One of the great insights from Eric Hoffer was that ideologies do not require a positive agenda, but they must always have something they oppose. That is the point of his famous line, “Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil.” This makes perfect sense when you realize that being in favor of something means being opposed to its opposite. Often, the first part of the equation rises from the last part of it.
This may explain why we have been ravaged by movements that are focused solely on a devil, often one disconnected from reality. The last several decades in the West have been about creating a new version of Old Scratch, then finding people to either blame for the existence of Old Scratch or accuse of being his allies. The public square has been filled with people who describe their thing with the prefix “anti”, without bothering to explain the point of their efforts.
The anti-fascists are the best example. They have created a fantasy world for themselves where they are the last line of defense against an enemy that exists only in their imaginations. Most are suffering from some form of mental illness, and many are simply losers with nowhere to go. Others could be living useful lives, but they are drawn to this bizarre cause because they need a purpose. They need to believe in something, but they will settle for opposing something.
The same is true for the antiracists. There has been no meaningful opposition to black inclusion for generations. In fact, much of the American culture has been altered to accommodate even the worst elements of black culture, in an effort to make blacks feel a part of American society. Despite that, a billion-dollar industry sprang up committed to stamping out something that does not exist. The cause of civil rights, having reached its goal, was left with the Devil it could not relinquish.
What we may have experienced over the last thirty or so years is the last gasp of the age of ideology. All these ways to hunt down Old Scratch have their roots in American Progressivism, which was the last ideology standing after the Cold War. It turns out that the end of history was a warning to those who had organized their lives around the egalitarian and universalist beliefs that evolved in the United States. As a result, we have experienced a frenzy of effort to provide a reason for it to exist.
It is easy to forget that ideology is an anomaly in human history. Human societies were initially organized around practical concerns like safety. Religion and culture were useful adhesives to bind the people together, but the main purpose of human organization was always rooted in the practical. There was always a divide between the public and private, because the former was about maintaining society as a whole while the latter was about living your life as an individual.
Ideology is the attempt to fuse the public and private so that private actions are controlled to serve the public good, which itself is aimed at abstract moral claims, rather than the practical maintenance of society. Christianity focused on the individual and made the necessary accommodations with the necessities of secular rule. Folk religions went the other way, providing the broad framework of the people, but leaving the individual to sort out his private gods.
In a way, it is fitting that Progressivism is the last ideology. It was always at its best in opposition to something. It is fitting for a warrior people. Whether it was individual vices like alcohol, drugs and sex, or social concerns like inequality, racism and poverty, Progressivism had a way to wage war on them. In the great ideological battles of the last century, Progressivism was useful in rallying the war-minded American to the banner opposing fascism and communism.
With no more ideologies to oppose, Progressivism was left to find new devils around which to rally the faithful. The trouble was these new versions of Old Scratch were either imaginary or so decrepit they could not put up much of a fight. Having exhausted itself fighting these windmills, everyone is ready to move on to more practical concerns, like the economy, leaving the dead-enders and lunatics to pleasure each other in the fever swamps of the internet.
This may be why the early efforts at dismantling the Blob and the administrative state have been met with a tepid response. That apparatus was the tool to organize the people around a great cause. In a post ideological age, where there is no need or desire to rally a diverse and complicated society around simplistic causes, the managerial state is an expensive white elephant. It may be that managerialism can only work within the ideological state.
The end of ideology may also revive religion. Those blue-haired spinsters screaming themselves purple on the street corner can go back to terrorizing schoolboys about their penmanship and playing with their food. Christianity was very good at finding a use for these maladapted mutants. These people will need a place to go that will provide them with the purpose they seek. Perhaps we get a revival of the small-bore proselytizing in favor of tradition and stability that used to be the norm.
That aside, what we may be experiencing is the end of the long pursuit of a universal morality promised by the dawn of reason. The result of the long journey is the understanding that there is no universal morality and no universal truth, other than the truth of the human condition. The purpose of human organization is not to transcend the human condition, but to improve our material existence, so that we can enjoy the time each of us is allotted to the fullest we desire.
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The blue-haired spinsters would make themselves useful again by going back to telling young girls to keep their knees together until marriage.
The Blue Haired Spinsters would serve as a warning to young girls about what happens to you as a woman when you become a shrieking, spiteful blue haired woman with tattoos and piercings.
Google celebrates their birthdays and I don’t see the young girls being repelled.
You can warn people, but some people have to learn a stove is hot by burning their hands.
Which is why we need taboos. We protected young people from themselves with social prohibitions of bad behavior and it worked for 95% of people. You can never eliminate all of the harm, but you can get pretty close. Anything has to be better than what we have now which elevates the bad people who are held up as heroes and role models. Just look at all the puff pieces in the press about the whore of the week on onlyfans.
