名古屋港大廈 愛知縣名古屋市
台場電信中心展望 2023 年
Curious Marmoset Monkey with Watchful Gazes amid Dining Companions
港口塔 Selion 和秋田港(秋田縣秋田市)
Call center employee communicating alternative routes for couriers, trying to avoid traffic by using satellite city map and surveillance CCTV footage. Operator gives gps directions. Camera A.
Indian employee follows order shipment next to a greenscreen on pc, communicating gps coordinates on satellite map for courier trying to avoid traffic. Cargo delivery agency. Camera A.
Premature newborn baby in neonatal intensive care unit incubator after c-section, receiving specialized medical care with oxygen support, illustrating newborn rescue and intensive care efforts.
Supervisor arriving in the control center at shipping agency, overseeing main gps locating activities to ensure order and parcel delivery. Diverse employees working with satellite maps. Camera B.
Indian employee collecting and transmitting information to couriers, locating the destination and sending the gps coordinates for faster order delivery. Dispatch call center operator. Camera B.
Team leader monitoring city traffic with her diverse team on a big screen, using real time surveillance footage to ensure public safety. Agency supervising CCTV security system. Camera B.
Manager supervising diverse employees operators in delivery call center office, people using global positioning system to guide shipment cars on city routes via satellite navigation map. Camera A.
Young stressed call center operator communicating gps coordinates to the courier, working under pressure to give directions to the delivery truck. Employee consulting satellite map. Camera B.
Indian operator monitors traffic next to a greenscreen on display, following surveillance footage from satellite radar cameras. Agency employee works with city CCTV system. Camera A.
Public security agency office equipped with satellite CCTV cameras system, radar and sensors used in monitoring traffic through video surveillance video footage. Reconnaissance observation room.
African american manager guiding her team to monitor surveillance footage on a big screen, observing traffic flow in the city. Government agency operating CCTV satellite system. Camera A.
Indian manager supervising his employees team in observation room, people monitoring traffic through satellite system CCTV cameras. Diverse group working on surveillance tracking. Camera A.
African american agency worker using CCTV footage and isolated display, monitoring traffic through real time surveillance video in observation room. Employee works within the government. Camera A.
Empty observation room with a big screen to monitor traffic surveillance footage on CCTV security cameras on the streets. Agency using government satellite radar for public safety.
Diverse employees at call center transmitting gps coordinates of routes without traffic to help with express order delivery. Operators following surveillance footage on radar system and map. Camera A.
Empty monitoring room with a big screen used to observe traffic through surveillance footage, government satellite CCTV cameras. Public safety agency headquarters monitors the city.
Indian woman dispatch operator gives directions to couriers, avoiding traffic by monitoring radar CCTV surveillance footage. Employee uses gps coordinates and satellite map. Camera B.
Indian call center operator gathers location and gps coordinates, monitoring traffic via surveillance camera system. Employee using CCTV real time footage to collect data. Camera B.
Team of control center employees gather intelligence about cars in traffic, monitoring the activity in the city via surveillance footage on CCTV security cameras. Infrastructure tracking. Camera B.
Indian supervisor assigning tasks for her operators team in observation room, people monitoring traffic through surveillance CCTV footage. Agency using satellite radar for public safety. Camera B.
Diverse employees following the delivery track through city traffic, offering directions for less crowded street routes to ship cargo. Operators managing order tracking complains. Camera A.
Frustrated tired employee failing to help the couriers with order shipment directions, feeling stressed and overworked in control center. Satellite map gps and CCTV footage. Camera A.
African american employee tracking orders on satellite navigation with gps coordinates, looking for routes to help couriers with express shipping service. Agency worker in control center. Camera B.
Empty observation room full of offices used in monitoring traffic surveillance footage on CCTV security cameras around the city. Agency using government satellite sensors for public safety.
Manager overseeing employees in monitoring traffic activity, operating through surveillance video footage on CCTV cameras. Diverse team work with satellite system in control center. Camera B.
Indian operator monitors delivery trucks next to a mockup screen, uses surveillance footage on CCTV cameras around the city. Employee helps couriers to deliver orders, satellite navigation. Camera A.
Agency operator monitoring traffic through radar surveillance with a mockup layout, using greenscreen next to CCTV video footage. Employee gathering data on cars, satellite sensors. Camera B.
