What Happens If Nothing Happens?

Posted: 30th January 2018 by Taxi Hack in Uncategorized


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  1. Matt Sabol says:

    I hope you, yours, and your little punkin’ are well.

    I knew your topic before opening your site, from the tag line, of course.

    Yes, What happens? I know only a few people who are mad as hell, most everyone else is just too tired for what’s important.


  2. MattM says:

    Been wonderin’ for a while myself. How bad does it have to get? At what point do we start shooting back?
    Given how bad thing have already gotten, and how most don’t notice, don’t want to see, or don’t seem to care, I think the answer is – when we’ve lost most personal security and reasonable hope. The economic reset should be interesting.

  3. KimN says:

    Here’s why I think it will be different this time. Up until now, the people who were in charge of enforcing the law, were actually flouting and breaking the law. Once they are exposed, they will be prosecuted. There is a new sheriff in town! He hasn’t let us down yet, and I don’t think he will in this case either.
    He has surrounded himself with MIL not ABC security, and he is magnitudes smarter than any previous president and administration. I honestly believe that he was destined to save our country and I think that somehow he felt this was his burden to undertake.
    Every day, I say Thank God for Trump!

    • Matt Sabol says:

      President Mr. Trump is politically wiser than most who have been in the ‘field’ for years…..Take the time to read the following:


      You and I need transparency

      We need honesty.

      I ask NO less from EVERYONE I associate myself with….

      IF our past or present executives have VIOLATED our constitutional TRUST, we must erect gallows, if the constitutional avenues are obstructed by the PTB.

      They can make their pleas there, in a necktie.

      That may help clean out the swamp.


      WE, the People, May yet again OWN OUR country


    • Joe Blow says:

      This is precisely the premise of the “Grey Champion” outlined in ‘The Fourth Turning’. Book is well worth the time to read (and money to purchase) if you have not yet.
      He will be a defining moment in history.

  4. Rob P. says:

    Don’t get too upset until this plays out. It’s just beginning. Let’s see the reaction to release of the summary report from the House. The mainstream media are almost completely controlled now and the censoring of major websites is increasing as well. Most people remain clueless and that is always the case. It’s also helpful to remember our Republic has been through this before, the most recent being in the mid-1930’s. At that time a group of super wealthy and important people opposed to Franklin Roosevelt’s programs attempted to organize a coup against him and asked Smedly Butler (the most decorated Marine) to lead the military action component. It was thwarted when Butler blew the whistle. I don’t think anyone went to jail though, and the very serious incident rarely makes the history books. We live today in a tyranny that is advancing but it will not be successful as long as the general population is armed and the supreme court still has a majority of justices that follow the constitution. The upcoming Congressional elections will tell the story as to whether the President’s policies will advance or the globalists regain major control of this evolving situation. My bet is on Trump.

  5. Don says:

    Glad to see you back. And offering a fairly deep, thought provoking question 🙂

  6. soapweed says:

    Taxi Hack: Very nice to see a posting from you. Thought provoking in your usual style.
    Dropped and broke my crystal ball with Weaver and Waco. Crickets…..
    Not marching over hill and dale. Have enough cottonwoods here for our esteemed locals to swing discretely and unnoticed until they turn black and drop to the ground. Just like banding bull nut sacks. Anytime.

  7. Bob says:

    What Happens If Nothing Happens?

    Isn’t that what 2A is for?
    To clean house and take the country back?
    Isn’t that why the Dems Marxists and progressives want it eliminated?

  8. michael says:

    Time for “Mr. Wheeler”?

  9. Brian says:

    I think you and I have a lot in common. I think I can answer your question.

    Nothing is going to happen because that’s the way these things gotta go. It’s a fucking sewer. All we do now is wait and prepare because one day- our political and corporate masters will go too far- power is never relinquished- it is extinguished.

    They have set the wheels in motion, a 21 trillion dollar debt- a fiat currency that is asswipe- and when this market collapses people are going to act like this was some black swan event.

    Not me. We had such a great country once-it’s a shame to see these assholes ruin what was probably the best culture ever. Every huge invention happened here. Creativity was rewarded- the rule of law protected the creators.

    So accept what’s coming. You can’t stop it. Best scene ever filmed.

  10. mtnforge says:

    What then?
    The bastards double down.
    They are afraid of dirt people because of what we can do to them for what they are doing to us.
    Its the guns.
    Always has been ultimately, about guns.Who has them, who doesn’t. Who controls guns, and who doesn’t. Who rules by the gun, and who is ruled by the gun.
    I’d say its a 35-65 split. Advantage dirt people, by the numbers: quantitative, could very well qualitative, but that depends in many things, but if it wasn’t that split in the dirt peoples favor, they would have come for them and us much harder. They are piddlefucking around the periphery, taking a nibble here and bite there.
    Advantage dirt people.