It’s the Satanic inversion. Transfigure deviants, Africans and gluttons (broadly conceived), and anathematize normalcy, whiteness and austerity. I think we have also referred to it as The Great Derangement and Clown World.
Satanic. Yes. I fully concur.
It is.
Americans who identify as LGBT have nearly tripled in 12 years to record high: Gallup
Silents: 1.8% GLBTQ+
born 1927-1945
Boomers: 3.0% GLBTQ+
born 1946-1964
GenX: 5.1% GLBTQ+
born 1965-1983
Millennials: 14.2% GLBTQ+
born 1984-2002
GenZ [aka Zoomers]: 23.1%
born 2003-2021
It’s a little early still to discern whether Gay Lettuce Bacon Tomato Queef+ has peaked at 23%. If it could stop there, then we’d be looking at a Pareto Distribution, along the lines of: 23% hopelessly insane 77% reasonably competent But if Gay Lettuce Bacon Tomato Queef+ keeps destroying the minds of at-risk personalities, then we’re gonna have an helluva psycho-sociological mess on our hands in the mid-21st Century. PS: Speaking of the mid-21st Century, the v@xxine news continues to be simply HORRIBLE. Yale scientists link Covid vaccines to alarming new syndrome causing ‘distinct biological changes’ to body You… Read more »
Among whites, we can safely assume tranny jab rates are 100%. Lesbians, definitely greater than 90%. Homo men, probably not as high as those two, but I bet it’s pushing 90 if not reaching it.
Negros of course don’t take the jab so much, and I couldn’t guess if their jab numbers are greater among sexual deviants
One can hope….did that ever work?
It was never an ideology. It was always a pretext to usurp control. Even from the outset it was a mask upon which someone could stand up a racket. By the late 50s the thing was already hopelessly corrupt. It chose to liquidate its own people, as empires are inclined to do. The Bolsheviks, the ones in charge, weren’t ideological. They knew it was a means to the end they sought – to usurp the last real monarchy in Europe and replace the nobility and put themselves in charge. It wasn’t ideology that shot the Czar’s entire family in the… Read more »
I’m not going to say that every Bolshevik was a true believer, but it is obviously an ideology and worldview. It is why it was so easy for their intellectual brethren to adopt the concepts to other countries (even Bolshevism was a modification, as Russia was not industrialized in the way that Marx perceived), other cultures (China, which was not industrialized at all), and other perceived fault lines in society (gender, race, sexuality, etc.). It’s also obvious today that you can look at the other side of the aisle and see plenty of cynical power-seekers but you also see plenty… Read more »
An ideology which proposes to take from those with more and give to those with less will always find some enthusiasts among those with less
You’d think somebody would come up with one, then.
Oswald Mosley understood this. He was of course not a communist, but he railed against the global-cap system that thru low wages, 3rd world labor, and other unchecked abuses essentially drove the masses to become communists. Nat-Soc was the 3rd way that was crushed.
In the case of the Russian intelligentsia, the greatest ideological enthusiasts for redistribution were those with more.
There’s a corollary there with the Harvard trust fund baby with her fist in the air. But those types have no shortage of “followers” among the have nots.
Quite. And given the supposed non-ideological nature of our society, there sure have been a shitpile of manifestoes, tracts and broadsheets published, all in support of some ideology.
Our weakness led to atrocities such as Waco. Never forget or forgive those who burned innocent children alive. They must be sent back down into hell from where they came, worshiping and doing the work of their master.
One can illustrate early 1920’s Soviet history with a little skit with 2 characters: communist jew and communist goy. communist goy: “Brother fraternal communist jew, can you please stop mass murdering people for five freaking minutes so we can build our communist utopia?!!??!” commnist jew: “No. It is necessary.” communist goy: “Necessary for WHAT?! All the capitalists are dead or in Paris, London, and New York.” communist jew: *silence* ###### Communist jews were about 80% of the early ruling class (those making civilizational architectural decisions). Eventually the communist goy had to shoot the communist jews to end the worst of… Read more »
The Puritans who dominated New England were mainly concerned with looking down their noses at every other group and claiming moral superiority…that’s why the anti-slavery crusade prospered there, but not in the rest of the country…Of course, New England’s sea captains and financiers profited greatly from the slave trade, but that was ignored….
The blue haired spinsters are a real problem. The only advice I have is do not encourage them to breed! Likely a strong genetic component to their insanity. And they make fruit loop moms that do damage to kids. I’ve known guys raised by wacky liberal moms. Not good.
Most members of those particular diatribes are generally antinatalist by nature anyway, so attrition will help solve that problem eventually.
Online earning platform available. You will good earn money in month.Google pay 500$ per hour my last pay check was $19840 working 10 hours a week online This opportunity available for limited time…
I hope this isn’t part of YOUR shameless panhandling Z?
My posts always go into moderation first. How do these goofballs get past it? Or is that the trick? Just put some lame easy money pitch in your posts and a phrase like “$10,451 an hour just watching pr0n at home”. Somehow that glitches out the WordPress robots and they let it through?
