with the same vertex set as the original graph, which satisfies the following additional constraint:
For every edge \((u, v) \in E\) of the original graph G, either u is an ancestor of v in the tree or v is an ancestor of u.
Intuitively, a depth decomposition defines a partial order \(\prec \) on the vertices of G in which every vertex u is assumed to be smaller than its parent \(p_u,\) i.e. \(u \prec p_u,\) and thus the root is the largest element. In order for the tree to be a valid depth decomposition, every pair (u, v) of vertices that are connected to each other by an edge in the original graph G have to be comparable in \(\prec \). If G is not connected, then the depth decomposition will be a forest, consisting of one tree for each connected component of G.
Example 1
Figure 3 shows an example graph together with a depth decomposition.
Treedepth Nešetřil and De Mendez (2006), Nešetřil and De Mendez (2012), Aspvall and Heggernes (1994) The treedepth of G is the smallest possible depth among all depth decompositions of G. For example, Fig. 3 shows a depth decomposition of G in which the tree has a depth of 4. So, the treedepth of G is at most 4.
Tree Decompositions and Path Decompositions Robertson and Seymour (1983), Robertson and Seymour (1984), Cygan et al. (2015) Let \(G = (V, E)\) be a graph with vertex set V and edge set E. A tree decomposition of G is a tree \((T, E_T)\) such that:
Each node \(b \in T\) has an associated set \(V_b \subseteq V\) of vertices of G. To avoid confusion, we reserve the word “vertex” for vertices of G and use the word “bag” to refer to the nodes of T. Moreover, we define \(E_b\) as the set of edges whose both endpoints are in \(V_b.\)
Each vertex \(v \in V\) appears in at least one bag. More formally, \(\bigcup _{b \in T} V_b = V.\)
Each edge \(e \in E\) appears in at least one bag. In other words, \(\bigcup _{b \in T} E_b = E.\)
Each vertex \(v \in V\) appears in a connected subtree of T. In other words, for all \(b_1, b_2, b_3 \in T\), if \(b_3\) is on the unique path from \(b_1\) to \(b_2\), then \(V_{b_1} \cap V_{b_2} \subseteq V_{b_3}.\)
A tree decomposition is called a path decomposition if \((T, E_T)\) is a path.
Treewidth and Pathwidth Robertson and Seymour (1983), Robertson and Seymour (1984), Cygan et al. (2015) The width of a tree decomposition is defined as the size of its largest bag minus 1. The treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of a graph G is the smallest width among all of its tree decompositions (resp. path decompositions).
Example 2
Figure 4 shows a tree decomposition and a path decomposition for the same graph as in Fig. 3.
Nice Decompositions Consider a tree decomposition \((T, E_T)\) of a graph G, in which a bag \(r \in T\) is chosen as root. The tree decomposition \((T, E_T)\) is called nice if it satisfies the following conditions:
If a bag \(l \in T\) is a leaf, then \(V_l = \emptyset .\)
If a bag \(b \in T\) is not a leaf, then b is in one of the following forms:
Introduce Bag: The bag b has a single child \(b'\) and there is a vertex \(v \in V_b\) such that \(V_{b'} = V_b {\setminus } \{v\}.\) In this case, we say that b introduces v.
Forget Bag: The bag b has a single child \(b'\) and there is a vertex \(v' \not \in V_b\) such that \(V_{b'} = V_b \cup \{v'\}.\) In this case, we say that b forgets \(v'.\)
Join Bag: The bag b has exactly two children, \(b_1\) and \(b_2\), and we have \(V_b = V_{b_1} = V_{b_2}.\)
A nice path decomposition is defined similarly, except that there can be no join bags in a path decomposition. It is easy to see that any tree decomposition or path decomposition can be turned nice in linear time. See Cygan et al. (2015) for details. Nice decompositions are useful because they allow one to perform dynamic programming on arbitrary trees in essentially the same manner as on trees or paths. This is exactly what our algorithm in Sect. 6 does. See Bodlaender (1988), Cai and Goharshady (2024), Goharshady et al. (2024), Conrado et al. (2024), Conrado et al. (2023), Conrado et al. (2023), Conrado et al. (2023), Ahmadi et al. (2022) for more examples of this type of dynamic programming.
Sparsity and Comparison of Parameters Treedepth, treewidth and pathwidth are graph sparsity parameters, in the sense that a graph with n vertices and treewidth / treedepth / pathwidth t can have at most \(O(n \cdot t)\) edges. Thus, the number of edges in a graph with bounded treewidth / treedepth / pathwidth is at most linear in the number of vertices. Moreover, many well-studied families of graphs, such as cacti, series–parallel graphs, outerplanar graphs, and control-flow and call graphs of programs, have constant treewidth (Bodlaender 1998; Thorup 1998; Cai et al. 2025; Goharshady and Zaher 2023; Conrado et al. 2023). It is also well-known that treedepth is a stronger parameter than pathwidth, which is in turn stronger than treewidth (Nešetřil and De Mendez 2006, 2012; Aspvall and Heggernes 1994). More precisely, for any graph G with n vertices, we have:
Thus, any problem that is solvable in polynomial time for graphs of bounded treewidth is also solvable in polynomial time for bounded pathwidth, and ditto for pathwidth vs treedepth.
Fixed-parameter Tractability Cygan et al. (2015) Given an instance with n vertices and a graph parameter r as input, we say that a graph decision problem is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (FPT) with respect to r, if there exists an algorithm that solves it in \(O(n^c \cdot f(r) ),\) where c is a fixed constant not depending on either n or r, and f is an arbitrary computable function. This definition, which is standard in parameterized complexity, captures the requirement that the problem can be solved in polynomial time when the parameter r is small. Moreover, the degree of the polynomial is independent of r. In the sequel, we will obtain FPT algorithms with respect to the three sparsity parameters.