Team leader gives order tracking details to her employees in control center, people working together to guide delivery trucks on less busy routes. Using surveillance footage and gps. Camera A.
Diverse employees monitoring traffic via radar cameras at stop lights, using surveillance CCTV footage sensors in the city. People tracking cars in the government database, public safety. Camera A.
Diverse team of operators providing order tracking updates to clients, following delivery trucks around the city via gps coordinates and satellite map. Using surveillance CCTV footage. Camera B.
Public security observation room equipped with CCTV satellite system, radar and sensors used in monitoring traffic through surveillance footage. Government gps urban reconnaissance.
Young manager analyzing traffic surveillance data with her employees team, using the CCTV security system around the city. Agency experts employing satellite radars for reconnaissance. Camera B.
Indian woman working with surveillance footage and greenscreen on computers, tracking cars in traffic and at red lights. Government agency employee studies drivers behaviors. Camera B.
Employees team monitoring delivery cars in traffic via CCTV radar footage at stop lights, using satellite navigation for order tracking information. Cargo logistics around the city. Camera B.
Shipping agency workers examine satellite map with huge greenscreen display, monitoring parcels and orders for clients. Employees using surveillance CCTV footage to get updates. Camera B.
Indian supervisor gather intelligence on cargo delivery logistics by following the route through street traffic via satellite map. Manager works with her team in control center. Camera A.
Team leader gives order tracking details to her employees in control center, people working together to guide delivery trucks on less busy routes. Using surveillance footage and gps. Camera B.
Indian employee communicating satellite map directions in observation room, monitoring traffic around the city via CCTV security system. Young man works with video surveillance data. Camera B.
Diverse employees group discussing ways to speed up order delivery, looking for routes to avoid traffic on satellite navigation. Agency operators use CCTV footage in monitoring room. Camera B.
Manager tracking a delivery car by using satellite map for navigating around the city, monitoring orders via surveillance footage and CCTV system. Locating coordinates for shipping route. Camera B.
Diverse call center operators monitoring couriers in traffic and update clients on potential order delay due to busy routes. Employees guiding the delivery cars via gps and satellite map. Camera B.
Indian worker operating on license plate registration via CCTV radar footage, working with video surveillance system in real time. Government employee monitoring traffic. Camera B.
A laptop running isolated mockup display in a monitoring room, people working with surveillance footage from CCTV security cameras around the city. Greenscreen in a government agency. Camera B.
Empty government service office uses CCTV surveillance footage to ensure public safety, monitoring traffic through the satellite system. Observation room with gps and sensors.
Indian employee monitoring traffic activity and communicating routes to delivery truck drivers, helping with express order shipment. Operator uses satellite navigation and CCTV. Camera A.
Empty government agency oversees public safety through traffic surveillance on CCTV security cameras. Satellite communication tracking in professional observation room, control center.
African american operator gathers gps coordinates and data for the government database, monitoring cars in traffic via surveillance CCTV security systems. Real time radar recordings. Camera B.
African american team monitoring routes and directions on satellite map, guiding delivery trucks to avoid traffic and ship orders faster. Operators consulting radar surveillance system. Camera A.
African american employee monitoring traffic activity in the city by using CCTV system to ensure public safety. Woman watches real time surveillance footage in government observation room. Camera A.
Call center operators providing shipment information via gps satellite map for their clients, ensuring fast delivery. Employees locating their drivers with coordinates, monitoring traffic. Camera A.
African american employee using greenscreen display and CCTV real time footage, communicating gps coordinates for order shipment and delivery. Control center operator uses surveillance. Camera A.
Indian woman operator locating delivery truck and offers gps coordinates of the shipment location. Control center employee consults satellite map and CCTV system for routes. Camera A.
Indian shipping agency employee gathering data on traffic via surveillance footage, helping delivery trucks with cargo for shipment. Operator uses gps coordinates for tracking orders. Camera B.
Team leader supervising his team in control center office to work on monitoring traffic by following real time surveillance video. Diverse agency employees examining city streets via CCTV. Camera A.
Diverse team of operators providing order tracking updates to clients, following delivery trucks around the city via gps coordinates and satellite map. Using surveillance CCTV footage. Camera A.
Agency supervisor working with his employees team in monitoring room, analyzing data on surveillance footage recorded by the CCTV satellite system spread around the city streets. Camera B.