I see the scammers have found this page. No wonder you scammers are so poor. You don’t know how to efficiently use your time. This is not the kind of crowd that would fall for your scams. Go over to People magazine or Access Hollywood or someplace like that.
I suspect some measure of automation is in play here. We need to ban them directly and hope the automated spambot becomes confused and simply does not create a new identity. Doubtful however.
Yeah, I find it hard to believe that poor people are working away in a sweatshop somewhere making these posts. But still, the bandwidth has to be costing them something. You would think they’d try to narrow it down to places where ideal target suckers congregate so that they wouldn’t be such a well-known joke all over the internet.
The women are always the front line of any revolutionary movement. I’ll never forget looking at BLM marches in the summer of 2020 and seeing it be 80% women, mostly grimy White women.
If you haven’t previously read about the Shakers do so. Instead of the weird dancing of yore to obtain release, the Teal Hair of today scream and rage. Orgasm will be achieved by any means necessary and at any cost necessary and so it goes. Better this way to bliss rather than by spawning new devils to haunt us in the future. BLM has to be viewed as an orgy of the fully clothed and unattractive, and since it did not produce offspring, it was not totally negative in that narrow regard.
“It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.”
‘1984’, George Orwell
These “welcome refugees” women are simply trying to fill the void left by a MANless society. The white men failed the shit-test of letting them vote, work, slut around, etc. So they subconsciously crave a man, any man, to brutalize them back into line.
A mother can NEVER understand a son like a Father can. That’s why all these dopey elementary school teachers want boys on ADD drugs because they are utterly hostile to boyish rough-housing and just want them to be nice girls who take neat notes.
That is true, and I don’t like it real big. What manner of nation emasculates its sons with women, and calls it education?
A demonic nation, in a femmie-commie sorta way.
“The result of the long journey is the understanding that there is no universal morality and no universal truth, other than the truth of the human condition. The purpose of human organization is not to transcend the human condition, but to improve our material existence, so that we can enjoy the time each of us is allotted to the fullest we desire.”
That sounds like nightmare fuel. Materialist societies have been tried. When you ask proponents about them, you are usually told they “just haven’t been done right yet.”
And that is why the Bible and Christianity formed up the way it did. It’s authors understood the human condition and devised a User’s Manual for humanity. The fact that most churches run counter to it today notwithstanding.
And no, Christianity did not put harridans in place to make you eat your veggies and act like a human. When confronted by contentious women – they were dealt with. They got stoned, hanged, burned, and probably even fired out of canons and catapults.
When Old Scratch attacks us – he goes through the women first.
To quote an old Russian proverb, “when the Devil fails, he sends a woman.”
Or when he’s just too skeered to do it himself.
its a good plan, tho
That’s been a fear of mine too as it sounds like a recipe for Chinese-style society and government from now until when the sun burns out. (And don’t count on lethargy to save us as the Chinese have been running pretty much the same system for 2000+ years).
Possible, but the Han are genetically predisposed to act as ant people and others do not share that DNA.
At some point in the distant pass even the Han were not bugmen.
Why I’m a civ skeptic. It literally breeds out the masculine virtues.
Non-materialist societies have been tried. When you ask proponents about them, you are usually told they “just haven’t been done right yet.
Human societies are fallible by nature because they are populated by humans, it’s not something unique to the 20th century’s experiments with rationalistic and atheistic social structures.
Agree, tho I think I understand what Z intended. Fine as far as it goes but isn’t an ultimate purpose, certainly.
For me, the purpose of complex human organization (like my church, or the net) is better to serve and glorify God the Father. Then everybody wins, including my nation.
I found that assertion was confronting as well. It may be true to a degree that there is no comprehensive universal morality but a spiritual aspiration to transcend the material, even momentarily, seems to be a timeless universal. Also war, I have found no contradictions or convincing counter arguments to the proposition that waging war is a fundamental universal characteristic. There always has been and always will be something irreconcilable to contend about and the timeless and universal method of establishing a resolution to that contention is war.
You are right about that, but it might be a mistake to read a simple daily blog post as an exhaustive treatise on any subject.
Yeah, i disagree with Z’s closing thought as well. A proper civilization of course should ensure the practical like security and abundance. But it should also inculcate proper, natural, and noble values so the people are not degenerate sinners, addicts, and rootless fools. It can’t just be about “individualism” or “free markets.”
Aristotle in I think the Politics wrote that the city (polis) comes into being for the sake of mere life but exists for the sake of the good life. Of course our host knows this. The material is essential but not sufficient. Man does not live by bread alone. But – while the elements of mere life are relatively straightforward – what is “the good life”? That question is political philosophy. Our modern problem is that mere life has become so easy that in all our philosophizing (or as Aristophanes might call it, ridiculous gassing on) we have forgotten that… Read more »
It’s a very Enlightenment attitude that’s given us the incredible material advances of the past couple of centuries— and the spiritual rot. It needs to be tempered by this experience we’re living through.
