Years in review: 2003–2004–2005
Erin and I got engaged, easily the awesomest thing to happen to me up to that point. Michelle, Meilly, and I moved into our new house. I changed jobs, and worked long hours for Matt at Tomo.
I retired my old server george
after a long, fruitful life. I started using del.icio.us and darcs. In September, we celebrated International Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day in style. In December, Lish took me out for a sail on a Navy cruiser.
Erin and I went to a Red Sox game in Anaheim. Speaking of the Red Sox, they won the World Series. I'll never get sick of saying that. This was pretty much all I actually blogged about [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]. Rion even flew down from Stanford to be with us for Game 7 of the ALCS.
I took Erin home for St. Patrick’s Day. For Thanksgiving I went to Big Bear with Erin and her family. We went home for Christmas, and while we were there, my grandmother died.