Indian supervisor assigning tasks for her operators team in observation room, people monitoring traffic through surveillance CCTV footage. Agency using satellite radar for public safety. Camera A.
Indian call center operator gives order delivery updates to clients, handling shipment delay complains in control center. Cargo shipping agency directing trucks on less busy routes. Camera B.
Monitoring room operator looking for routes on surveillance footage and gps satellite map, guiding courier to avoid traffic. Woman agency employee operating with CCTV system. Camera B.
Diverse employees following the delivery track through city traffic, offering directions for less crowded street routes to ship cargo. Operators managing order tracking complains. Camera B.
Diverse operators giving updates on order tracking to clients, working with surveillance CCTV footage in the CCTV and satellite map to ensure fast delivery. Employees in control center. Camera A.
African american dispatch operator gives directions and gps coordinates of the location to the delivery truck driver, following the orders on satellite map. Employee monitors traffic. Camera B.
Indian operator transmitting gps coordinates for couriers to deliver orders, following awb information and satellite map to avoid traffic. Employee sending directions and cargo location. Camera A.
Woman call center operator guiding delivery truck drivers on different routes to avoid traffic and help with express shipment. Agency uses surveillance CCTV video and gps tracking. Camera A.
Cargo shipping agency employees operating on city satellite map to communicate the best routes for the colleagues on the field. Operators monitoring their cars and couriers in traffic. Camera B.
Indian call center operator gathers location and gps coordinates, monitoring traffic via surveillance camera system. Employee using CCTV real time footage to collect data. Camera A.
Empty observation room office with CCTV surveillance footage on a big screen, agency working on traffic control and monitoring public safety. Professional satellite reconnaissance system.
Woman call center operator transmitting directions through traffic after monitoring surveillance radar system at stop lights. Employee working on order tracking and express delivery. Camera B.
Indian team leader assigning tasks to call center operators, updating clients on parcel shipment progress. Courier agency monitoring delivery cars in traffic, satellite maps surveillance. Camera B.
Team leader tracking delivery cars location around the city, following the map to avoid traffic and ship cargo orders. Shipping agency employees call center operators update clients. Camera A.
Indian supervisor leads her team to monitor the surveillance video footage and CCTV cameras to learn about urban traffic dynamics. Diverse people working on public safety. Camera B.
African american operator works on call center at shipping agency, offering real time updates to clients about their order and delivery. Tracking GPS coordinates to arrive at destination. Camera B.
Manager overseeing employees in monitoring traffic activity, operating through surveillance video footage on CCTV cameras. Diverse team work with satellite system in control center. Camera A.
Manager tracking a delivery car by using satellite map for navigating around the city, monitoring orders via surveillance footage and CCTV system. Locating coordinates for shipping route. Camera A.
Indian operator transmitting gps coordinates for couriers to deliver orders, following awb information and satellite map to avoid traffic. Employee sending directions and cargo location. Camera B.
Empty government agency works on traffic radar surveillance system with CCTV security cameras, satellite reconnaissance. Observation room with computers and a big screen monitoring the public.
Empty monitoring room using a big screen to observe traffic through surveillance video footage, government satellite CCTV system. National agency headquarters ensuring public safety on the streets.
Two chemists conduct detailed analysis of samples using advanced technology in a vibrant laboratory setting.
African american employee monitoring traffic activity in the city by using CCTV system to ensure public safety. Woman watches real time surveillance footage in government observation room. Camera B.
African american operator works on call center at shipping agency, offering real time updates to clients about their order and delivery. Tracking GPS coordinates to arrive at destination. Camera A.
Supervisor following delivery truck route on the satellite map, using gps coordinates and navigation in control center headquarters. Manager overseeing order tracking and shipment. Camera A.
Team leader monitoring city traffic with her diverse team on a big screen, using real time surveillance footage to ensure public safety. Agency supervising CCTV security system. Camera A.
Diverse employees monitoring traffic via radar cameras at stop lights, using surveillance CCTV footage sensors in the city. People tracking cars in the government database, public safety. Camera B.
Indian operator monitors delivery trucks next to a mockup screen, uses surveillance footage on CCTV cameras around the city. Employee helps couriers to deliver orders, satellite navigation. Camera B.
Operator uses satellite navigation map to guide delivery truck drivers, works in observation room to avoid traffic. African american employee tracing orders within the surveillance system. Camera B.