Any Christian who follows your writings will be very familiar with these Bible passages which describe people’s behavior in the end times. These pretty well sum up the world around us starting with world leadership right down to what we see proliferating in our schools. For Christians the writing is on the wall. 2 Timothy 3:1-17 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless,… Read more »
If it had mentioned anything about trannies then it really could have sold me
Deuteronomy 22:5, “A woman shall not wear a man’s apparel, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment; for whoever does such things is an abomination to the LORD your God”
Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness…”
Well done.
The only trouble with this is that they’ve been talking about end times for at least the last 500 years and they’ll keep talking about them for the next 2000+. The only end times I’m going to experience are when I expire at the end of my time here.
There was a huge cultish following around 1000 AD, the end of the 1000 years. This got moved to 1033, the 1000 years after the crucifixion. Then 1070, the destruction of the temple. Somewhere along the line, they had a 1000 year marking the date that John had the revelation. I don’t remember the date of that. Been a hot minute since I was in college.
And then the Millennialists simmered on the back burner, waiting for any excuse.
Read the case of Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell out in Idaho. Roughly about 5 years ago, they went on a little bit of a killing spree thinking that the world was going to end by July. July passed and … Oops!
Perhaps by end times they mean the collapse of civilization.
The funny thing is, if Jesus came back, most Christians today would be the first to denounce him and demand his head.
Of course. How would we know if he really is Jesus or if he’s just some televangelist trying to grift some more money out of us?
The humorous part to me is that Jesus would be denounced by both modern wings of Christianity. I can’t imagine either the “bend me over and give me whatever sin you want” camp of the “Deus vult” camp viewing Jesus with anything but hatred or contempt.
Nothing new under the sun, same as it ever was.
The end times are always here. Waiting for the rapture, or the second coming, or another fix from someone else to save them is, unfortunately, an actual ‘dead end’ for the race of slaves who actually believe God chose the tribe who wants them dead.
There are some encouraging signs that white male Gen Z are rediscovering religion. No doubt a response to the fake and ghey world that they grew up in. Hopefully they raise their kids correctly and the trend will increase over time.
Which religion – Christian Zionism?
Many are following Catholic Churches with Mass in Latin. Others are going into the Christian Orthodox Churches.
They are as woke to the JQ as any generation in history.
Living under ZOG since birth will do that to men.
My traditional Anglican parish (1928 BCP) is picking up young men and young couples with children.
I would sincerely like to live under Hellenic polytheism.
Mark against my character,I know, but the Greek gods seem more relatable.
Also, all the exciting temples,feasts,orgies,and Olympia; never a dull moment.
A ray of hope. The forces of managerialism are clearly in retreat, as is the cult of ideology. Deadweight is being culled in DC and the parasites are shrieking in abject despair. But they cannot eat lamentations and scolding, so they must work or die. The gravy train has derailed. God help me, but I am lifted on this schadenfreude.
There is a universal truth and his name is Jesus Christ – John 14 : 6 KJV Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 18 : 37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
“Most [members of Antifa] are suffering from some form of mental illness, and many are simply losers with nowhere to go.”
I remember reading somewhere a few years ago, don’t remember where, that Antifa is not homogenous nationwide, the cells have different regional characteristics. The writer said, in DC they are disproportionately low level government workers. In NYC, they are more jewish graduate students. In Chicago, Antifa is more black. It’s in Portland that one more finds the real mentally ill marginal barely-human garbage.
well rittenhouse shot three at random and two of them were convicted pedos, and the third was some other kind of scumbag.
Good point. Joseph Rosenbaum dead molested five children 9 to 11, Anthony Huber dead arrested seven times for domestic violence plus trying to strangle a stranger, Gaige Grosskreutz wounded repeated B&E burglar. Those weren’t just random guys from the crowd though – those were three people who specifically were trying to attack/kill Rittenhouse. I imagine that there may have also been people burning down Kenosha that day who hung back and didn’t attack him, and were say NGO activists with college degrees in sociology or women’s studies, with friends and good relationships with their families, and without criminal records (happily,… Read more »
There’s no idealogy remaining on the Left. During the Harris campaign, I heard “Our Democracy”. That’s not much of a rallying cry. It’s even more shapeless than their usual slogans.
Another funny situation is when their ideology bumps up against reality. I cherish these moments, even though the Left will learn nothing, just as a cult learns nothing. Just today Canada closed their $200M effort to dig up bodies buried around native american schools. 0 bodies found. Lol.
I wonder how many new millionaires were minted in the digging “effort”
Probably none. It’s more like a team-building exercise.
For example the archeological contracts would have gone to universities or corporations—vanished into administration/management—which are already model anti-white societies.