Computing the Sparsity Parameters Computing the treedepth, treewidth or pathwidth of an arbitrary input graph are NP-hard problems (Arnborg et al. 1987; Ohtsuki et al. 1979; Nešetřil and De Mendez 2006). However, the problems are FPT when parameterized by the parameter itself. Indeed, Bodlaender (1996), Bodlaender and Kloks (1996) provide linear-time FPT algorithms for computing treewidth and pathwidth and similar algorithms for treedepth are provided in Nešetřil and De Mendez (2006), Aspvall and Heggernes (1994). Moreover, there are efficient tools and libraries, such as The Sage Developers (2020), van Dijk et al. (2006) that compute these parameters. As such, in our decomposition-based algorithms, we assume without loss of generality that a nice tree decomposition (resp. path decomposition) with \(O(n \cdot t)\) bags is given as part of the input. Similarly, we assume that a depth decomposition of optimal depth is part of the input, too.
3 Dependency-Conflict Knapsack
In this section, we formalize our optimal mining task as a variant of the Knapsack problem, called Dependency-Conflict Knapsack (DCK).
Instances A DCK instance is a tuple \(I = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D),\) in which:
n and k are positive integers. Intuitively, n is the number of items and k is the capacity of our knapsack.
\(\varSigma = \{ \sigma _1, \ldots , \sigma _n \}\) is a set of n items.
\(V,W: \varSigma \rightarrow \mathbb N \cup \{ 0 \}\) are functions that assign a value and a weight to every item. For brevity, we denote \(V(\sigma _i)\) by \(v_i\) and \(W(\sigma _i)\) by \(w_i.\)
\(C, D \subseteq \varSigma \times \varSigma \), respectively called the conflict and dependency relations, are relations on \(\varSigma \) such that:
C is symmetric.
The transitive closure of D is anti-symmetric.
Informally, \(\sigma _i C \sigma _j\) signifies that the two elements \(\sigma _i\) and \(\sigma _j\) are in conflict, i.e. we cannot put both of them into the knapsack. It is clear that the conflict relation should be symmetric. Similarly, \(\sigma _i D \sigma _\ell \) means that \(\sigma _\ell \) is a prerequisite of \(\sigma _i,\) i.e. if we put \(\sigma _i\) in the knapsack, we have to put \(\sigma _\ell ,\) too. In (ii), we are assuming that there are no cyclic dependencies. This is because any set of items with cyclic dependencies can be merged into a single item. We now formalize the problem:
The DCK Problem Given an instance \(I = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D)\) as above and a positive integer \(\alpha \), the \(\textsc {DCK}(I, \alpha )\) problem asks whether there exists a subset \(\varSigma ^* \subseteq \varSigma \) of items, such that:
\(\sum _{\sigma ^* \in \varSigma ^*} W(\sigma ^*) \le k,\) i.e. the items in \(\varSigma ^*\) must fit in a knapsack of size k.
For every \(\sigma ^*_i, \sigma ^*_j \in \varSigma ^*,\) we have \((\sigma ^*_i, \sigma ^*_j) \not \in C.\)
For every \(\sigma _i, \sigma _j \in \varSigma ,\) if \(\sigma _i D \sigma _j\) and \(\sigma _i \in \varSigma ^*,\) then we also have \(\sigma _j \in \varSigma ^*.\)
\(\sum _{\sigma ^* \in \varSigma ^*} V(\sigma ^*) \ge \alpha ,\) i.e. the total value of items in \(\varSigma ^*\) is at least \(\alpha .\)
The maximization variant of the DCK problem, MaxDCK, asks for a \(\varSigma ^*\) that maximizes the sum \(\sum _{\sigma ^* \in \varSigma ^*} V(\sigma ^*).\)
It is easy to see the correspondence between the DCK problem and the problem of forming a block. The knapsack size k serves as the block size limit, while each of the n items represents a valid new transaction. By this, we mean a transaction that is not already included in the chain, and passes other validity checks (such as providing the right signatures). If a transaction \(\sigma \) double-spends a coin that was spent in another transaction \(\sigma '\) and \(\sigma '\) is already on the chain, then \(\sigma \) is considered to be invalid. However, if \(\sigma '\) is also a new transaction, then they are both considered valid, but in conflict. The weight \(w_i\) represents the size of transaction \(\sigma _i\) and the value \(v_i\) represents its transaction fee, which will be paid to the miner if she includes it in her block (knapsack). The relation C models conflicts between transactions, i.e. if \(\sigma _i\) and \(\sigma _j\) are transactions that are double-spending the same output, then we have \(\sigma _i C \sigma _j.\) Similarly, D models dependencies. Condition (ii) makes sure that we do not have cyclic dependencies. In the real-world, if a set of transactions have cyclic dependencies, they are all invalid, and can be removed by a simple preprocessing. Using this correspondence, the DCK problem formalizes the question of whether one can form a valid block with a total transaction fee of at least \(\alpha ,\) whereas MaxDCK asks for the maximum possible amount of transaction fees among all valid blocks.
Independence of C and D In the real-world scenario of forming a block, two transactions have a conflict if and only if they both use the same output. In other words, any pair of conflicting transactions should have a common dependency. However, note that this common dependency might already be added to the blockchain. In our modeling as a DCK instance, each item corresponds to a new transaction that is not yet added to the chain. As such, we do not need to posit extra requirements on the relation between C and D. Indeed, for any given DCK instance, it is easy to come up with a block formation problem that exactly corresponds to it.
DCG Given \(I = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D),\) its Dependency-Conflict Graph (DCG) is a graph \(G = (\varSigma , E),\) in which each item serves as a vertex, and there are two types of edges in E:
Undirected Conflict Edges: There is an undirected edge \(\{\sigma _i, \sigma _j\}\) for each \(\sigma _i C \sigma _j.\)
Directed Dependency Edges: There is a directed edge \((\sigma _i, \sigma _j)\) for each \(\sigma _i D \sigma _j.\)
4 Hardness results
In this section, we provide a reduction showing that DCK is strongly NP-hard. This is in contrast to classical Knapsack, which has a simple pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming algorithm and is only weakly NP-hard. Moreover, we show that MaxDCK is hard-to-approximate within a constant factor unless P=NP, and hence does not admit a PTAS. This is again in contrast to classical Knapsack, which admits an FPTAS. Additionally, our reduction rules out efficient parameterized algorithms based on several common graph parameters, such as degree and diameter, on the DCG.
