項目 |
日本時間で 2016/10/12
Build 27.7.X5 との違い。
- ダンジョンを追加
- The Hive (初級~中級ダンジョン)
- Bottled Honey, Orb of Sweet Demise?, Honey Scepter?が稀にドロップ
- エンカウンターWarrior Beeを追加
- Toxic Sewers (中級~上級ダンジョン)
- が確定ドロップ
- Void Blade, Murky Toxinが稀にドロップ
- Slurp Knight Skin (Knight用)がごく稀にドロップ
- Puppet Master's Encore
- , Wooden Boxがドロップ
- Thousand Shot, Prism of Dire Instabilityが稀にドロップ
- Jaco Pet Stone?がごく稀にドロップ
- The Hive (初級~中級ダンジョン)
- Abyss of Demons
- Stone Guardian
- Janus the Doorwarden
- をドロップ
- 時々とたまにをドロップ
- ドロップするアイテムのTier改善
- 稀にSpiteful Scutumをドロップ
- 今のところCraigは常にPuppet Master's Encoreを開く (Lair of Shaitanは開かない)
- サーバのRealm数を2から3に増加
- Wasp Queenの出現率減少(前版比60%減)
Patch Notes 27.7.X6 - Content Returns!
Please find below the patch notes for version 27.7.X6. The long awaited release of new content has arrived! There are 2 new dungeons, 1 new encounter, 7 new pieces of gear, 1 new character skin, and 2 new consumables. A big thank you to the community contributors for your assistance in this update. We hope you enjoy!
The Hive
- There is a new quest in the mid-plains which gives you entry to this low-mid tier dungeon!
- Here you can rarely find Dexterity Potions and a new sweet consumable.
- Rarely drops a new UT Orb and UT Scepter.
Toxic Sewers
- This new mid-high tier dungeon can be found in the mountains, look for gods of the slime variety!
- Here you will find guaranteed Defense Potions.
- Rarely drops a new UT Katana and UT Poison. Now and then the very rare and new Slurp Knight Skin will creep up on you as well!
Puppet Master's Encore
- He his back and he is angry. Craig might know the way to this dangerous new boss encounter.
- Here you will mainly find Attack Potions and... some kind of box.
- Rarely drops a new UT Crossbow and UT Prism. There is also a very rare new Jaco Pet Skin!
Updated Drop Changes on Existing Enemies:
Abyss of Demons
- Defense Potions are no longer guaranteed.
- Improved Vitality Potion drop distribution.
Stone Guardians
- Defense Potion drop chances have been increased.
Janus the Doorwarden
- Now mainly drops Attack Potions, in addition occasional Defense Potions and there is also still a small chance to get Vitality Potions.
- Increased quality of tiered gear drops.
- Rarely drops a new UT Shield!
Craig will always open the Puppet Master's Encore, but he will be able to bring back the Lair of Shaitan in the near future!
We have increased the number of realms per server to 3!
日本時間で 2016/10/13
- Puppet Master's Encoreでプレイヤーの出現位置を壁から離した
- Court of Oryx, Puppet Master's Encoreの人数制限を緩和
- Toxic Sewersのダンジョン出現率増加とのドロップ改善、経験値削減(ボスは増加)
- Abyss of Demonsでのドロップをわずかに改善
- The Hiveのクエスト出現率改善(前版比10~30%増)とダンジョン出現率増加
- 新スキンやPet Stone?のFeed Power設定
Hotfix 10/12/2016
After collecting feedback and analyzing player behavior (and having some additional goes at the new content ourselves!) after our big changes, we've decided to apply some small tweaks which should improve your experience!