The regime is pretty much seamless.
More people now than ever before believe that failed progressive-era school integration schemes were actually a mass slaughter of native children by satanic nuns.
The last white Canadian will be killed for that crime.
The civil rights movement was a Jewish project to remove the last barriers to Jewish control of American politics and culture. The corruption that followed was a feature of that control, not a bug. It is not just the worst features of black culture that were accommodated, it was the worst features of any culture. For instance, you don’t see much black enthusiasm for the tranny revolution or the Israeli genocide in Gaza. That is white people stuff promoted by the usual suspects.
“…a billion-dollar industry sprang up committed to stamping out something that does not exist…”
One could look at it this way, but I see it in another. The billion-dollar industry is designed to create or promote the (faux) concept of “racism”. Why? Because to deny racism is to admit an irreconcilable difference/superiority between Whites and the minority races. This cannot be allowed under the Left’s ideology.
The above may be considered a distinction without a difference to this group of course.
“That’s why people in prosperous countries react to trivial problems as if they were earth-shaking, life-or-death struggles. They have no life-or-death struggles, but they need them. We need to feel that our lives have a significance beyond our span of years. We hope that we’ll achieve some great good to survive us and to remind the world that we were here. But when the worst social problems of which we have first-hand knowledge are who gets to use which bathroom or who used the wrong pronoun, we feel bereft. Where is the great challenge we can overcome, the invincible monster… Read more »
‘Where is the great challenge we can overcome, the invincible monster we can defeat, the intolerable wrong we can set right?’
Right in front of you. Those who persecute you using ‘social problems’, those who force you to use the women’s bathroom, and so forth. That IS the enemy…. the one you can see, anyway.
Most people don’t want to fight the enemy, because the enemy is amonst themselves, often part of their families. It’s disruptive to their lives and difficult for their relationships. Easier to go along.
“Christianity was very good at finding a use for these maladapted mutants” … The same could be said for government employment.
“This may be why the early efforts at dismantling the Blob and the administrative state have been met with a tepid response.” Or maybe – as I suspect – there is broad consensus among more business-minded, sober types that the current bloat is unsustainable. Tim Geithner and Hank Paulson gave an interview last year to that effect. Also Jamie Dimon has come out in defense of DOGE: Jamie Dimon calls U.S. government ‘inefficient’ and says Elon Musk’s DOGE effort ‘needs to be done’ Trump’s role is the “bad cop” who can take the flak for getting this much-needed bureaucratic liposuction… Read more »
DOGE is indeed “elite” driven. There are some other “elites,” and especially a lot of managerials, who aren’t on board, but they appear to be in the descendant.
I think you have that in reverse. Musk is somewhat of an ascending generation hero. He is there to take the edge off of what needs to be done. If Trump were the face of downsizing government, I think people would be more irate than they are.
But then again, their USAID money has been cut off, so there is no money to pay community organizers and people to stage pallets of bricks at riot locations.
Excellent post. Your line “Most are suffering from some form of mental illness, and many are simply losers with nowhere to go.” ties up with my view. We have allowed the losers into the positions traditionally held by alphas and those who got things done. The losers have surrounded themselves with more losers and malcontents until the ended up in charge. They are terrified of the old guard taking back control so have demonised the winners as various fascist and phobes. The pansy’s, fags and crazy cat ladies are hopefully soon going to be sent back to gossiping around the… Read more »
Yes. Men have abrogated their traditional responsibilities and further allowed women and wimps to assume more of those responsibilities, to society’s detriment. There are just too many people nowadays and it’s much harder to keep the vast number of crazies in line. A major crackdown (and culling) is sorely needed.
“The result of the long journey is the understanding that there is no universal morality and no universal truth, other than the truth of the human condition.” Be sure not to tell Michael Anton, lol. A return to bland, practical normalcy would be a blessing. It does seem that the number of loonbags and accompanying hysteria are dying down – the energy is fading like old battery, thank God.