Reduction Our reduction is from 3-SAT. Given a 3-SAT formula \(\varphi \) with \(\overline{m}\) clauses over \(\overline{n}\) boolean variables, we construct the following DCK instance \(I_\varphi = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D):\)
\(n = 3 \cdot \overline{m} + 2 \cdot \overline{n} \)
\(k = \overline{m} + \overline{n} \)
For each variable x appearing in \(\varphi ,\) we add two items \(\sigma _x\) and \(\sigma _{\lnot x}\) to \(\varSigma .\) We set \(W(\sigma _x) = W(\sigma _{\lnot x}) = 1\) and \(V(\sigma _x) = V(\sigma _{\lnot x}) = 0\). Moreover, \((\sigma _x, \sigma _{\lnot x}), (\sigma _{\lnot x}, \sigma _x) \in C,\) i.e. the two items are in conflict.
For each clause \(c = (\ell _1 \vee \ell _2 \vee \ell _3)\) of \(\varphi \) in which each literal \(\ell _i\) is either a boolean variable or its negation, we add three items \(\sigma _{c,1}, \sigma _{c, 2},\) and \(\sigma _{c,3}\) to \(\varSigma .\) We set \(W(\sigma _{c, i}) = V(\sigma _{c, i}) = 1.\) Moreover, we have \((\sigma _{c, i}, \sigma _{c, j}) \in C\) for every \(i \ne j,\) i.e. every pair of the three elements are in conflict. Additionally, we set \(\sigma _{c, i}~D~\sigma _{\ell _i},\) i.e. the i-th element of c depends on the element corresponding to \(\ell _i.\)
Example 3
Figure 5 illustrates our reduction.
It is easy to verify that I has all the requirements for a DCK instance as defined in Sect. 3. Note that every solution to I can pick at most one of \(\sigma _x\) and \(\sigma _{\lnot x}\) for every variable x. Similarly, for each clause c, it can take at most one of the items corresponding to c, and can take \(\sigma _{c, i}\) only if it also takes the item corresponding to the i-th disjunct of c. Also, note that every item has unit weight, and only the items corresponding to clauses have a unit value, while all other items are worthless. Given this discussion, it is easy to see that \(\varphi \) is satisfiable iff \(\textsc {DCK}(I_\varphi , \overline{m}) = 1.\) Moreover, \(\textsc {MaxDCK}(I_\varphi ) = \textsc {Max3-SAT}(\varphi ).\) Hence, we have the following theorems:
Theorem 1
(Strong NP-hardness) DCK is strongly NP-hard. In other words, it is NP-hard even if the input instance size is defined to be \(n + k.\)
As shown above, for every 3-SAT formula \(\varphi ,\) we have \(\textsc {3-SAT}(\varphi ) \Leftrightarrow \textsc {DCK}(I_\varphi , \overline{m}).\) It is well-known that 3-SAT is NP-hard. Moreover, the reduction above keeps n and k polynomial in terms of \(\vert \varphi \vert .\) Hence, DCK is strongly NP-hard. \(\square \)
Theorem 2
(Inapproximability) There exists \(\epsilon > 0,\) such that it is NP-hard to approximate MaxDCK within a factor of \(1-\epsilon .\)
A well-known corollary of the PCP theorem (Arora et al. 1998) is that such an \(\epsilon \) exists for the Max3-SAT problem. The theorem follows from the fact that we have \(\textsc {MaxDCK}(I_\varphi ) = \textsc {Max3-SAT}(\varphi )\) in our reduction. Indeed, it is hard to approximate Max3-SAT within a ratio of \(\frac{7}{8}+\epsilon \) for any \(\epsilon > 0\) (Håstad 2001). Using our reduction, this result also applies to MaxDCK. \(\square \)
5 An efficient algorithm based on treedepth
We now provide an efficient linear-time FPT algorithm for the DCK problem. We use the treedepth d of the DCG as our parameter.
Setup and Notation Let \(I = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D)\) be a DCK instance which is given to us as input together with an optimal depth decomposition \(T = (V, E_T)\) of its DCG \(G = (\varSigma , E).\) The main property of a depth decomposition is that any vertex \(v \in V\) can have G-edges only to vertices that are either its ancestors or its descendants in the tree T. Specifically, note that if v is a leaf in T, then it can have G-edges to its ancestors only. We use this property to define certain subgraphs of G that would later enable a left-to-right dynamic programming algorithm for MaxDCK. For every vertex \(v \in V,\) let A(v) be the set of all ancestors of V in the tree T, including v itself. Of course, we have \(\vert A(v) \vert \le d + 1.\) Suppose that we run a pre-order traversal of the tree T and label the vertices from left to right as \(a_1, a_2, \ldots , a_n\). We define the i-th canonical induced subgraph of G as:
In other words, \({\langle {G,i}\rangle }\) contains the first i vertices of G from left to right, i.e. in pre-order. Similarly, we define canonical subtrees:
Note that \({\langle {T,i}\rangle }\) is a valid depth decomposition for \({\langle {G,i}\rangle }.\)
Example 4
Figure 6 shows a DCG G and a depth decomposition of G. Conflict edges are shown in red and dependencies in blue. We have labeled the vertices based on a pre-order traversal. The canonical graph \({\langle {G,2}\rangle }\) will contain the vertices \(\{a_1, a_2\} = \{2, 3\}\) and the conflict edge between them.
Main Idea Our algorithm is a left-to-right dynamic programming which computes answers for the subproblems defined by the canonical subgraphs \({\langle {G,i}\rangle }.\) More specifically, for every \(1 \le i \le n,\) every knapsack capacity \(\kappa \le k,\) and every subset \(M \subseteq A(a_i),\) we define a dynamic programming variable \(\textit{dp}[i, M, \kappa ].\) Our goal is to compute values for these variables such that at the end of the algorithm we have the following desirable invariant:
Every \(\textit{dp}[i, M, \kappa ]\) contains the maximum possible value that can fit in a knapsack of size \(\kappa \) assuming that we can only take a subset of the first i items, i.e. \(\{a_1, a_2, \ldots , a_i\},\) into the knapsack and have to respect only the dependency and conflict edges in the canonical subgraph \({\langle {G,i}\rangle }.\)
Intuition The intuition behind the way we defined our dynamic programming variables is that \({\langle {G,i}\rangle }\) has exactly one vertex more than \({\langle {G,i-1}\rangle }\) and that vertex is \(a_i.\) Moreover, \(a_i\) is guaranteed to be a leaf in \({\langle {G,i}\rangle }.\) Thus, it can only have dependencies and conflicts with its ancestors \(A(a_i).\) So, if we know exactly which subset M of the ancestors are supposed to go into the knapsack, then we can fill in the rest of our knapsack using information computed at \({\langle {G,i-1}\rangle }.\) We are now ready to provide the details of how the \(\textit{dp}\) values are computed.
