Linkin Park – “From Zero” (2024) ()
For once, I listened to a fresh mainstream release. I liked that.
Yet another average user.
Hello and welcome! This is my smolnet space where I archive my little discoveries and thoughts. A static, old-school website is still the best option to share something to the world without compromise: no external advertisers, no algorithmic nightmares, no forced dull ‘n’ dumb design choices.
This site is hosted by the awesome people at, a pubnix for learning and sharing about non-corp technology. If you need a simple personal Web page, I can’t recommend ~team enough.
For once, I listened to a fresh mainstream release. I liked that.
Lots of people took part in the Indie-Web Carnival I hosted in October 2024. Here are their posts and my two cents about them.
Instructions, theme explanation and entries of IndieWeb Carnival for October 2024. This month’s entries will deal with the predominance of English despite the richness of human languages, the relations between online and offline-speak and so much more!
I thought Knuth up-arrow notation was easy. I also thought its implementation would be easy. I was wrong.
For an EDM-head like me, going too much outside the already-heard is hard: acoustic soundscapes such as “The Kick Inside” hardly make me come back, ev…