Abrogated? lol What I saw living in America between 1970 and 2015 was the calculated mass DISPOSSESSION and DISENFRANCHISEMENT of American boys and men. Perhaps the greatest mass transfer of power and wealth in history during those years, from male to female/government. I didn’t see doods doing a lot of abrogating. The alliance between government-institutional power and women took whatever they wanted, and called it all Progress, Equality, Righteousness, Pendulum-Levelling, and Helping the Victims. You make it seem like 100 million males suddenly walked offa the job, tossed down the tools. That was not how this Faustian deal went down.… Read more »
If one can label anything ending in ‘ism’ an ideology, then one includes the oldest and most basic building blocks of Western Civilization – i.e. blood and soil ‘nationalism’ and ‘populism.’ Despite the modern age’s twisting of all words’ meanings, at root they simply mean a group of people related by blood and residing together in a place they have claimed for themselves. Excellent explanation, by Padraig Martin, on why I unironically call myself a fascist:
Sharp. Manipulation of language has to be viewed in the same light as restriction on freedom of speech, at least as presented here by Martin. Any dissent threatens the Marxist project and those two linguistic limitations are used to stifle disagreement. Fascism doesn’t allow deviation from cultural, religious and moral norms, so it isn’t as focused on speech content beyond that which dissents from the larger society’s mores. It is indeed a difference with a distinction. My personal opinion on free speech adheres to who/whom, one thing the Marxists got correct, so it evolves constantly with circumstances; at one time… Read more »
I agree. Clever but accurate term – let me emend it to fascist but situational free-speech supporter. And yes, it is totally a question of who/whom – when/if we have a genuine and traditional White nation, there is no question that ‘speech’ favoring diversity and sexual deviancy must be banned. Not merely the speech – the people espousing these concepts must be banished. “Free speech” is part and parcel of the ‘open society’ espoused by Soros et al. Being able to criticize and insult others is one thing; actively attempting to destabilize civilization’s foundations is quite another.
Yes, and the enemy has conveniently normalized the criminalization of thoughts and speech setting the table for the next political power to provide a new definition of hate.
I’m not a free speech absolutist, either. I believe speech, like business, must be supportive of the people and their nation. A proper nation simply does not allow criminals to use their weapons and poisons because of “muh freedom.”
Otherwise, you wind up with a situation now where degenerate porn and blm burning and killing is “free speech” and mildly objecting to open borders is “hate speech.”
“Blood and soil” in our context to me means Christian Europe and what was the Roman Empire and its fringes. (Basically Europe including Western Russia and the other side of the Mediterranean.) But that gets confusing in our country. We have an African component (thanks to the dummies who brought slaves over), an Indian (feather) component, indigenous Mexican by virtue of annexation, and by virtue of the colonies we have acquired, kind of a mixed Spanish-Asian mishmash out in the Pacific. That also helps confuse “who we are,” not to mention that the founding stock is a small minority.
Conservatives insist on defining “fascism” as “a partnership between government and industry.” Under this stupid definition, everything but libertarianism is fascism.
Historically, it seems clear that fascism is setting up government to serve the legacy population of the country. Enemies of the legacy population are dealt with harshly.
Everyone runs from the term “fascist,” but what solutions to the current problems of whites are not fascist?
I don’t care what word we use, but the cultural conditioning against the word “fascism” is immense.
I don’t think conservatives use that as a definition. That’s the way things generally have always gotten done in this country. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps independence is only for suckers. It’s only when that partnership becomes heavy-handed do we consider it fascism.
Conservatives do use the term that way—almost exclusively that way. They know nothing about fascism except what Ayn Rand might have said about it, as they heard second hand from Limbaugh or some podcast dork. American conservatism is libertarian economic reductionism + Y’all Need Jesus (and all his children from the third world, because you get paid too much). Of course that means that almost all actual economic activity is “fascism.” They just don’t say the damning word if it’s a thing they don’t want condemned. When Elon was a wholly state-subsidized Reddit man, he was fascism. Now he’s not… Read more »
Real conservatism never has been tried?
It was (David?) Rockefeller who said it best like 50 years ago. The real big things that done are a government/private partnership. Always has been that way, always will be that way.
Recent examples include Google and GM. Little do most people know that the most aggressive lobbying on behalf of baling out GM came from the Defense Department (for obvious reasons).
have they tried “National Socialism”?
a kind of workers party?
But can the age of ideology truly end while liberal democracy stands? Without “liberal democracy,” ideology wouldn’t matter. There would be no need to propagandize the public if they weren’t going to be voting for anything.
But as long as we have a “liberal democracy,” the various factions in the elite will push ideology to create a support base for them.
Seems like we are talking about the ideology (or lack thereof) of white people – while not an endangered species, certainly a threatened one. A diminishing one. Wogs and negroes, the ascendant species, have different ideology. Which frankly I struggle to understand or relate. But that’s neither here nor there. As whites diminish, white nationalism and/or white separatism (same thing really) will become their ascendant ideology. This is inevitable. It is already happening with Gen Z, as they see their diminishment much more clearly than the older generations who tend to still see the world they grew up in. It… Read more »
Most minorities don’t have an ideology. What they have is self-serving beliefs dressed up as ideology. It all boils down to gibs me that. Ask any of these people if White people should hold political or economic power in non-White countries.
The question re-raised in my mind by today’s piece is the degree to which white identity politics is merely another ideology.
When you get down to brass tacks, race nationalism is an ideology of self preservation, which happens to be one of the 2 or 3 strongest innate instincts that humans possess. That isn’t to say that the ideology and the instinct are the same thing, however, self preservation isn’t a factor in any other ism I can think of.
“It is the sad paradox that whites had to diminish before this could happen. The decadence that comes from dominance and all that.”