Computations at \({\langle {G,1}\rangle }\) The canonical subgraph \({\langle {G,1}\rangle }\) has a single vertex \(a_1.\) Thus, we have:
In other words, if \(a_1\) fits in the knapsack, we will get its value. Note that the second parameter in our \(\textit{dp},\) i.e. M, is the exact set of ancestors of \(a_1\) that are included in the knapsack. Thus, if M includes \(a_1\) but \(a_1\) does not fit in \(\kappa ,\) we have an impossible situation and the \(\textit{dp}\) value should be set to \(-\infty \) to model this.
Example 5
In Fig. 6, suppose every vertex has a value equal to its number and unit weight, e.g. \(V(a_1) = 2\) and \(V(a_3) = 1.\) We have \( \textit{dp}[1, \emptyset , 2] = 0, \) \( \textit{dp}[1, \{a_1\}, 0] = -\infty , \text {and} \) \( \textit{dp}[1, \{a_1\}, 1] = 2. \)
Computations at \({\langle {G,i}\rangle }\) For every \(i > 1,\) to compute \(\textit{dp}[i, M, \kappa ],\) our algorithm first checks whether the constraints on the new vertex \(a_i\) are satisfied. More specifically, it checks that M conforms with all the conflict and dependency requirements modeled by edges connecting \(a_i\) to its ancestors. If not, it sets \(\textit{dp}[i, M, \kappa ] = -\infty .\) Note that this check can easily be performed using the information we have in our dynamic programming parameters since \(a_i\) can only have edges to \(A(a_i)\) in \({\langle {G,i}\rangle }\) due to its status as a leaf and M tells us exactly which subset of \(A(a_i)\) is in our knapsack. Additionally, we check that the sum of the weights of the items included in M is at most \(\kappa .\) If \(\varSigma _{v \in M} W(v) > \kappa ,\) then we set \(\textit{dp}[i, M, \kappa ] = -\infty \).
If these checks pass, we are sure that only the constraints in \({\langle {G,i-1}\rangle }\) can be violated. Moreover, M tells us whether \(a_i\) is itself going to be in the knapsack (if \(a_i \in M\)) or not (if \(a_i \not \in M\)). Let \(M' \subseteq A(a_{i-1})\) be a subset of ancestors of \(a_{i-1}.\) We say \(M'\) is compatible with M and write \(M' \leftrightharpoons M\) if they agree on every vertex, i.e. if for every \(v \in A(a_i) \cap A(a_{i-1})\) that is a common ancestor of \(a_i\) and \(a_{i-1},\) we have \(v \in M \Leftrightarrow v \in M'.\) Since we know all elements in M have to be in the knapsack, our algorithm simply tries every \(M'\) that is compatible with m and computes:
This step is exactly like standard 0-1 Knapsack. In the first case, \(a_i\) is in our knapsack, so the capacity decreases by its weight \(W(a_i)\) and the total value increase by \(V(a_i).\) In the second case, \(a_i\) is excluded from the knapsack.
Example 6
Continuing with our running example of Fig. 6, let us compute some \(\textit{dp}\) values. Our algorithm computes these values from left to right, but in this example we do not follow this order for better illustration.
We have \(\textit{dp}[3, \{a_3\}, 3] = -\infty \) since \(a_1=2\) is a prerequisite of \(a_3=1\) and this condition is violated by \(M = \{a_3\}.\)
Similarly, we have \(\textit{dp}[4, \{a_4, a_3, a_1\}, 10] = 0\) since \(a_4\) and \(a_3\) are in conflict and are both included in M.
Now consider \(\textit{dp}[3, \emptyset , 2].\) Here, \(M = \emptyset \) and \(a_{i-1} = a_2 = 3.\) There are two values of \(M' \subseteq A(a_{i-1})\) that are compatible with M and they are \(\emptyset \) and \(\{a_2\}.\) We thus have
\(\textit{dp}[3, \emptyset , 2] = \max \{ \textit{dp}[2, \emptyset , 2], \textit{dp}[2, \{a_2\}, 2] \} = \max \{0, V(a_2)\} = 3.\)
Finally, let’s consider \(\textit{dp}[4, \{a_4\}, 3].\) In this case, \(M = \{a_4\}\) satisfies all the conditions imposed by edges connected to vertex \(a_4 = 4.\) Moreover, \(A(a_3) = \{a_3, a_1\}\) and the only \(M' \subseteq A(a_3)\) that is compatible with M is \(\emptyset .\) Thus, we have \(\textit{dp}[4, \{a_4\}, 3] = 4 + \textit{dp}[3, \emptyset , 2] = 4 + 3 = 7.\)
Computing the Final Answer Since we have \({\langle {G,n}\rangle } = G,\) the final answer to our MaxDCK instance is simply the largest value computed at \({\langle {G,n}\rangle }.\) Thus, our algorithm returns
The optimal combination of items that should be put into the knapsack can be reconstructed easily by keeping a pointer to the \(\textit{dp}\) value that led to the maximum result in each of our computations above. This is a standard process in dynamic programming and exactly the same as 0-1 Knapsack.
Example 7
In the previous example, if we have \(k=3,\) i.e. we are trying to fill a knapsack of capacity 3, then the largest \(\textit{dp}\) value at \(a_4\) would be \(\textit{dp}[4, \{a_4\}, 3],\) which we have already computed as 7. The optimal solution is to take the vertices \(\{a_2, a_4\} = \{3, 4\}\) into the knapsack.