- Puppet Master's Encore: moved player spawns further away from the wall to prevent players getting stuck
- Increased player limit for the Court of Oryx and the Puppet Master's Encore
- Toxic Sewers: increased likelihood of dungeon drop
- Toxic Sewers: improved Defense Potion drop distribution, slightly reduced EXP gain
- Abyss of Demons: slightly increased Defense Potion drop chance
- The Hive: increased quest spawn and likelihood of dungeon drop
- Added feed power to soulbound skins and pet skins which were still missing it
日本時間で 2016/10/21
- Court of Oryxのポータル寿命を延長。(30→60秒)(Janus the Doorwarden)
Lucky UT & Dungeons Weekend
Additional note: We increased the court of Oryx duration since we heard that people were running into issues there.
Build 27.7.X7
日本時間で 2016/10/28
- ハロウィンコンテンツ(2~3週間限定)
- Nexusの模様替え
- Oryx the Mad God 2が最終形態に到達
- Halloween Haunted Cemetery (ハロウィンイベントダンジョン)。Headless Horsemanからたまにドロップ
- Zombie HordeにボスBonegrind the Undead Butcher
- Pumpkin Shrine
- キャラクタースキン2種
- Headless Rider(Paladin)
- Vampire Lord(Necromancer)
- ペットスキン3種
- Pumpkin Head
- Giant Vampire Bat
- Sir Bagston
- ハロウィンキャンディトークン, Halloween Candy Tokenが主にHalloween Haunted Cemeteryでドロップ。50個集めるとHeadless Rider Skinが手に入る。イベント終了時に余ったトークンは消滅。
- ハロウィンリスキンアイテムのドロップとSoulbound解除、冬リスキンの撤去
- 特別ないたずらアイテム
- 修正点:
- ミステリーボックス?に販売上限機能を追加
- Steamで課金できない問題と外国通貨の問題を修正
- スタック弾の修正とリバランス: Djinn, Lucky Djinn, Grand Sphinx, Jon Bilgewater the Pirate King, Mini Larva, Armor Guard, Zombie Hulk, Mini Werewolf?, Tomb of the Ancientsのアーティファクト, Bes, Spider DenとThe Crawling Depthsのクモ, The ShattersのThe Forgotten King, Royal Guardian J?, The Forgotten Sentinel, Stone Paladin, Stone Mage, Fire Mage?, Fire Adept, Glacier Archmage?, Ice Adept
- スタンによるスタックの修正・削減: Killer Pillar?(Stun無効), Ice Sphere, ArchmageのIce Sphere, Ice Portal, Fire Portal?, Inferno?, White Dragon Orb?
- Headless Horsemanの回転アンカーが/pauseを妨げていたのを修正
- typo修正
- Cursed Crownのアニメーション修正
- トレード要請パネルによってロックリストのツールチップが無効になっていたのを修正
- 変更点:
- Stone Mage(70~90→110dmg), Fire Mage?のバランス調整( 50→85dmg), Grand Sphinxのスタック弾修正に伴う微調整( 115→120dmg)
- Cursed Amulet of ZombificationをAmulet of Dispersionに変更, ゾンビ化しないがマップ移動で消滅しない, HP+20→+30, MP+20→+30, Fame0→+3%
- Interactキーでトレードの拒否・ギルドボードを開く
- Janus the DoorwardenのチェストHP減少(15万→12万)
- Ghost of SkuldのUTアイテムルートに必要なSBダメージを著しく削減
- Abyss of Demonsのドロップをわずかに改善
- The Forgotten Sentinelの弾の見た目の調整
- Craigはポータルをランダムに開く
- The Phylacteryの攻撃音修正
- Janus the Doorwardenの経験値削除とLoot Chestに経験値付与(390)
- The Shattersのモンスターの経験値増加
- Goldyペットスキン
Patch Notes 27.7.X7 - Halloween in the Realm!
Please find below the patch notes for version 27.7.X7.
Halloween is nearly upon us and we have prepared a special themed event for it. There are also some new exclusive skins and items as well as some impactful fixes. We hope you enjoy the new content, have fun collecting the “candy” loot and are lucky enough to get the exclusive Headless Rider skin! Read on below for details.
Halloween Themed Content
- The nexus is spookier than ever. Red Healing Fountains!
