25hours Hotels
Direct booking benefits
Direct booking benefits
Book your next stay here on 25hours-hotels.com and benefit from these advantages:
Guaranteed early check-in at 2pm
Your room will be available from 2pm (instead of 3pm) on the day of arrival.
Automatic late check-out at 1pm
Stay in your room for an extra hour on the day of departure. Late check-out is guaranteed & free of charge for direct bookers.
Best rates you can find online
Book directly on 25hours-hotels.com and always secure the best offer compared to booking via other sites and travel portals.
Widest range of room types
Only via our website do you have the full choice of all available room categories and styles, right down to the last room.
Customer care by phone
A personal contact person is available for all questions and requests regarding your upcoming stay.
Exclusive offers on our website
Benefit from regular offers on our website for seasonal and recurring events.
Sign up to our newsletter to hear about our offers, new openings and events from across our group.