Based on the algorithm and discussion above, we have the following theorem:
Theorem 3
Given a DCK instance \(I = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D),\) and a depth decomposition of its DCG with depth d, our algorithm above solves MaxDCK in time \(O(n \cdot k \cdot d \cdot 2^{d}).\)
We have already argued for the correctness of our algorithm. To analyze its runtime, note that we have \(O(n \cdot k \cdot 2^{d})\) dynamic programming variables since i can range from 1 to n, \(\kappa \) is always bounded by k and M is a subset of ancestors of \(a_i,\) which can have at most \(d+1\) ancestors, counting itself. To compute each \(\textit{dp}[i, M, \kappa ],\) we first have to check the edges going out of \(a_i,\) but there are at most d of these. Then, we have to take the maximum over all \(M' \subseteq A(a_{i-1})\) that are compatible with M. We argue that each \(M'\) is included in the max computation for at most two different values of M. If \(a_i\) is a child of \(a_{i-1}\) in T, then \(A(a_i) = A(a_{i-1}) \cup \{a_i\}.\) Thus, there are only two M values that can be compatible with any given \(M',\) namely \(M'\) itself and \(M' \cup \{a_i\}.\) Otherwise, let \(p_i\) be the parent of \(a_i.\) By pre-order construction, we know that \(a_{i-1}\) is a descendant of \(p_i.\) Thus, \(A(a_i) \cap A(a_{i-1}) = A(p_i).\) This means every \(M'\) uniquely determines whether each vertex in \(A(p_i)\) should be in the knapsack or not. Thus, the only two M values that are compatible with \(M'\) are \(M' \cap A(p_i)\) and \(M' \cap A(p_i) \cup \{a_i\}.\) Hence, our total runtime is dominated by the checks rather than max computations and is \(O(n \cdot k \cdot d \cdot 2^d).\) \(\square \)
6 Efficient algorithms based on treewidth and pathwidth
In this section, we provide efficient FPT algorithms for the DCK problem with respect to the treewidth and pathwidth of its DCG. For a DCG with treewidth t, our approach leads to an \(O(n \cdot k^2 \cdot 2^t \cdot t^3)\)-time algorithm. Moreover, for a DCG with pathwidth p, it obtains a runtime of \(O(n \cdot k \cdot 2^p \cdot p^3).\) Note that the latter is faster by a factor of k, so if k is large and both t and p are small, the pathwidth-based algorithm would be much faster in practice.
Setup and Notation Let \(I = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D)\) be a DCK instance given as input together with a nice tree decomposition \((T, E_T)\) of its DCG \(G = (\varSigma , E).\) Moreover, as justified in Sect. 2, we assume that the tree decomposition has width t and \(O(n \cdot t)\) bags. Recall that for a bag \(b \in T,\) we denote its associated set of items by \(\varSigma _b \subseteq \varSigma ,\) and define \(E_b \subseteq E\) as the set of edges whose both endpoints are in \(\varSigma _b.\) Additionally, as our tree decomposition is nice, we have a distinguished root bag r, and every bag is either a leaf, an introduce bag, a forget bag, or a join bag. For a bag \(b \in T,\) we denote by \(T^\downarrow _b\) the subtree of T consisting of b and its descendants. Similarly, we define \(G^\downarrow _b\) as the part of G that corresponds to \(T^\downarrow _b.\) More formally,
Example 8
Figure 7 shows a DCG G (left) and a nice tree decomposition of G (right). We will use this figure as our running example. Suppose that every vertex i has a value of i and unit weight. Moreover, let \(k=3.\) In this example, we have \(\varSigma _{b_2} = \{1, 2, 3\}\) and \(E_{b_2} = \{ (1, 2), \{2, 3\} \}.\) Moreover, \(T^\downarrow _{b_1}\) is the part of the tree that contains \(b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4, \) and \(b_5\), and the graph \(G^\downarrow _{b_1}\) contains vertices 1, 2, 3 and edges (1, 2) and \(\{2, 3\}.\)
Main Idea Our algorithm is a bottom-up dynamic programming on the tree decomposition. At every bag \(b \in T,\) for every subset \(M \subseteq \varSigma _b,\) and every non-negative integer \(\kappa \le k,\) we define a variable \(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ]\) and initialize it to \(-\infty .\) The goal is to compute values for each such variable such that the following invariant is satisfied:
\(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ]\) is the maximum total value of items that can be placed in a knapsack of size \(\kappa ,\) such that:
Every item comes from \(G^\downarrow _b,\)
All dependency and conflict relations in \(G^\downarrow _b\) are respected, and
The set of items chosen from \(\varSigma _b\) is exactly M.
Having this in mind, we now show how one can compute the values for \(\textit{dp}\) variables. Our algorithm processes the bags of the tree decomposition in a bottom-up order and performs the following calculations:
Computing Values at Leaves Given that our tree decomposition is nice, for every leaf bag \(l \in T,\) we have \(\varSigma _l = \emptyset .\) Hence, the algorithm sets \(\textit{dp}[l, \emptyset , \kappa ] = 0\) for every \(\kappa .\)
Example 9
In the instance of Example 8 (Fig. 7), the algorithm computes \(\textit{dp}[b_5, \emptyset , \kappa ] = \textit{dp}[b_{10}, \emptyset , \kappa ] = 0\) for all \(0 \le \kappa \le 3.\)
Computing Values at Introduce Bags Let \(b \in T\) be an introduce bag. Also, let \(b'\) be its child and \(\sigma \) be the item/vertex that is introduced in b. When computing \(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ],\) the algorithm first checks whether M violates any dependency/conflict relations within \(E_b.\) If so, it sets \(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ] = -\infty .\) Similarly, if the sum of weights of items in M exceeds \(\kappa ,\) it sets \(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ] = -\infty .\) Otherwise, it sets:
It is straightforward to see why this works. The argument is similar to classical 0-1 Knapsack. If \(\sigma \in M,\) then we should put \(\sigma \) in the knapsack, leading to a value of \(V(\sigma ),\) and leaving us with \(k-W(\sigma )\) more room to fill with items from \(G^\downarrow _{b'}.\) If \(\sigma \not \in M,\) there is no gain in value and no loss in space, and the knapsack should be filled using \(G^\downarrow _{b'}.\) In both cases, we of course have to respect all the conflicts and dependencies in \(G^\downarrow _{b'},\) too. This is modeled by \(\textit{dp}[b', \cdot , \cdot ].\)