Middle eastern call center operator gives directions to the courier, avoid traffic by monitoring radar CCTV surveillance and a satellite city map. Employee helps with express delivery. Camera A.
Indian call center operator giving updates about order to clients, ensuring fast delivery from observation room. Employee searching for routes without traffic on CCTV real time footage. Camera B.
Public agency office station equipped with satellite CCTV camera system, monitoring traffic through video surveillance footage. Running plate recognition via big brother high tech.
Diverse team of employees uniting forces to guide delivery trucks around the city, working together to help ship orders in time. Monitoring room satellite surveillance footage. Camera B.
Team leader supervising his team in control center office to work on monitoring traffic by following real time surveillance video. Diverse agency employees examining city streets via CCTV. Camera B.
African american agency employee gathers data for order tracking, monitoring delivery trucks in traffic via CCTV surveillance footage and gps location on satellite radar map. Camera B.
Supervisor gathering intelligence from satellite based surveillance footage, diverse team of operators analyzing traffic through security cameras. Control center license plate reading. Camera B.
Indian employee collecting and transmitting information to couriers, locating the destination and sending the gps coordinates for faster order delivery. Dispatch call center operator. Camera A.
African american employee tracking orders on satellite navigation with gps coordinates, looking for routes to help couriers with express shipping service. Agency worker in control center. Camera A.
Indian supervisor handles order delivery logistics by monitoring cars route with gps coordinates and satellite navigation. Male manager locating their couriers in urban city traffic. Camera B.
African american agency worker using CCTV footage and isolated display, monitoring traffic through real time surveillance video in observation room. Employee works within the government. Camera B.
Diverse team of agency employees following delivery trucks via gps coordinates, working with CCTV surveillance footage and satellite map to ensure order shipping. Monitoring room. Camera A.
Woman call center operator guiding delivery truck drivers on different routes to avoid traffic and help with express shipment. Agency uses surveillance CCTV video and gps tracking. Camera B.
African american manager provides information for delivery parcels to her diverse team, people monitoring traffic on routes. Order tracking in control room, satellite maps with coordinates. Camera B.
National protection agency headquarters with radar systems and satellite surveillance equipment to observe traffic via video recordings. Office space used for monitoring inspection.
Empty agency office works on traffic surveillance with CCTV security system, public safety monitoring. Observation room with computers and a big screen deals with radar and satellite reconnaissance.
Supervisor gathering intelligence from satellite based surveillance footage, diverse team of operators analyzing traffic through security cameras. Control center license plate reading. Camera A.
Employee navigating on satellite radar and map to search for routes, helping courier to avoid traffic and successfully deliver orders. Operator in monitoring room using gps coordinates. Camera B.
Shipping employees analyzing city map with big isolated display, monitoring delivery trucks with order tracking awb for clients. People using surveillance CCTV system to get updates. Camera B.
Group of employees monitoring delivery trucks routes with an isolated screen, working with satellite map and radar. Diverse people look at greenscreen display, order tracking. Camera B.
Diverse call center operators monitoring couriers in traffic and update clients on potential order delay due to busy routes. Employees guiding the delivery cars via gps and satellite map. Camera A.
Experts monitoring real time urban traffic dynamics with help from surveillance footage and CCTV cameras. Government agency diverse employees tracking cars through gps satellite. Camera B.
Diverse operators giving updates on order tracking to clients, working with surveillance CCTV footage in the CCTV and satellite map to ensure fast delivery. Employees in control center. Camera B.
Woman call center operator transmitting directions through traffic after monitoring surveillance radar system at stop lights. Employee working on order tracking and express delivery. Camera A.
African american employee tracking orders on the city satellite map, looking for alternative routes to help couriers deliver the cargo faster. Shipping agency worker uses gps coordinates. Camera B.
Team of employees monitoring delivery trucks with gps coordinates on satellite navigation, tracking orders with awb shipping system. Operators working in control center. Camera A.
Diverse employees working on examining real time surveillance footage to find irregularities within urban traffic dynamics. Agency workers monitoring video on CCTV system for intelligence. Camera A.
Middle eastern employee monitoring traffic next to greenscreen display, studying surveillance footage on CCTV cameras around the city streets. Agency worker gathers cars information. Camera A.