- Oryx 2 has reached his final form (at least temporarily)
- The Halloween Cemetery including new enemies
- A new Halloween event Dungeon was created. Defeat the Pumpkin Master and his minions.
- Horseman will drop sometime a portal to the Halloween special dungeon.
The Zombie Invasion
- Horseman will drop sometime a portal to the Halloween special dungeon.
- Zombie Hordes are back! But now they come with an old friend, so watch out. He will also drop candy!
- Beware of Bonegrind this time around
Pumpkin Shrines - They will be spawning around the world
- Be careful, reportedly the Headless Horseman is never far
2 new character skins - The Headless Rider (Paladin Skin)
- The Vampire Lord (Necromancer Skin)
3 new pet skins - Pumpkin Head (Belongs to the Headless Rider)
- Giant Vampire Bat
- Sir Bagston
Collectible Halloween Candy Tokens - Special Candy Token items will drop in various Halloween themed locations / events. (Best chances are supposedly in the Halloween Cemetary)
- Collect 50 Candy Tokens to achieve the new Headless Rider Skin
- Note that any leftover tokens will be removed after the Halloween event is be over
Reskinned Halloween Items - The 6 T11 Halloween weapons now drop instead of the 6 T11 Winter weapons
- Bow of Nightmares, Skull-splitter Sword, Staff of Horrific Knowledge, Dagger of the Terrible Talon, Wand of Ancient Terror, Corrupted Cleaver
A special trick item (in case somebody did not give you a nice treat) - A rare consumable and just the right thing for your trick or treat experience. You will have to find one to figure out what it exactly does though.
Mystery Box Shop - Purchase limit functionality added (this will not be applied to all boxes)
Steam - Various fixes for issues with the Steam overlay for purchases
- Issues with various foreign currencies
Stacked shots - Stacked shots were fixed in various locations. Some encounters were rebalanced as a result but death shouldn’t come as such a surprise anymore
- Djinn, Lucky Djinn, Grand Sphinx
- Jon Bilgewater the Pirate King, Mini Larva, Armor Guard, Zombie Hulk, Mini Werewolf
- All Artifacts in Tomb of the Ancients and Bes
- All Spiders in Spider Den and The Crawling Depths
- Several enemies in the Shatters: The Forgotten King, Royal Guardian J, The Forgotten Sentinel, Stone Paladin, Stone Mage, Fire Mage, Fire Adept, Glacier Archmage and everyone's favorite, the Ice Adept!
- Fixed/reduced stacked patterns occurring from stuns
- All Killer Pillars at the Avatar of the Forgotten King are now Stun Immune
- Ice Sphere, Archmage's Ice Sphere, Ice Portal, Fire Portal, Inferno, White Dragon Orb
Fixed Horseman Anchors preventing players from pausing in the Godlands
Fixed several typos and language errors
Fixed The Cursed Crown animation
Fixed trade request panel breaking the locklist
Changes - Balance adjustments for Stone Mage, Fire Mage and to a smaller extent the Grand Sphinx, due to stacked shot fixes (see below)
- The Cursed Amulet of Zombification is now known as the Amulet of Dispersion and no longer zombifies, revives or disappears upon leaving the area
- Interact hotkey can now be used to reject trade requests and to open the guild board
- Increased Court of Oryx portal duration (this was already part of a hotfix recently), reduced HP of Janus' Chest
- Significantly reduced damage threshold for untiered drops from Skuld
- Slight change to Abyss of Demons DEF drops (small increase overall)
- Adjusted projectile aesthetics for the Forgotten Sentinel
- Craig will now randomly spawn Puppet Master Encore or Lair of Shaitan portals.
This event will last for about 2-3 weeks. After the time is up, everything will be reverted to it’s old state but of course you get to keep your items. The only exception are the Halloween Candy Tokens. They will disappear when the next patch is applied. So be sure to double click them when you have 50 to create the Headless Rider Skin.