Example 10
In the instance of Example 8 (Fig. 7), the algorithm sets \(\textit{dp}[b_2, \{1, 3\}, \kappa ] = -\infty \) for every \(\kappa .\) This is because 1 depends on 2, which is not included, hence the requirement of the dependency edge (1, 2) is violated. Similarly, we have \(\textit{dp}[b_7, \{1, 2, 4\}, 2] = \emptyset ,\) because there is not enough capacity in a knapsack of size 2 for 3 unit-size elements. Now consider bag \(b_2,\) which introduces vertex 1. The algorithm computes \(\textit{dp}[b_2, \{2, 3\}, 3] = \textit{dp}[b_3, \{2, 3\}, 3] = 3\) and \(\textit{dp}[b_2, \{1, 2\}, 2] = \textit{dp}[b_3, \{2\}, 1] + V(1) = 3.\)
Computing Values at Forget Bags If \(b \in T\) is a forget bag with a single child \(b'\), then by definition, we have \(G^\downarrow _b = G^\downarrow _{b'}.\) Suppose that b forgets \(\sigma .\) Then, the algorithm computes \(\textit{dp}\) values at b as follows:
This is because \(G^\downarrow _b\) and \(G^\downarrow _{b'}\) enforce the same dependency and conflict requirements. Moreover, if the set of items put in the knapsack has intersection M with \(\varSigma _b,\) then its intersection with \(\varSigma _{b'} = \varSigma _b \cup \{\sigma \}\) is either M or \(M \cup \{\sigma \}.\)
Example 11
In the instance of Example 8 (Fig. 7), bag \(b_6\) forgets vertex 4. The algorithm computes
Similarly, we have:
Now consider the case of computing \(\textit{dp}[b_6, \{1, 2\}, 3].\) In a valid solution, it is impossible to take both 1 and 2, because 2 depends on 4 and 4 is in conflict with 1. Nevertheless, this does not violate any local restrictions at \(b_6\). Note that \(E_{b_6} = \{ (1, 2) \}\) and choosing the set \(\{1, 2\}\) satisfies the requirement. Hence, the algorithm computes \(\textit{dp}[b_6, \{1, 2\}, 3]\) as
However, these values are both \(-\infty .\) \(\textit{dp}[b_7, \{1, 2\}, 3] = -\infty \) because the local dependency requirement (2, 4) is not met at \(b_7.\) Similarly, \(\textit{dp}[b_7, \{1, 2, 4\}, 3] = -\infty \) because the local conflict requirement between 1 and 4 at \(b_7\) is not met. Hence, we will get \(\textit{dp}[b_6, \{1, 2\}, 3] = -\infty .\)
Computing Values at Join Bags Let \(b \in T\) be a join bag with children \(b_1\) and \(b_2\). By definition, we have \(\varSigma _b = \varSigma _{b_1} = \varSigma _{b_2}\) and \(G^\downarrow _b = G^\downarrow _{b_1} \cup G^\downarrow _{b_2}.\) Note that because T is a tree decomposition, every vertex appears in a connected subtree. Hence, all common vertices of \(G^\downarrow _{b_1}\) and \(G^\downarrow _{b_2}\) are in \(\varSigma _b.\) To compute \(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ],\) the algorithm first checks whether any dependency or conflict requirements in \(E_b\) are violated by M. If so, it sets \(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ] = -\infty .\) Otherwise, it computes \(V(M) = \varSigma _{m \in M} V(m)\), i.e. the total value of items in M, and \(W(M) = \varSigma _{m \in M} W(m),\) i.e. the total weight of items in M. If \(W(M) > \kappa ,\) it sets \(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ] = -\infty .\) Otherwise, it computes \(\textit{dp}[b, M, \kappa ]\) to be equal to
We now explain why this is correct. Suppose that we want to fill a knapsack of size \(\kappa \) with items from \(G^\downarrow _b = G^\downarrow _{b_1} \cup G^\downarrow _{b_2}.\) We first decide how much of the capacity in the knapsack should be assigned to items from \(G^\downarrow _{b_1}\) and denote it by i. This cannot be less than W(M) as we know that we have to put M in the knapsack. After putting M and the other items from \(G^\downarrow _{b_1},\) we have \(\kappa -i\) remaining capacity for other elements from \(G^\downarrow _{b_2}.\) However, given that M also appears in \(G^\downarrow _{b_2},\) this is equivalent to filling a knapsack of size \(\kappa + W(M) - i\) using items in \(G^\downarrow _{b_2}\) in which we are forced to take M. The final \(-V(M)\) in the formula is to avoid double-counting the value of items in M, which were counted in both \(\textit{dp}\) variables.
Example 12
In the instance of Example 8 (Fig. 7), the only join bag is the root \(r = b_0.\) The algorithm computes \( \textit{dp}[r, \{2\}, 2] = \max \{\textit{dp}[b_1, \{2\}, 1] + \textit{dp}[b_6, \{2\}, 2], \textit{dp}[b_1, \{2\}, 2] +\textit{dp}[b_6, \{2\}, 1]\} - V(2) = \max \{2 + 6, 6 + 2\} - 2 = 6. \)
Intuitively, we want to fill a knapsack of size 2 and we know that vertex 2 must be present in the knapsack and 1 must be absent. We consider two cases: either we allocate capacity 1 to the subgraph \(G^\downarrow _{b_1}\) and capacity 2 to \(G^\downarrow _{b_2}\) (The vertex 2 itself has a weight of 1 is counted in both capacities), or vice versa. We can read the maximum values from \(\textit{dp}\) variables computed in \(b_1\) and \(b_6\). However, as vertex 2 was included in both sides, we have to subtract its value at the end.
Note that in the steps above, the values of \(\textit{dp}\) variables are computed correctly. Specifically, at each bag b, we first check that the local dependency/conflict requirements at b are satisfied. If they are not, we set the \(\textit{dp}[b,\cdot ,\cdot ]\) to \(-\infty .\) Hence, a bottom-up inductive argument shows that all \(\textit{dp}[b, \cdot , \cdot ]\) values respect the dependency and conflict requirements of the edges of \(G^\downarrow _b.\)
Computing the Final Answer Finally, the algorithm computes the answer to the MaxDCK problem as follows:
Recall that r is the root bag, and hence \(G^\downarrow _r = G.\) So every solution of \(\textit{dp}[r, M, k]\) respects all dependency and conflict relations in G. Also, note that obtaining the actual contents of our knapsack is a matter of following \(\textit{dp}\) values that lead to the optimal solution in each formula above, just as in the classical 0-1 Knapsack.