    The what if goes like this: Nobody knows how the majority of dirt people will react, when they will react, how they will react, how many will react, how many will become allies not only as fighting resistors, but as auxiliary of the resistance. Nobody knows what kind of straw breaks the camels back. And I’m saying nobody. Even the giant suckhole of intelligence gathering between corp/.gov incest knows, from the gargantuan assimilation of the meta data to the cadre of agent provocateurs can tell the tale.
    There simply is no precedence in human history on any scale to compare too to formulate an educated guess. The variables are manifold, the courage and cold anger of the dirt people is manifest, and if us dirt people have learned an instinctive evolutionary trait since the 1700’s, its to keep our ear to the ground, wait till our existential enemies is whites of the eyeball close, and let them have it, then in the most brutal manner possible. as Ol’ Remus points out, which O’m want to modify, A fundamental truth: given a perceived need, there is no race more implacably murderous than White/dirt people folk.”

    And thats the pickle. It is a kind of cold war/pickle we stage. We been in this Def-Con/cold anger stage for some time know, about 25 years.

    But here’s the bake your noodle part. Nobody and I mean nobody, has any solid idea how many of us dirt people constitute a plurality. We are a plurality by dint of our natural primal God given right of protections, defense and survival against tyrants. But how many? .25% 1%? 3%? 10%? 50%
    What I believe will happen is dirt people are going to blow dirt people minds. The beast will escape its civilized Western bottle of tolerance, and the deep state/clinton crime syndicate, oligarchy, fed organized crime faction, the whole lot of them whatever they all are are toast. Surprising enough, it will not be our guns specifically, but they play an absolute essential part, it is the physical uprising in numbers across all demographics of withdrawal of consent and the subsequent loss of legitimacy, to be precise the presence and allusion of legitimacy of the ruling class will evaporate like a fart in a hurricane. The disruption of the order of just in time inventory/delivery of essential commodities the ruling class enjoys, which is so delicate, and as they are themselves, both its origins so remote, as to put turnaround as fair play into effect. Advantage again dirt people.

    The great question is when will and what will cause FreeFor to fight back. The answer is as complex a human activity as there is. It begins with individualism so deeply held that the warriors and defiers among the dirt people are as voluntarily able to coalesce into a plurality of solidarity as to be exemplary to herding cats or like trying to stuff spaghetti up a wild cats ass inside a phone booth.
    But the answer begins with it already is fighting back, it always has been fighting back, its more a state of defense than anything. It has staged up in the last 25 years for the doubling down by the ruling class. Its grass roots as grass roots can be. Its a state of mind and a matter if hearts. It will be ready when it is ready.
    The fact it has held its ear to the ground and kept its piece is not indication of being ineffective or low numbers, it is proof of its legitimacy and the ultimate and only legitimate power bar none.
    Fact that in the face of every antagonist and shove, it has held its temper is all the proof required it is a force of motive power the can not be denied as nothing has denied it its existence to begin with and that it is the only existential enemy of the ruling class.
    They would not be after our rifles, they would not be waging neo-bolshevik genocide on the dirt people, they would not spend inordinate riches and energy on alienating and pogroming the dirt people. The entire “Long March’ or whatever it really is, is now totally focused on eliminating the dirt people and its champions, its resources, its means of resistance and yes offense.
    You just have to change your thinking to see how feared and despised the dirt people are. As they call our rifles “Assault Rifles”, it is our arms and potential to use them against our enemies that they only and always call our preferred excellent small unit infantry weapons assault weapons because they are what we will use to assault them for what they do to us.
    Its simple really.
    So ask yourself, as time has gone by, and you look around the sphere of you life & activity, who do you know who are not aware and have thoughts of defiance and or resistance to the ruling elites and what they do?
    That is a pretty decent qualitative indication of the scope and breadth of dirt people who are part of for their own part in the resistance that exists. Don’t neglect another facet of your observations on that score, that these things have linkage, that nothing is totally in a vacuum, that connections and serendipity exist, that commonality of thought and spirit connect us far more than is realized, and that connection is our most powerful weapon we have yet to realize, because it only becomes a paradigm when what activates the next stage of resistance we are on the threshold of. And that our existential enemies are attempting to divide and conquer us on a level and ferocity like no other.

    In simplest terms I believe we are going to blow our minds how many of us there are and the motive power manifest in us which will be expressed spiritually and physically as a force nothing can stand in its way. It will not stop till it does. It understands in its cultural and instinctive bones this is existential. It will come with that bone in its teeth for its antagonists.