Our continued thanks goes to our community for providing great assets via our draw tool that we sometimes just have to touch up slightly to get them into the game! A special thanks this time around goes out to Clickbait for creating the cool Vampire Lord.
Build 27.7.X7.1
日本時間で 2016/11/4
- ペットストーンの説明書きの更新と、ペットにファミリーを設定。当該ペットは融合でも非常に稀に入手できる可能性がある
- Sir Bagston, Goldy: ? ? ? ?
- Giant Vampire Bat, Pumpkin Head, Jaco: Spooky
- スタート画面での16x16スキンの表示修正
- スタート画面でニュースがない場合のリンク先がWild Shadowではなくなった
- 一部Pet Stoneのグラフィックをデフォルトから変更
- Pet Stoneの表示名をPet Skinに変更
Patch Notes 27.7.X7.1
In this release we have pushed some bug fixes and improvements.
- Display issues with 16x16 characters in all Leaderboards, Death Screen, New Character Screen
- The fall back news post (if no other news is present) no longer points to Wild Shadow forums
- New Pets from pet stones have been put into their proper pet families - Note that while these pets can be obtained via fusing, they are extremely rare. The skins can also be obtained via using the appropriate pet stone:
- Sir Bagston: ? ? ? ?
- Goldy: ? ? ? ?
- Giant Vampire Bat: Spooky
- Pumpkin Head: Spooky
- Jaco: Spooky
- Putting the new pets into the proper pet families solves some issues players were encountering attempting to fuse.
- Pet Stone descriptions updated to describe the change in family of the pet, also explicitly mentioning that the rarity does not get upgraded and the skin will be overwritten in case of fusing.
Build 27.7.X8
日本時間で 2016/11/18
- ハロウィンイベントの終了・秋季Nexus
- ミステリーボックス?の期限表示
- Halloween Candy Tokenのドロップ終了とアイテム消滅
- Entの挙動修正(MPK対策)
- Steamで起きる「Invalid Account Error」の対策
- Ent Ancientの弾Bark Boltの回転速度を修正
Patch Notes 27.7.X8
In this release we have pushed some bug fixes and improvements.
- Halloween Season is over and the Autumn Nexus was introduced. Feel free to bask in it’s glory
- Zombie Hordes and Halloween themed enemies are no longer spawning
- Improvements to the mystery box shop - there will be a timer on most boxes to indicate when they will run out
- Halloween Candy is no longer dropping and excess candies were removed from the inventories
Ent Behavior updated: In order to make Ent Sitting less likely, we made some small design tweaks.
- Occurrences of “Invalid Account Error” on Steam
Note that you will still be able to use the Halloween Cemetary Keys you already have and get the same loot from the boss as before. The only thing not dropping anymore is Halloween Candy.
Build 27.7.X8.1
日本時間で 2016/11/25
- 感謝祭イベントとしてCube GodがGobble Godに変化。(Cube扱い)
- モンスタードロップのダンジョンは出現時に24マス以内にいた場合のみ進入可能。(チート対策)
- ダンジョンにどこからでも進入できるバグを修正。(reconnectチート対策ではなく上記と同じ)
- スキンを追加
- Pilgrim Father (Paladin)
- Pilgrim Mother (Mystic)
- Wizard Supreme (Wizard)
- Vault開放アイテムとキャラクタースロット開放アイテム(未リリース)
- マイナスEXPが発生するバグを修正
- 無名プレイヤーの/teleportコマンドを制限
- 管理ツールの更新
- Cube GodのHPを10000→15000に増加(現在出現しないので確定か不明)。
Patch Notes 27.7.X8.1 Gobble Gobble. Happy Thanksgiving!
On Thanksgiving, we would like to thank the entire RotMG community for the support you’ve shown the game over the past few months. Stick around, the best is yet to come.
In this release we’ve brought back the Turkey God to help us celebrate Thanksgiving. This time around it’s a little tougher to kill and now known as the Gobble God! We’ve also fixed a bunch of issues, improved our admin tools, and have a few new character skins.