Example 13
In our example, the solution is:
which can be achieved by taking items 3 and 4.
Given the algorithm and discussion above, we have the following theorems:
Theorem 4
Given a DCK instance \(I = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D),\) and a nice tree decomposition of its DCG with width t and \(O(n \cdot t)\) bags, our algorithm above solves MaxDCK in time \(O(n \cdot k^2 \cdot 2^t \cdot t^3).\)
We define \(O(2^t \cdot k)\) \(\textit{dp}\) variables at each bag. Given that there are \(O(n \cdot t)\) bags, the total number of \(\textit{dp}\) variables is \(O(n \cdot k \cdot t \cdot 2^t).\) Computing each \(\textit{dp}\) variable takes \(O(t^2),\) i.e. for checking the satisfaction of local constraints in the current bag, except when we are handling join bags, where it takes \(O(t^2 + k)\) due to taking the maximum of k elements. This leads to the desired bound of \(O(n \cdot k^2 \cdot 2^t \cdot t^3)\) for the whole runtime. \(\square \)
Theorem 5
Given a DCK instance \(I = (n, k, \varSigma , V, W, C, D),\) and a nice path decomposition of its DCG with width p and \(O(n \cdot p)\) bags, our algorithm above solves MaxDCK in time \(O(n \cdot k \cdot 2^p \cdot p^3).\)
This is exactly similar to Theorem 4, except that a nice path decomposition has no join nodes, and hence the algorithm is faster by a significant factor of k. \(\square \)
Note that if the treewidth or pathwidth are fixed (small) constants, the theorems above lead to pseudo-polynomial algorithms with runtimes \(O(n \cdot k^2)\) and \(O(n \cdot k),\) respectively. Especially, the latter bound matches the runtime of the classical dynamic programming algorithm for 0-1 Knapsack. As we will see in the next section, this is exactly what happens in practice.
Parallelization The \(\textit{dp}[b,.,.]\) computations performed by our algorithm in every bag are independent of each other and parallelizable. Specifically, when solving instances with a knapsack of capacity k, if we have \(\theta \) threads and \(\theta < k \cdot 2^t,\) then the algorithm can be perfectly parallelized. In real-world use-cases, we often have \(k \ge 10^6.\) So, for all practical purposes, our algorithms’ parallel runtimes are
for instances with bounded treewidth and pathwidth, respectively.
7 Implementation and experimental results
We implemented our algorithm in C++ and used OpenMP (Dagum and Menon 1998) for parallelization. We used the Esplora Block Explorer (Blockstream Corporation Inc 2021) to collect information about the Bitcoin blockchain. This includes details of the transactions in each block and the mempool, i.e. transactions that are published but not yet mined. We computed the decompositions using SageMath (The Sage Developers 2020).
Machine All results were obtained on a machine with an Intel Xeon 6226R (2.9 GHz, 16 Cores, 22 MB Cache), running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with 135 GB of RAM and a total of 32 threads. Note that this is an extremely modest configuration in comparison with the computation power that the miners routinely use for proof-of-work. Moreover, as mentioned above, our algorithm can be perfectly parallelized and will therefore use much less time when run by the real-world miners.
Central Hypothesis We consider DCK instances that model the problem of obtaining optimal blocks (wrt transaction fees) in the Bitcoin blockchain. Our central hypothesis is that the DCGs (Dependency-Conflict Graphs) of these instances have bounded sparsity parameters, namely treewidth, pathwidth and treedepth. In other words, we are creating a graph in which we put a vertex for every transaction and put edges between two transactions if either they are in conflict or one is a dependency of the other. We hypothesize that such a graph would be sparse and have a tree-like/path-like/star-like structure. This is intuitively justified by the fact that double-spending is relatively rare and creates very few conflict edges. On the other hand, the dependence between transactions is often in the form of a directed acyclic graph and has a tree-like structure. We might normally have a chain of dependencies, which would create a path-like structure, or multiple spendings of the outputs of the same transaction which will create a star-like dependency structrue.
Benchmarks We ran two real-time experiments on live Bitcoin data. In the first experiment, we considered blocks number 681,734 to 681,935 in the Bitcoin Blockchain, whereas the second experiment considered blocks 747,429 to 752,075. The 202 blocks in the first experiment correspond to almost 27 h of activity, whereas the 4,646 blocks in the second experiment capture just over a month. We updated our mempool every 5 min using live Bitcoin data as provided by Blockstream Corporation Inc (2021). There is a simple reason behind this choice: the mempool is continuously evolving as new transactions are broadcast. As such, a miner who is intent on mining the optimal block should constantly run our algorithm on new mempools. As we will see, each run of our algorithm takes less than 5 min on our machine. To ensure that we are not obtaining any unfair advantage, we set the interval to 5 min. We used this live mempool as the set \(\varSigma \) of all possible items. We then ran our algorithm to obtain an optimal block.
Baseline We compared the total transaction fees obtained by our solution with transaction fees earned by the miner of the actual block on the Blockchain.
Note that real-world miners could have a better view of the network and hence form a block using a larger set of transactions. This can happen, for example, when a miner is withholding information about a particular lucrative transaction. Hence, a direct comparison of the final transaction fees puts us in a relative disadvantage. Despite this, we manage to beat the real-world miners convincingly.