  11. Steve'O says:

    Part of the problem, (my theory) is it’s even bigger and harder to believe than what even the red pilled folks know. That makes it impossible to convince enough people to roll against the crime,sen tide. These shenanigans have been full tilt for 50 years or more. American are so naive in trusting government and so over worked, the energy just isn’t there. And we all know, or should know by now, nothing will change if going thru legal processes. Ya, it’s right there in black and white we the people have the avenue to make necessary change when needed. But it has to go thru the very institutions we need to put on trial. Look back 50 years. Nothing the FUSA is successful. Nothing any politician says is done. It’s all an elaborate opera. Russia is not the problem either. China and Islam are. We have already been sold. What we see is just TV. Its not real. What is real is the rest of the world is pissed at us, the people who make up FUSA, because we are too stupid to stop it. And now it can’t be stopped. I was a play toy for the IRS 30 some odd years ago and survived. Since I was homeless and on the run, I spent countless hours and days in the library studying dusty microfilm learning about the machine that eats its people. You wouldn’t believe it. That’s the beauty of it and they know it. Like the best way to hide something is right in the open. The best crimes are ones that are to crazy to believe. There is enough taxes collected we could pay down the national debt by lunch Monday. The way to stop this madness is to take away the motivation. Don’t be complicate in the crimes yourself. Stop payment on fraudulent charges. Hold back your taxes one year and they will be gasping for air like a fish on the pier. Throw em in the cooler and get back to normal. Less death and more result. Or prepare yourself for violence. Doesn’t make sense to pay someone to rob you and then cry foul when they do the robbery. Robber will spit on you and laugh. That’s kind of how you feel now isn’t it? Stop being a fool and wont feel like a fool. But it wont happen. Thanks for the blog. I really do think your a talented writer. Love your stuff. PS I could be wrong.

  12. Mark Matis says:

    As far as I am concerned, if President Trump is removed from office – regardless of how that happens – pig hunting season is open. After all, it is THEY who enable the corruption, fraud, treason, and sedition. And their spouses will be fair game as well, because they know full well what their pigs are, yet cheer them on anyway.

  13. Paul Bonneau says:

    “Nothing happens” is the way to bet. Ten years ago the ruling class ran Washington DC. Ten years from now they will still run it. Looting of the peons will continue. Only possible exit will be a massive debt-fueled economic crash.

    The people will wail and gnash their teeth, but they still will believe in the established Government Religion.

    The bright side of this picture is that Americans will be even more heavily armed than they are now, thus deterring some of the worst ruling class depredations.

  14. d says:

    where are you writing these days??

  15. michael says:

    Look at how the Stasi’s get away with anything and no does squat. Tommy Robinson is a recent victim. Nothing will be done. The look on his face said it all. He is going to the Muslim
    majority prison holding the creeps he was reporting on, general population.

  16. AesopFan says:

    Saw this “poster” quoting you at PJMedia today in re the IG report, about how there was so much bias in the FBI and DOJ that it can be seen from outer space, but none of it influenced anyone’s actions.
    Nothing. Will. Be. Done.



    Missing your Taxi Dispatches, but glad your life is going better.
    Best regards — AF

  17. USA gringo says:

    Nothing happened.
    Wow, I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.

  18. michael says:

    Its October and Trump has 2 Conservative Supreme Court Justices in less than two years. Not Bad! He has more real accomplishments in less time than any other Presidents. He may have a chance for 2 more if reelected and Congress stays Republican. When the left shoots at us the line is crossed… Forgot, they have shot at us ie baseball game. What happened? Nuthin!!! Need some hard hitting pipe hitters to help the Proud boys confront Antifa for a start. Antifa is now carrying knives, bats, pipes. Probably find rebar cut offs at construction sites. Friction tape makes nice grippy handles and its cheap. More to be done…

  19. Roddy Pfeiffer says:

    The author left out the most important option–leaving. Many millions of people came to America fleeing war, oppression, hunger, and other ills. America was a shelter from these things. A person could live in comfort and enjoy life in a just society if he was willing to work. Things have changed. America now looks like the kind of place people used to flee from. To believe that things will change because a certain candidate gets into office or because a lot of people own guns is naive. It’s a big world and there are a lot of decent, free places to live. You do have to get a passport and explore the planet to find them. Hunkering down in your bunker, counting your ammo and talking to like-minded people in “echo chamber” groups online will accomplish nothing. If you attach yourself to a certain piece of land and wave its flag, you will probably die for dirt.

  20. michael says:

    Middle January 202, nuthin, they stole an election and…!!!??? Guess being a democrat inoculates people against truth.

  21. Bear Claw Chris Lapp says:

    Sas lead back here from a blog link. Re-read the Marine in executive security story again. And your final story. I quit reading you after you wrote your last. May all the past days and future days have been and will be a blessing to you. Your daughter is 12 she has to be a blessing as all daughters are.
    Thank you for your profound wisdom over the years and thought provoking commentary.

  22. Pete says:

    In 2018 things looked bad.
    2019 says it’s worse.

    Now it is 2021, how is everyone feeling?

    We are all enslaved and it looks as bad as it can. But no, it will get worse, not slowly either,
    Best of luck folks,


  23. Mike Sweet says:

    Things are happening, just not at a pace most are comfortable with on the positive side for this nation. Some believe there is a plan. Some believe the plan is working. Others not so much.

    “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

    Mike Tyson

    Sages and fools and everyone in between can add valuable insights on occasion.

    If you are still blogging somewhere I sure would like to peruse what you have been posting elsewhere. I am quite sure I am not alone in that feeling. Forgive me if I am late to ask and this has been answered previously.

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