Important Change to Entering Monster Dropped Dungeons:
An exploit was recently discovered where players could enter a dungeon from any location using hacked clients. We have put in a fix that removes the capability to do this. But a byproduct of this fix is that dungeons dropped by monsters can only be entered by players within 24 tiles of the dying monster. We understand that this is a fairly impactful change, but we weighed the pros and cons and decided that this was better than leaving the exploit unpatched. We also thought it may have some other benefits and help reinforce cooperation, although it may take some time to get used to. But as with all changes we are open to hearing feedback and making further adjustments.
Note: This does not affect portals opened with keys.
- Gobble God Encounter - Stuff your backpacks and mouths with some food
- Pilgrim Father Skin - new skin for the Paladin class (credit to Phops for the design)
- Pilgrim Mother Skin - new skin for the Mystic Class (credit to Phops for the design)
- A skin for the wizard class to be announced later
- Item to unlock Vault Chest and item to unlock Character Slot - not yet available in game.
- Added improvements to our admin tools
- Cube God is temporarily disabled
- Occurrences of characters getting negative XP
- Unnamed player teleporting using chat command
- Exploit to enter dungeon from any location
日本時間で 2016/11/25
- 以下のダンジョン以外でポータル出現時の24マス制限を撤廃
- Realmに戻るポータルとLair of Draconisの(Ivoryへの?)ポータルの問題を修正。
Dear players,
While we have started to look at how our recent patch is impacting game play and of course checking out your feedback, we have decided to pull back the distance restrictions from most monster dropped dungeons while keeping the system intact for the following ones: Tomb of the Ancients / Ocean Trench / Shatters / Ice Caves / Lair Of Draconis / Davy Jones Locker / Crawling Depths. In the process we also fixed realm portals in dungeons and the portal issue occurring inside Lair of Draconis.
We would like to thank all those players who provided meaningful and constructive feedback that helps us to evaluate our changes and apply tweaks where needed. While we always try to provide good fixes for exploits we find, there are bound to be times where it is not perfect on the first throw. So, thanks again, you help a lot!
To all those who have conjured up images of the Armageddon being upon the game… you can usually assume that we are not out to implement something that will inconvenience the players the most and then make no adjustments - just because we feel like it. What possible reason could we have for such a course of action? The reason we are raising this point is to let you know that it is way more time consuming to find the constructive and useful information if everybody is just randomly hurling curses and insults.
So now, with this first tweak live, please continue to give us feedback on the topic and we will continue to adjust the settings over the next days so that we can achieve the fix for the initial exploit and notifiers while at the same time not inhibiting the cooperative features of the game more than strictly necessary.
All the best,
Your Deca Team
Build 27.7.X9
日本時間で 2016/12/7
- ダンジョンの距離制限を撤廃、異なるポータルチート対策。
- 冬季Nexus
- 新たにOryx's Castleの冬バージョンを実装。Stone Guardian周辺は滑る。
- Stone GuardianはParalyze無効・Stun無効、Stone Guardian SwordはStun無効。(コミュニティの反応次第で恒久化)
- 凍ったCrystal Prisoner、Frozen Wand?をドロップ。Crystal Wandのリスキンアイテム。
- トークン
- Snowflake Token 50個で新UTFreezing Quiverと交換 (まだドロップしない)
- Candy Cane Token 50個でRudolph the Berzerkスキンアイテムと交換, Ice Cave, Crystal Prisoner, Oryx the Mad God 2, Oryx's Castleで来月1/12までドロップ。
- 新スキン (by Beige)
- Rudolph the Berzerk (Warrior)
- Miss Santa (Paladin)
- Snow Queen (Wizard)
- 新ペットスキン (by Beige)
- Christmas Tree (? ? ? ?)