Madison Grant (The Passing of the Great Race) and Lothrop Stoddard (The Rising Tide of Color) were warning about these very issues over a century ago. It’s sad that were still in about the same situation, except Whites are no longer 30% of the world population, but a mere 8%.
I just hope if the spiteful mutants flock back to religion, they don’t go to Christianity. I grew up during a time (the last gasp, it turned out) where the smug and authoritarian types joined the “faith” groups. It turned me off of Christianity then, and it still pauses me from embracing Christianity now. (Even though I have respect for Christians such as Eastern Orthodox.) I don’t want them flocking to Buddhism either, which is more my lane but it does tend to attract the kinds of white people who voted for Kamala. I want them to infest JW. Hell,… Read more »
“I want them to infest JW.” … Just one of those interesting “things that make you go hmmm …” The number of Unitarians out in the real world has to be minuscule, yet we’ve had four Unitarians as president.
Oooh, I forgot about Unitarians. It’s basically a “church” of progressives now anyway. I don’t think they worship God as much as they worship agnosticism. Though when it was founded, it wasn’t full of progressives, it was full of Deists. Back when it was edgy to believe in God but not Christianity per se.
I can’t claim to be an expert on religion, but to me they are all kind of the same. But I can see where believing only in God without any of the other cover stories would be edgy.
I look at the results. Whatever our problems, we still operate world class civilizations. That tells me that there might be something to the idea of Jesus being the physical manifestation of God. We followed those teachings, we succeeded. Now that we have slacked off, We are failing.
I certainly agree with your main point that for 60 years ideology has been Nothing But a variety of “double-negative” values – e.g. socialism/ feminism/ antiracism/ environmentalism etc have no positive agenda, but are instead all opposed to something (real or imagined) that is “bad”. I would have to disagree with this, however: “It is easy to forget that ideology is an anomaly in human history. Human societies were initially organized around practical concerns like safety. Religion and culture were useful adhesives to bind the people together, but the main purpose of human organization was always rooted in the practical. “… Read more »
With very few or no exceptions; I would say that ancient human societies were all primarily and overwhelmingly organized around their religion; which secondarily provided the cohesion necessary for pursuing practical concerns.
Like was it practical to build Pyramids?
Listen to the audio from today’s near miss at Chicago to reenforce what you already know and confirm what you immediately suspect.
Uuh what? Ok
The air traffic controller was not a native English speaker. Sounded like a typical Indian (dot) with marbles in his mouth.
“Christianity was very good at finding a use for these maladapted mutants.”
But I want a world without spiteful mutants at all. . .
C’est impossible, mon ami.
“The result of the long journey is the understanding that there is no universal morality and no universal truth, other than the truth of the human condition.” I’d add natural law to this as well & I mean actual natural law not the utopian lies that deny observable reality such as universalism which is, in my opinion, the most insidious of them all. If you look up where all the radical leftist movements that sprang up early on in the US it follows a geographical pattern that has remained exactly the same across time from the same groups of people.… Read more »
What Z wrote about the end of ideology is true for most men and married women. Not true for single women, many of the elite and their managerial class and many immigrants.
Ideology provides single women with a way to be acknowledged as a good person without having to do good deeds.
Ideology is also a great tactic for, as Z puts it, the usual suspects to amass power and wealth and for immigrants to get preferential treatment and gibs.
So the battle isn’t over yet.
‘Ideology provides single women with a way to be acknowledged as a good person without having to do good deeds.’ What motivates women most is social standing, herd placement, how other females see them. Woke and Feminism — still deeply institutionalized in America — give them herd-strokes and feelgoods, assurances of group protection. Not only are the pseudo-moral feelgoods free, but they empower and enrich her unjustly to the detriment of others. As you say, she then receives all the protections and perks of ideological correctness, without having to expend any actual effort, or make any sacrifice. A great deal… Read more »
Fine article! Very fine! Beautifully articulated.
Ideology is dead. Long live ideology.
Jeepers, ideology is everywhere! You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone whose socio-political views refuse to comport with evidence or reason. Even among the commentariat here, it will work this time because they weren’t doing it properly, or whatever, when Ockham says it likely just doesn’t work at all.
“evidence and reason…” here in the north country, the wee birds are returning to nosh on the last few semi-frozen crabapples hanging on the tree outside my bedroom window.
Evidence? They don’t need any. Reason? Neither should we.
Agree the Age of Ideology is expiring. With a little help from my friends, as the tune goes.
‘Ideology is the attempt to fuse the public and private so that private actions are controlled to serve the public good, which itself is aimed at abstract moral claims, rather than the practical maintenance of society.’
That’s correct. The rallying cry of ‘second-wave’ feminism.
The personal is political – Wikipedia
“What would you think if I sang out a tune – would you stand up and walk out on me?”
Let’s hope the End of Ideology has a longer run than the End of History.
eta: And who will be our Fukuyama?