Diverse employees operators tracking delivery cars on satellite navigation map, guiding couriers in the city to avoid traffic and get to the destination. Shipping agency delivering cargo. Camera B.
Cargo shipping agency employees monitoring their cars and drivers to ensure express delivery using the best routes. Diverse team tracing their couriers with gps satellite locating on map. Camera B.
Indian call center operator giving updates about order to clients, ensuring fast delivery from observation room. Employee searching for routes without traffic on CCTV real time footage. Camera A.
Cargo shipping agency employees monitoring their cars and drivers to ensure express delivery using the best routes. Diverse team tracing their couriers with gps satellite locating on map. Camera A.
Team leaders reviewing traffic data collected from video surveillance footage, monitoring urban infrastructure by using CCTV cameras system. Government agency works on public safety. Camera B.
African american dispatch operator gives directions and gps coordinates of the location to the delivery truck driver, following the orders on satellite map. Employee monitors traffic. Camera A.
Indian woman working with surveillance footage and greenscreen on computers, tracking cars in traffic and at red lights. Government agency employee studies drivers behaviors. Camera A.
Indian team leader assigning tasks to call center operators, updating clients on parcel shipment progress. Courier agency monitoring delivery cars in traffic, satellite maps surveillance. Camera A.
Curious baby exploring a colorful playroom while crawling on a soft mat in the afternoon
Surgeon assistant lifting electric bed with patient in operating room
Indian supervisors examining traffic routes on satellite map, gathering data on surveillance CCTV system to ensure express delivery. Employees tracing and locating trucks with gps network. Camera B.
Diverse employees monitor and manage urban traffic in control center agency, following cars and their data through surveillance footage and CCTV networks. Government satellite sensors. Camera A.
Courier agency operators monitoring cargo shipment with a greenscreen, working in observation room. Employees give directions to truck drivers stuck in traffic, CCTV system. Camera B.
Indian supervisors gather intelligence on delivery trucks routes, look at an isolated mockup display in monitoring room. Diverse employees handling order tracking to avoid heavy traffic. Camera A.
Empty offices in a surveillance room used for monitoring CCTV traffic footage on a big screen and computers, agency working on public safety. Professional satellite radar system.
Diverse dispatch operators giving real time updates on order delivery and shipment, working in call center observation room. Employees guiding couriers around the city, CCTV footage. Camera B.
African american team monitoring routes and directions on satellite map, guiding delivery trucks to avoid traffic and ship orders faster. Operators consulting radar surveillance system. Camera B.
Indian manager supervising his employees team in observation room, people monitoring traffic through satellite system CCTV cameras. Diverse group working on surveillance tracking. Camera B.
African american operator works with isolated display and satellite map, guiding the delivery truck driver to arrive at shipment location pin. Employee helps with heavy traffic on CCTV. Camera A.
General defense offices with satellite based CCTV network uses real time surveillance images to monitor highway traffic. Administrative transmission and reconnaissance services in observation room.
Call center operators providing shipment information via gps satellite map for their clients, ensuring fast delivery. Employees locating their drivers with coordinates, monitoring traffic. Camera B.
Team leader assigning tasks to his employees in a monitoring room, working on tracking surveillance footage on CCTV security system cameras. People gather public intelligence. Camera B.
Diverse team of employees monitoring delivery trucks routes around the city with map and surveillance footage. People working with gps coordinates for tracking orders, cargo logistics. Camera B.
Frustrated tired employee failing to help the couriers with order shipment directions, feeling stressed and overworked in control center. Satellite map gps and CCTV footage. Camera B.
Empty federal office oversees public safety and manages traffic surveillance on CCTV security cameras. Satellite communication observation handled in monitoring room with big display.
Team leader supervising his employees monitoring the traffic, diverse people employing surveillance camera in the city. Control center tracking radar footage via CCTV security system. Camera A.
Diverse employees group discussing ways to speed up order delivery, looking for routes to avoid traffic on satellite navigation. Agency operators use CCTV footage in monitoring room. Camera A.
Employee navigating on satellite radar and map to search for routes, helping courier to avoid traffic and successfully deliver orders. Operator in monitoring room using gps coordinates. Camera A.
Team leaders reviewing traffic data collected from video surveillance footage, monitoring urban infrastructure by using CCTV cameras system. Government agency works on public safety. Camera A.