- Red Nose (Woodland)
- Gobble GodをCube Godに戻した。
- Vaultを再デザイン。チェストを60→80箱、ギフトチェストを5→20箱に増加。
- 支払いシステムをKabamのものから新規に変更。限定テスト中。
- 不具合:Vaultチェストから取り出したアイテムが消えたように見える視覚上の問題が報告されている。当面はNexusするか再読込で解消する。
- Cube GodはHP1万→1.5万に強化確定。(Gobble Godは2万なので弱体化)
- Gobble GodのCube属性を除去。(出現しない)
Patch Notes 27.7.X9
Dungeon Exploit Fix Updated
Since the last release, we’ve continued to improve our fix for the dungeon exploit. We’ve come up something that no longer requires a radius of proximity. This new fix closes the exploit and still allows calling of guild members for dungeons.
Baby, it’s Cold outside!!
We have some winter themed updates to keep you busy during the holidays.
- Oryx's Castle has been transformed by the power of winter and ice! The Stone Guardians area is now slippery!
- The Stone Guardians are now Paralyze and Stun Immune, the Sword is Stun Immune - if you like this change we might keep it permanent!
- The Crystal Prisoner and his Steeds look frosty as well! He can drop the reskinned UT, the Frozen Wand.
- We have two new collectable tokens that you can collect to achieve the new UT and the new Rudolph the Berzerk Skin
- There are also a number of new seasonal character and pet skins (More info below)
- Freezing Quiver - a new UT for Archers
- Frozen Wand - a UT reskin of the Crystal Wand
- Rudolph the Berzerk Skin, Miss Santa Skin, Snow Queen Skin - credit to Beige for the designs
- Christmas Tree and Red Nose Pet Stones - credit to Beige for the designs
- Snowflake Tokens - collectable tokens reserved to unlock the Freezing Quiver (not yet dropping, details to be announced later).
- Candy Cane Tokens - collectable tokens drop in the Ice Cave, Crystal Prisoner, Oryx 2, Oryx’s winter castle until January 12th. Collect 50 to unlock the Rudolph the Berzerk Skin.
- Removed the necessity to be in proximity to dying boss to enter dungeon
- Oryx’s Castle is now frozen and Stone Guardians have new immunities
- Removed Gobble God Encounter and reactivated Cube God
- Nexus is now winter themed
- Vault redesigned to include additional Vault Chests and Gift Boxes (there are now 80 Vault chests and 20 Gift Chests) Note: The order of chests is designed to be closest to spawn
- A new payment system to replace Kabam’s - currently in limited testing.
Update 12:37 PST: Visual Glitch Reported
- Some players have reported a visual glitch when you move items from a vault chest. It appears like the item has disappeared, but it only a visual display error. Going to the nexus or reloading will correct the issue.
- We are looking into the cause and will let you know when a fix is found.
Build 27.7.XMAS
日本時間で 2016/12/17
- 新ミニダンジョン : Ice Tomb
- 冬リスキン/UTリスキンのドロップ
- 新ST Dragon Tamer Set (Warrior) Soulbound, 染料未対応
- ペットスキン
- Red Bagston
- Helper Bagston
- Red Helper Bagston
- Muddy Tidechaser
- Phylactery Mystic SetはLair of Draconisでドロップしなくなった
- Snowflake TokenがIce Tombでドロップ (2017/2/2まで有効)
- Candy Cane Tokenがドロップする敵からもドロップする
- The Shattersのイベントチェスト実装
- Ice Caveのイベントチェスト実装
- Esben the Unwillingのスタックショット修正
- Necromancerの最大ATT 60→75
- Skull ShrineのHP 1万→1.5万 と低HPでStun無効
- Pentaract EyeのHP 500→650、ダメージ 50→80、連射間隔半減
- PentaractのHP 5000→8000、100→130(鈍足) 他
- 新しい支払いシステム
- Kabam.comアカウントの移行は12/21までで終了
- ハロウィンリスキンのドロップ終了
- Gobble God, Pumpkin ShrineのHP 2万→1.5万 (出現しない)
- Dragon Tamer (Warrior)
Patch Notes 27.7.XMAS - New Ice Tomb Encounter and Minor Rebalancing
Santa Bagston is coming… to town! So be good for goodness sake
As we are approaching X-Mas and New Year’s Eve, this will be the second and last part of our winter update for this year. You will be able to face a new winter encounter and can finally start collecting those snowflake tokens!