Good observation. I submit that there are plenty of challenges down the road, e.g. ecological degradation, resource depletion, overpopulation, etc., that will light the fires of those with an ideological bent. Enjoy the respite while you can.
“Most are suffering from some form of mental illness, and many are simply losers with nowhere to go.”
That about sums them up. But ideology remains, and it has a complex interaction with social forces and technology. An essay by Perry Anderson has just been published and it might be worth a glance:
I think the second clause of that quote is 95% true. I wouldn’t say “losers”, but rather contemporary Western or Western-inspired people who have no “center”. This is the worst casualty of liberalism and it’s opposite face, communism. It removes your moral-spiritual-biological center in favor of your sum production or consumption. Humans aren’t made to live that way, and it makes people go crazy. No surprise that communism sprang from industrialism, which was the first anti-human activity. Even slaves or citizens who built large-scale projects such as pyramids and aqueducts in the ancient times had a half-a-year break; our modern… Read more »
Underreported: Kathy Hochul, the Governor of New York, has sent in the National Guard to replace striking correctional officers. The white COs working in prisons in rural parts of the state are protesting understaffing, and increased assaults on them by the black inmates since the state legislature ended solitary confinement.
Superb, Zman. I can only hope that what you say comes to pass, that we have gone beyond the need for the mad influence. That it once again becomes a local overlay, rather than the driver.
But until then, I’m afraid we’ll need that drive to combat the teeming hordes coming our way…so as they try to drag us back down, I’m afraid that they’ll have succeeded, and the schtink ain’t over yet. Better though, to be within spitting distance, so that’s a hope right there.
Trump and company are aiming to destroy the Democratic Party, progressivism, and the core pillar of progressivism: “Social justice.” I think they’ll succeed. Replacing racial quotas with merit and strict color-blind enforcement of civil rights law will make DEI, and essentially all implementations of “social justice,” illegal on the federal level. Along with the defunding of the left and the general vibe shift, this disempowers the entire left, financially, legally, and socially. It’s more than a pendulum swing. It’s a checkmate.
It may be a checkmate, but the GR, especially as it was accelerated during the Biden term, was also a checkmate. Leaving us with a war over who gets to rule over this browned nation. (which will eventually fracture, but that’s another post)
the case can easily be made that the dem party is a criminal organization, and as such should be banned and dismantled.
OT Seems only the people who get here illegally since Jan 20, 2025 will have a chance for citizenship:
“Kristi: “The Alien Registration Act says that within 30 days of being in this country illegally, someone must register with the federal government, and they will be fingerprinted.” “They must announce that they are here, and if they do so, they can avoid criminal charges and fines and we will help them relocate right back to their home country.”
I think it is very likely that we will see a retraction back to single-earner families. If the managerial state collapses, there simply will not be a need for so much managerial labor in all its forms. As the Government retracts, so does the spending (in theory anyway), and that makes everything cheaper. Trump’s focus on tariffs and elimination of the income tax are a step in that direction. You don’t need two earners if you’re no longer losing half your income to taxation, and you can control your consumption to manage your single income. The question is whether Trump… Read more »
Your first paragraph describes a deflationary recession. Probably has to happen sooner or later
Yep, been saying this for a while. You can’t gut a government that literally employs 50% of America (Fed/State/Local) and not get a recession. I don’t view that as a bad thing, but it is a necessary thing.
At no point in my adult life has the Government experienced even a mild recession.
ChatGPT would seem to disagree with you. Basically, 85% of the population are employed in non-government sectors. The Fed’s employ 2.7% of the population—including the military. State and local, the rest. It is doubtful that the Fed’s will cut more than 50% of the workforce, and of course the State and local might need to pick up some of the slack. What can’t be counted upon is what employment depends on Fed funding of various things outside of direct employment through agencies. This I agree, but don’t expect it reaches near a 50% total. But in the end, we must… Read more »
Progressives are fundamentally weak-willed individuals. They seek the Mommy State to address all the ‘perceived’ threats around them as they lack the moral constitution to take life head-on with full-accountability. They lack the maturity (or are unwilling) to grasp that Personal Freedom = Accountability + Responsibility.
to what extent is Norm Eisen actually running things and to what extent is he just another “mandarin” who’s not really in charge?
During the Cold War, we saw the full-on power of ideologies, as the Utopians fought the “Better Dead Than Red” crowd. Where America had the edge was in a more sophisticated mass media, particularly the visual arts. Hollywood reigned supreme, and Hollywood was decadent, reflecting the New Yorker’s desire to make a buck, transported to California. What we learned from the Cold War is that people would rather be joyful than productive. The entire hippie period of the 1960s was a time of blissing out on drugs and sex. Marx’s frowning visage couldn’t hold a candle to that, and so… Read more »
Just when I thought we got rid of this guy…he returns with another spammer to the comment section. Sigh…