Results of the First Experiment The results of our first experiment are shown in Fig. 8. We now discuss them in more detail:
Widths. We observed that the pathwidth of the instances occurring during this 27-hour window was at most 3. Given that the capacity is \(k = 10^6\) in Bitcoin, our pathwidth-based algorithm is much more promising than the treewidth-based variant, i.e. \(O(n \cdot k)\) vs \(O(n \cdot k^2).\)
Transaction Fee Revenues. Figure 8 shows the amount of transaction fees obtained by our algorithm (the pathwidth variant) vs the amount earned by the miners on chain. Based on these, our approach obtains a maximum per-block improvement of 259 percent in transaction fee revenues, which is huge. Moreover, the average per-block improvement is a whopping 13.4 percent. In absolute terms, our algorithm obtains between \(-\)0.029 and 0.776 BTC more fees than the miners in each block. If we sum this over all blocks, we get total improvements of 5.539 BTC, which was equal to roughly 325,800 USD at the time.Footnote 2
Runtimes. Our runtimes ranged from 114 s to 277 s per block, and the average runtime was 175 s. Note that in Bitcoin, a new block is mined roughly every 10 min. So, even with our modest computational resources, we are able to find the optimal block in time. Given that the miners have access to much more computational power (that they use for proof-of-work), obtaining the optimal block using our algorithm will have a negligible effect on computation costs, while significantly increasing revenue.
Results of the Second Experiment The purpose of our second experiment was to consider a longer timeframe of a month instead of a day and confirm whether the improvements remain qualitatively similar. We now discuss various findings of our second experiment:
Widths and Depths. Figure 9 provides a bar chart of the number of instances with each particular treedepth, treewidth and pathwidth. This demonstrates that our central hypothesis holds in the real world and the widths and depths are small. However, we observe that the treedepth can grow to as large as 10, whereas the pathwidth is at most 4 in all but one of the instances. Moreover, the treedepth is consistently larger than the pathwidth. Thus, given the exponential dependence of our runtime on the depth/width, our pathwidth-based algorithm is preferable to the treedepth-based variant. On the other hand, we observe that the distributions of pathwidth and treewidth have little qualitative difference. Given that the pathwidth is at most 6 and the capacity is \(k = 10^6\) in Bitcoin, our pathwidth-based algorithm is much more promising than the treewidth-based variant, i.e. \(O(n \cdot k)\) vs \(O(n \cdot k^2).\) Thus, surprisingly, the middle parameter (pathwidth) is the most practical parameter. All runtimes and results reported below are using our pathwidth-based algorithm.
Transaction Fee Revenues. In the almost one-month period of our experiment, the miners earned a total of 373.0596 BTC in transaction fees. In contrast, our approach obtained 415.3654 BTC. Thus, using our algorithms, the miners could increase their total revenue by 42.3058 BTC which is an 11.34 percent increase and amounts to an astonishing improvement of 1,012,843 USD in just one month. Our approach obtains a maximum per-block improvement of 216 percent in transaction fee revenues. The average per-block improvement is 13.8 percent. On the other hand, the median improvement is 1.16 percent, showing that the heursitics used by the miners are working well in practice and many of the real-world miners’ blocks were actually close to optimal. This being said, the difference between heuristics and the optimal transaction fees obtained by our method is quite significant in practice and accounts for more than a million dollars per month.
Runtimes. Our runtimes ranged from 0.1s to 173.1s, and the average runtime was 56.45s.
8 Concluding remarks
We now discuss the potential limits of applicability of our results to other blockchains and threats to their validity in the future.
Extension to other (non-Bitcoin) Blockchains Our algorithms are directly applicable to any blockchain with static transaction fees, i.e. blockchains in which the exact fee is known at the time the transaction is broadcast. Extending these methods to blockchains with dynamic transaction fees, such as Ethereum, is a challenging and interesting direction of future work. It is also noteworthy that our algorithms do not depend on the consensus mechanism and can be applied to blockchains that do not use proof-of-work.
Threats to Validity The main threat to the validity of our approach is if our central hypothesis, i.e. sparsity, does not hold. This hypothesis can be violated by the users, who are the originators of transactions and whose actions ultimately define the conflicts and dependencies. For example, if the network suddenly receives a huge number of double-spending attacks, then the DCG will no longer be sparse. As shown in Sect. 4, the problem is strongly NP-hard and hard-to-approximate without this assumption. However, as demonstrated by our experimental results, our assumption currently holds in Bitcoin. Another threat is posed if the blocks are added to the chain in extremely small timeframes. In Bitcoin, a new block is mined roughly every 10 min. As shown by our experimental results, this is enough time for us to run our algorithms and obtain optimal blocks. Given that our algorithms are perfectly parallelizable, shorter times between mined blocks would only translate to a need for more computation power. However, our algorithms also rely on the various types of graph decompositions which are obtained from external non-parallel tools. If the rate of addition of new blocks is extremely fast (e.g. one block per second), we might not be able to compute the decompositions in time.
Conclusion In this work, we considered the problem of forming an optimal block, i.e. a block that yields maximal transaction fee revenue, from the viewpoint of a miner. We formalized it as an extension of the Knapsack problem with dependencies and conflicts. We then showed that it is strongly NP-hard and hard-to-approximate within a factor of \(\frac{7}{8}+\epsilon \) unless P=NP. Then, we exploited the fact that real-world instances of the problem have sparse underlying dependency-conflict graphs and obtained efficient algorithms parameterized by the treewidth and pathwidth of this graph. Finally, we provided experimental results demonstrating that our approach significantly outperforms real-world miners, obtaining improvements of almost a million dollars per month. Given that our approach is efficient and parallelizable, it provides the miners with a cost-effective and simple solution to dramatically increase their transaction fee revenues.
9 Extended abstract
A 7-page extended abstract of this work appeared in Meybodi et al. (2022) (IEEE International Conference on Blockchain). In comparison to Meybodi et al. (2022), the current version adds the following new content: the entirety of Sects. 4 and 5, two new sparsity parameters, a more general algorithm in Sect. 6, NP-hardness and hardness-of-approximation results, several new figures, significantly more extensive experiments over a longer timeframe, arguments for the correctness of the algorithms, and detailed runtime analyses. Following theoretical computer science norms, authors are ordered alphabetically.
Data Availability
The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study will be made publicly available on Zenodo. The underlying code will also be published as free and open-source software.
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Open access funding provided by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The research was partially supported by the IPM Grant CS1401-4-201, an Ethereum Foundation Research Grant, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council ECS Project Number 26208122 and the HKUST-Kaisa Joint Research Institute Project Grant HKJRI3A-055.
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Alambardar Meybodi, M., Goharshady, A., Hooshmandasl, M.R. et al. Optimal blocks for maximizing the transaction fee revenue of Bitcoin miners. J Comb Optim 49, 15 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-024-01249-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-024-01249-0