Also included in this release is a set of minor rebalancing changes. These changes are just the beginning of our plans to make some of the outdated parts of the game a bit more relevant and challenging again. Details below.
- The“Ice Tomb,” a new encounter dungeon & its key item were added. You will find the classic winter reskins there, as well as some new drops (including, the Winter Edition of the three Tomb of the Ancients UT rings). Ice Tomb can be entered via Craig the Intern
- Dragon Tamer - a warrior ST set which you will be able to find it in the Lair of Draconis or in the rotation of ST mystery boxes - (note that this set currently does not support dyes or cloths and will be soulbound to safeguard against duping attempts). As with the other ST sets, there is also
- Sword: ‘Indomptable’
- 566 - 650 Damages
- Range: 3.5
- Rof: 25%
- Range: 3.5
- Pierce
- On Equip: -10 def
- Fame Bonus: 4%
- Helm “Helm of Draconic Dominance”
- Activate on Self: +250 HP for 10 sec
- Paralyze enemies for 2 sec, range: 2.5
- On Equip: +10 def, +5 spd
- Cost: 90 MP
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Fame Bonus: 4%
- Armor: “Zaarvox’s Heart”
- On Equipe: +17 def, +5 spd
- Fame Bonus: 4%
- Trinket: “Amulet of Drakefyre”
- On Equip +115 HP, +5 spd
- Fame Bonus: 4%
Here is a picture of the full set on a level 1 warrior: http://imgur.com/a/iciNi
- Sir Bagston is dressing up exclusively for the winter season and you will have a chance to get your hands on three separate pet stones - each will give you a distinctive Bagston holiday look
- Common humanoid pet - Muddy Tidechaser (available as pet stone or via hatching humanoid eggs)
- Mystic ST set is now only dropping from the Lich encounter (no longer from LoD)
- Snowflake Tokens - these collectable tokens reserved to unlock the Freezing Quiver will now have chance to drop with the best chances to find them in the Ice Tomb. Other than that, they drop pretty much anywhere where candy canes also drop. You will be able to collect these until the 2nd of February 2017, before they will vanish - so be sure to collect all 50!
- Updated the Shatters to work with event chests - we will definitely give this a try soon
- Updated the Ice Cave to work with event chests - also fixed stacked shots from Esben
Balancing Updates
- Necromancer -> max attack increased to 75 (from 60)
- Cube Gods and Skull Shrines -> increased HP (+5000), added new defense mechanics (i.e. stun immune at low hp)
- Pentaract Eyes -> increased HP (+150), dmg (+30), shot frequency halved
- Pentaract Towers -> increased HP (+3000), bomb dmg (+30) & slow, new defense mechanics
New Payments System
We are now introducing a new payment system from a vendor named Xsolla. The new system works similarly to the old one, but with additional payment methods and differences in the way it handles currency conversion . This system will replace Kabam’s payments system on our website only.
NOTE: The new system is not compatible with NoScript. You must turn off NoScript in order to see the paywall.
Announcement: Kabam.com account migration option will be removed by Dec 21st
- The option to migrate any old kabam.com accounts will be removed by Dec. 21st
We would like to thank Beige (Ice Tomb Bosses, Xmas skins), Phops (Reworked ST Gear art and created 8x8 Skin), Poshun (16x16 ST Warrior Skin) and everyone who helped us with this release.
日本時間で 2016/12/23
- Ice TombのLoot ChestをHP 5万→10万、サイズを大きく
- Ice Tombの敵名称やアイテム説明の修正、管理者アイテムの説明追加
- Geb→Glacius, Bes→Frimar, Nut→Polaris
- oryxが転送へたくそになってる。。。 -- 2016-10-16 (日) 12:37:48